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What do Ya'll thInk about applespike?

Aryame #2 · Oct 9th, 2015 · · 3 ·

I think every moment spent not dropkicking Spike is a moment wasted.

4767096 I have no idea what you mean by that.

There's a pun in that sentence... but I'm not gonna say it:trollestia:

I don't. It's a ridiculous ship, same as with the ones with Rarity. He's a kid, and they're both adults.

I dislike this one almost as much as I do the ones with RariJack.

And I absolutely despise that one!

4767094 My thoughts on the ship are, in order: Ick, no, and boo.

But if you let me sway how and what you ship, then you're not doing shipping right.

4767094 Applejack and Spike have a lot in common. They're both best when put in a supporting role to other characters (the voice of reason), they work hard, and they try to be as much help as possible. I can definitely see them in a healthy, practical relationship in a few years. You know. Because Spike's just a little young right now.

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Assuming dragons and ponies age differently, Applejack will probably be long gone by the time Spike is mature enough to be in a healthy romantic relationship, so I don't really think about Spike ships in general.

4767100 What, I said Ya'll?

4767209 That's why, In my fanfic He's grown up!


4767258 I'm actually confused.
In the show, Spike grew 'Older' The more greedy he got.
Now I wonder if he actually grows Naturally.

So... Spike stays a baby forever and never gets a marefriend?


It's too horrifying to think about

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That's one way to look at it. It's not the greatest outlook for Spike, especially after it turned out the "teenager" dragons he followed on the dragon migration were a bunch of jerks.

4767521 Yeahh... I wonder if all canon dragons are like that or if it's just because spike was born with 'Magic'
(B/c Twilight did that spell...)


The same thing I think about all Spike ships*. Spike is a child, therefore the ship shall not sail.

*SpikeBloom is possibly viable, but A) only as a toyship, and B) still comes with the problem of ponies and dragons probably aging at vastly different rates.

4768960 Wait, I'm the only one!? Geez, seriously. It's not like it's ever gonna happen, but it's fun to think about!

Generally speaking, I don't ship (except friend-ship). Not that I oppose others shipping, just saying why, for me, the most interesting part of that would be the reaction from Rarity. She might not reciprocate Spike's feelings in the show, but I doubt she'd be above enjoying the attention, at least a little. AJ x Spike could make her feel conflicted without wanting to admit it -- even to herself.

Yeah, AJ loves being fawned over by guys she doesn't really like. She totally enjoyed Trenderhoof's attention. :ajbemused:

I don't see a lot of conflict there. Just awkwardness.

4769986 No, no -- re-read what I said. Rarity's reaction. Rarity being conflicted.

Ah, yes. I could see that. I just don't see AJ reciprocating Spike's feelings any more than Rarity, for the same reason: he's a kid.

4768960 Finally


I was starting to get depress cause Most of the comments are Negative/Nos

4770104 F-urri later said "That's why, In my fanfic He's grown up!" Easy enough to miss, though -- it was in a different response further down.


Like I said, I don't ship, but here's an added twist for such a relationship if you wanted to write more about it. I get the impression that AJ would want to start a family some day, since family is so important to her. I dunno if such a couple would end up having half-dragon, half-pony kids, draconequui (Discord's species -- the name "draconequus" is literally half dragon, half equine... dunno where Discord's antler comes from...), or just have to adopt. Or if your AJ would sacrifice having a family for your Spike, and how your Spike would react to that.

Then that depends totally on what his character is. In canon, he's a kid. If you age up a canon character, you're essentially making an OC that people recognize as a more mature version of the character (which I've done.) You could age up Spike in a way that Rarity would like him or a way that AJ would like him, but asking what people think about that is like asking "What do you think about AJ x <my OC>?"

4770525 What...

I saw this in a Silver Quill vid but I have no idea why this is here.

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