Equestrian Trivia Society 72 members · 0 stories
Comments ( 27 )
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Group Admin

OK. We have six admins at this point, so it's safe to say that now we should focus on getting this group up and smoothly running. I'm open to any suggestions, though I won't be able to respond until at least 3:45 EST. Also, if anyone can create a group icon and a better logo, please let me know.

Group Admin

Right now, my idea is to possibly divide the daily trivia into different categories in order to increase the number of questions each day. Each admin would be responsible for one catergory for a total of six. We also might try to host trivia competitions, so that would take some coordination on our half, but I'd personally think it's worth it.

Group Admin

I'm home, so feel free to shoot ideas at me. Are there any objections to the above idea?

Sleepy Panda
Group Admin

4389574 Well, I think you should start the group off slowly at first. Maybe only a few questions a day. Once you get more members, then you'll be able to fully start the group because there would be more people participating.

I like the sound of trivia competitions. One question, though: are you planning to have prizes?

Group Admin

4391394 Well, if we can get organized, we should be able to arrange prizes. For now I'm going to keep it to one trivia thread, but I'll organize it into catergories once we get enough questions. Also, feel free to add questions of your own to the thread. That goes for other admins as well.

Group Admin

4391545 What do you have in mind for prizes once we're organized?

Group Admin

4391566 It would most likely end up being art commissions, since we don't have any review group bigwigs here and it's hard to get people to offer story commissions.

Smaug the Golden
Group Admin

4389574 For trivia, we could divide it into things like background ponies, history, main characters, stuff like that. For group communications, I'd say we should find some way to easily communicate on issues that would take forever that isn't just a thread. I've seen threads that discuss something for ages on end, they're just a pain at a certain point.

Group Admin

4391669 Sounds reasonable. I'll discuss how to divide the categories with you later, but you seem to be going in a good direction. Any issues with the group once we get it up and smoothly running will be done in PMs, which should keep the threads clear. Also, any recommendations on organizing the front page?

Smaug the Golden
Group Admin

4391753 For the front page, I'd say we do links to the different trivia sections, a basic description of the group itself, a link to the rules and just a basic rundown of where or who to go to if you have any issue.

Any issues with the group once we get it up and smoothly running will be done in PMs

I know that it's your group, so your say is final, but please, let's not do this. In a different group I admin for, there's three of us admins, and we tried this. We eventually decided just to use chat websites for communication. Just my two cents, anyway.

Group Admin

4391785 OK. You have any recommendations for where we could do this? If this is how it's going to work, it would help to know where to go.

Smaug the Golden
Group Admin

4391800 Chatstep and Chatcrypt are what we eventually decided on. Both are good, you just need to pick a room name and password, then you put those in and a nickname, and you'll all be able to chat. We ended up deciding on ChatCrypt for Weekly Contests, simply because one of the admins was getting kicked out of ChatStep for no apparent reason.

Group Admin

4391669 Also, I think I have the trivia categories worked out. Since there's six of us, I'll make six categories with each of us taking one. Each one wil be based around a mane six member.

Twilight- History (Anything occurring in the timeline before Nightmare Moon's return)
Rarity- Actors and Music (Facts about the voice actors and songs from the show)
Rainbow Dash- Recent Occurrences (About events during non-historical episodes)
Fluttershy- Equestrian Creatures (About the non-pony creatures in Equestria)
Pinkie Pie- Minor Characters (Anyone but Main Six, Spike, Princesses or villains)
Applejack- Important Characters (All the above mentioned)

How does this sound?

Smaug the Golden
Group Admin

4391851 That sounds good. If we're allowed to pick, I'd probably be good with Fluttershy or Twilight. :twilightblush:

Group Admin

4391871 I'll give you Fluttershy once we get this set up. I'll be taking Rarity myself. Also, I've set up a chatcrypt room for the admins. I'll pm you the password in a few minutes, along with the rest of the admins.

Group Admin

4391871 OK. I've set up a chatcrypt room, I'll send you the password later. Also, I'll give you Fluttershy once we get this set up. I'll personally take Rarity. The other admins can decide in the chatroom.

Smaug the Golden
Group Admin

4391883 Alright. Will we agree on when to meet via PM or in threads?

Group Admin

By pm. No point in clogging up the threads any more than we have to. I've seen the nightmare other groups have become.

Smaug the Golden
Group Admin

4391901 True.
Edit: Love the new banner.

Group Admin

4391910 That wasn't me.

Group Admin

4391394 Nice work on the banner!

Sleepy Panda
Group Admin

4391919 Thanks. :twilightsmile:

I'll probably be touching it up over the next few days or so. It's not the best banner ever, but hopefully it'll work for a while.

Smaug the Golden
Group Admin

4391940 I like it. :twilightsmile: It beats plenty of other banners I've seen as well.

Group Admin

4391940 Do you think you could createan icon for the group, also?

Sleepy Panda
Group Admin

4391949 Hm, I could try. What do you want as the icon?

Group Admin

4391952 I'll leave that up to you. For now, though, I suggest we take this to the chat page. I just sent you the link by pm.

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