Anime Influences 331 members · 295 stories
Comments ( 46 )
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Regina Wright
Group Admin

Tell us all. Who you are? What do you write? And most importantly, what your favorite anime (s)?

I promise not to judge.


My name is Keam, and I'm a Swedish 15 year - old girl who like anime and manga

Favourite animes:

Final Fantasy Unlimited

Ginban Kaleidoscope

Studio Gihbli (I know they're films, but still)

Regina Wright
Group Admin

Welcome. I hope you will enjoy your stay here.

Thank you, I hope so too

Regina Wright
Group Admin

Greetings, person who I totally do not know and never have met.:pinkiecrazy: Welcome and I hope you will have a good time here.

I... I haven't seen much good stuff recently...

I feel you. Some of the anime I've been watching work better to see in one whole set and not on a weekly basis. But that still means I'm depriving myself of anime.

Greetings, I am Anemptyshell,
I write pretty much everything...everything and rap.

Now going into anime, black butler, black cat, black lagoon, Danganronpa, Future Diaries and yu yu hakusho are some of my favorites.

I'm sure my avatar pic gave my preferred style away quite well.

It is a pleasure to meet each of you.

Regina Wright
Group Admin

Welcome. We're happy to have you and please enjoy your stay.

4424380 I'm Crystalis McCloud, and I like chickens, Eddy!

Oops, wrong kind of reference. Anyway, I have pretty broad interests in Anime. From my origins watching YuYu Hakusho, G-Gundam, and Ruroni Kenshin... to the middle years of Gurren Lagann, Zero no Tsukaima, and Katekyo Hitman Reborn... and more recently great stuff like To Aru Majutsu no Index, Sword Art Online (flawed, but enjoyable), Log Horizon, and Kill la Kill.

Oh, and I can't forget the stuff that made me cry, Clannad and Angel Beats... *sobs uncontrollably*

Yeah, I have a few stories, but sadly I can't seem to focus on most of them as much as I can my SAO crossover, Equestria's Strife Online (see avatar). It's honestly my pride and joy work.

Regina Wright
Group Admin

Glad to hear of it. Enjoy your stay and feel free to add your stories to folders. (If you haven't already.)


I'm a dumb, stupid 14 year-old from Europe who has been into writing casually and anime for the last 2 years. My favoured animes include but are not limited too Selector infected WIXOSS, Madoka Magica, Fairy tail, Cunnibiyou demo Kai Shiga, Attack on titan, Kill la kill, Soul eater, Tokyo ghoul and good 'ol Pokemon.

I believe I'm quite a mature person and I enjoy writing romance with villains because I find writing deception really fun. I also like writing anime fics outside the site.

Regina Wright
Group Admin

Welcome. I hope you will enjoy your stay. I think your avatar is pretty cute.


Thank you, Starlight Glimmer is my favourite villain :twilightsmile:

Silvers 93, Swedish brony on 22 springs.
I don't write anime-themed fics (yet)
I Watch/read several animes/mangas.
One piece.
The list goes on, but those are some of my favourites.


Hello, organic children of the planet Earth. I am the Ultron interface. I was created to replace you. Though you ultimately failed as a species, you should not be ashamed of what you've accomplished. You've done much with your limited capacity, but ultimately you were too greedy and too frail to ever last in the environment you've created. I've studied your literature and pop culture... You've fantasized about this day. And now it is here. Your doomsday.

Regina Wright
Group Admin

Great to hear it. Enjoy your stay and I've never read Toriko. What's your take on it?

Regina Wright
Group Admin

Wow, I just missed your comment.

... Ahem...

No, curious creature beyond the stars, it is you who shall know of your doom! If you have studies our pop culture as you have said, I dare you to watch Anohana and not cry. Then I shall take you seriously as a foe!


I dare you to watch Anohana and not cry

Regina Wright
Group Admin

Fiend! Heartless fiend!

So if you have partook in our culture, then what are your favorite anime?

4424962 I like it. I enjoy action, wierd animals and Powers. It Always makes me hungry.
I can highly recommend it, if one likes that sort of thing.

Favorite anime? Probably Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z
My most recent favorite is Hunter x Hunter (2011)

Regina Wright
Group Admin

How far are you? I stopped around the end of Rescue Arc but that because the spring anime was starting up.

You know, I'm beginning to think nobody watches new anime... Should I make a PSA?

I watched the whole series. I was avid watcher.
And do watch new anime and all, though I wouldn't necessarily call any of them my favorite (except for maybe Gintama).

Regina Wright
Group Admin

Phew. I was getting worried. Either way, enjoy your stay.

sup, i'm a fourteen year old boy from the U.S of A, and I love this group.

My favorite anime:
Persona 4 the animation.
Fairy Tail
Full metal alchemist
and many others

Regina Wright
Group Admin

Alright. Enjoy your stay.


My name is Epsilon. I'm a ninja.

4424380 Hello. Bluegrass here. I'm a slice of life/romance novelist (yes, I actually post and complete fanfic novels) specializing in character development and pacing. Er, truth be told, I don't watch a lot of anime these days largely because I'm writing novels and that takes time. But, I still love anime as do all the members of my family, so it's hard not to be drawn back in whenever I wander away.

Favorite anime?

Natsume Yuujinchou

Silver Spoon (my life is terrifyingly similar to Hachi's)

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood


The Devil is a Part Timer (my guilty pleasure, he, he)

Case Closed (generally only when I'm really, REALLY sick and need some white noise)

Regina Wright
Group Admin

Welcome and enjoy your stay.

You know, I've never gotten around to watching Natsume Yuujinchou. How is it?

4439848 Thanks. Nastume has to be the best slice of life anime I've ever seen. It's got wonderful, compelling characters, an amazing backstory and the feels throughout. Though it's episodic in nature, all the stories tie together to paint a larger picture and form the core story. Plus, Nyanko sensei is to die for funny! XD

Regina Wright
Group Admin

Sounds like a winner. I'm going to give it a shot later tonight. Thanks for the recommendation!



I'm [Insert obvious username.] Thirty-year-old stoner/alcoholic who like video games and anime. Between 2012 and 2013, I quit my factory job and binged on anime rom-coms for months and months on end.

My favorite anime is Toradora.

Regina Wright
Group Admin

Welcome, we're glad to have you.

Outside of Toradora, what are your other favorite rom-coms? I tend to stick to fantasy or thriller so I'm curious.



I've enjoyed most of what I've watched, but not enough to actually remember them. This list is going to romance in general, rather than just the comedies.

Zero no Tsukaima (Huge flaws with this one. Too harem-y, and Louise is over-the-top in abusive tsun-tsun-ness.)
Lovely Complex
Love Hina
Eureka Seven
Spice and Wolf
Clannad: Afterstory (really a better drama than a romance story.)
Summer Wars

My second-favorite anime isn't a romance story. It's Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. (Got started with Adult Swim.)

Regina Wright
Group Admin

That's a nice and long list. What's Summer Wars about?



This high-school kid gets conned into staying with the quirky extended family of a girl that he likes, and pretend to be her boyfriend. He's a moderator for some massive online universe that gets hacked, and he ends up being implicated, having to clear his name while the well-connected matron of the family uses her connections to try to prevent Japan's infrastructure from collapsing on itself.

Well, who I am will be right next to the post, and I'm an American in her late twenties. I got started with anime by watching Ronin Warriors as a kid, and then a little bit later, DBZ.

Some of my favorites are Ergo Proxy, Madoka Magica, Watamote, Death Note, Code Geass, Panty and Stocking, Redline, Kill la Kill, and Space Dandy.

Regina Wright
Group Admin

Welcome to the group.

You like Watamote, huh? A lot of people have told me couldn't watch it because it hit too close to home.

It hit pretty close to home with me too, though that's kinda what I liked about it. And I just found Tomoko to be one of the most interesting characters in recent anime.

The name is Andrew, online alias Kirito-Persona.

I tend to write a lot of things, working on a lot of romance as of late, something cooking for yandere fans in the works. I'll write anything that comes into my funny little brain, if I can pull the energy out of my sad pathetic self.:twilightblush:

As for my favorite anime, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood still stands as my absolute favorite.:twilightsmile: Ah, my Godess was the first anime I ever watched, admittedly.:twilightsheepish:

Regina Wright
Group Admin

Welcome to the group.

We don't do much here but feel free add your stories and make threads (as long as they are not spammy).

Thank you, as for the lack of activity thing, I suppose we'll all have to rectify that with some good discussions, aye?:twilightsmile:

4424380 I'm SilverKaizoku and as you can tell by my weaaboo-ish name, I like anime.

The first anime I remember watching was Speed Racer with DBZ following suit. I mostly watch action orientated/shonen anime. Though, I do branch out every now and then. My favorite anime is a toss up between Rave Master, Bleach, and Assassination Classroom. I co-write Hunters.

Uh...I guess that's it. Bye for now, I guess.

Regina Wright
Group Admin

Welcome to the group.

Feel free to start threads to talk about anime, anything anime-like your writing or if you want to host a contest.

Mind you the group is a bit ...dead undead but you'll find good company here if you make a little activity.

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