Anime Influences 331 members · 295 stories
Comments ( 3 )
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Regina Wright
Group Admin

Starting from the top:

And Everything Ended (Your Dark, Tragic, Sad, Morbid and Grim-dark Stories go here.)
Subcategories: It Was Deserved, It Wasn't Fair, It Wasn't Right

And Nothing Happened (Your Slice of Life fics go here.)

Comedies (Explains itself.)
Subcategories: Gags, Toilet Humor, Sexual Humor

Crossovers (Who coulda guessed?)
Subcategories: Anime Characters In Equestria, Ponies In Anime World

Fantasy (Completely surprised. Magic really exists?!)
Subcategories: High Fantasy, Save The Princess, Save The World

Homages (Fics that take direct inspiration from anime and give it their own spin.)

Parodies (Fics who do the exact opposite and mock it.)

Romance (What a strange concept? Why does my heart hurt?)
Subcategories: Character A Likes Character B, Character A Likes Character B and C, Their First Time (Or Not) NSFW, Today, Character A Picks Up Groceries, Yesterday, Character B Cried.

Sci-Fi ( All about that pew-pew, am I right?)
Subcategories: Madness, Mecha, Monsters

If you got a story that doesn't fit in any of the aforementioned folders or have ideas on new folders, please state your request below.

Regina Wright
Group Admin

I like your thinking. Done.

  • Viewing 1 - 50 of 3