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TTGL or Kill La Kill: Which is cooler?

. . .They're both just so amazingly over the top that I can't decide.


"Cool" isn't the word I would use to describe either. They are hotblooded, which in a way is kinda the polar opposite of cool.

That said, as much as I liked TTGL when I first saw it, I generally prefer Kill la Kill.

I guess it pretty much depends on what you like more: Giant robots and manliness, or epic sword fights and fanservice.

I love both, and both are surprisingly deeper, but I think TTGL takes it. Its "Be better, and fuck cynicism" moral wins out over KLK's "Clothing is clothing, not a tool meant to be used to subjugate the masses and show off".

TTGL, hands down, no competition, no contest. It's as close to a perfect anime as I can possibly think of. :rainbowdetermined2:

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