Sci-Twi 712 members · 1,468 stories
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Okay, so this question has been bugging me for some time: Is Sci-Twi just liked at Canterlot High because she looks like Princess Twi?
Like, if she didn't look like Twilight, would the Humane Six have been as friendly to her in The Friendship Games as they were? Or would they not have noticed her at all?

In ' Everfree', we see Sunset recognizes that this Twilight is less secure than pony Twi and treats her apropriately, but then we also see Flash interacting with her just because she looks like his crush. If she didn't, would he have?

While I'm sure that the others of the Humane Seven, and probably other students as well, have gotten to know and respect her as her own person, I can see Sci-Twi having insecurities about this issue. EG- How could she know which of her friendships are genuine? Is she just a replacement for the 'real' and 'better' Twilight?

Of course, then Sunset would talk to her and set her straight, but I think there is a lot of story potential from these questions.

Is Sci-Twi respected as her own person, or is she just seen as a replacement? Let me know what you guys think. I'd like to hear this discussed further.

5771765 I think she is. But...that's gonna happen in the fics as well. Its easy and convenient writing.


I like this question, and it's pretty ripe for fanfics, honestly.

In the show, though, it's likely not a problem, or if it is, it's minimal (and again, you can brainstorm several fic-friendly cases!). Yeah, everyone recognized Sci as "Twilight" when she first came to CHS, but there's been a timeskip between Friendship and Legend of Everfree where the differences had to have gotten hashed out to some extent.

Remember Sunset's words to Sci near the end of FG: "Based on my own experiences, they'll forgive you." Clearly they did--no one's giving her the snake eye at camp. What happened in between then? Looks like it's up to us. :raritywink:

5771765 I get you point and I'm sure nobody would pay as close as attention to her if she wasn't Princess Twilight's counterpart. However, I reckon they wouldn't think they would treat her too differently.

If she was some other student that came over for the friendship games, I'm sure the Humane 6 would still try to treat her nicely if they she didn't act uptight or pompous towards them. And if she wanted to transfer after the games, I still think they would welcome her with open arms. It just that they would see her as a completely different person from the get go and not somebody who look like their old friend.

As for the "story potential"... I'll admit, if you were to see that on screen, I would probably wince at it. But they handle it correctly, I would give it a pass. It just that you can guess what the solution is gunna be from a mile away and can predict where that story is gunna go. It just that the circumstances around that issue will be different.

Thanks. Forgot there was a time skip between movies, but it makes silence. By the time of Everfree she was close enough to the girls to let them come into her house.

And now that I think about what might have happened between movies, I wonder how Sci-ly's (original nickname trademarked) first sleepover was! :pinkiehappy:

I hope these questions will spawn some good Fanfics. I may just get off my lazy plot one day and write one myself.

5771765 I think at first thjat may have been the case especially with that scene at the end of friendship gaes and how fast they embraced her. But by legend of everfree i don't think it's the case anymore. Like many say it has a potential for a great story.

But then i can post another question. Was it for the best that she transfered to CHS? What if she stayed in crystal prep and made geniune bonds with the shadow 5 and when Legend of everfree happend it was both chs and crystal prep there and well either the human 6 or shadow 5 would be jealouse because she would spend more time with the oposite group

Flash, at least, still sees her as a possible replacement as of Everfree, at least until he transfers his feelings to Sunset. While I'm in favor of SunFlash, as I am just now calling it, I do think that at that moment it's more of a rebound than a genuine spark, at least on his part. I have a theory that Sunset, on the other hand, always did have kind of a thing for him and was fooling herself. But that's off-topic.

The Humane 7 have almost certainly hashed that out, and the scary demon face didn't hurt in terms of differentiation, but I suspect much of the school is like "Eh, sometimes she's here, sometimes she's not. Are there two of them? Whatever."

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