Sci-Twi 712 members · 1,468 stories
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I basically like to say that Sci-Twi (the human counterpart of Twilight Sparkle from Equestria) is basically one of my fav characters of the Equestria Girls series.

Now there are people who are sometimes talking about her role in Friendship Games, some saying that she is an antagonist of the film, or even a character who becomes the main antagonist, all this due to her becoming Midnight Sparkle, and I basically don’t like those suggestions (and besides the role of primary antagonist is already taken by Principle Cinch).

So here is my discursive thoughts about her role in the 3rd film.

As we know in the 1st Equestria Girls film, Pony Twilight was the protagonist with Sunset as the Main Antagonist, then in the 2nd film Pony Twilight was again the main Protagonist while Sunset became the secondary Protagonist.

Now with Friendship Games, Sunset took over as main Protagonist, and for Sci-Twi, she became the main Duetragonsit and secondary Protagonist.

For those who know what Duetragonist means, it is a character who would stands with or against the main protagonist, or that the character works with the protagonist then turns against him/her to work with the antagonist, or vice versa.

So I’m going for the first option, as Sci-Twi basically competes against the Wondercolts, but also then befriends the human mane 6, and I also stated that she is also a secondary protagonist, as she, like Sunset, is trying to sort out her own problems during the events of the film.

When she went around to Canterlot High to compete in the games, she also went there to learn and examine the strange readings that were happening at the school, taking with her a special pendant.

The pendant, unaware to her, would become an antagonistic item, while it’s purpose was to detect and contain anomalies.

it would then back fire on her as it then begin to absorb the Equestrian magic from Sunset, her friends and the portal, completely by accident, and even open up rifts to Equestria.

Then came the final round of the games, as Principle Cinch decides to fight back by having her pupils use magic to win the games, and she, along with the Shadowbolts (who were an antagonistic group who, with the exception of Sci-Twi of course, are the secondary antagonists), pressure Sci-Twi into unleashing the magic.

Through the course of the song sequence, Sci-Twi does what she is told, but is shown worried and uncertain about what would happen if she did release the magic.

Upon releasing the magic, Sci-Twi gets caught in the vacuum of the growing orb of magic and is sucked in, which then transforms her into her super form, Midnight Sparkle.

This is the part that I’m coming to now about her role.

Midnight Sparkle may look like an evil antagonist, but she really isn’t, and I believe in the good in Twilight’s heart and thus never believe she would intentionally hurt anyone. Also Midnight really isn’t Twilight, but is basically a mind parasite, and for those who remember the Nightmare Rarity comic arc, she is basically like that, which is also why Sci-Twi is still basically the secondary Protagonist, but currently doing her Duetragonist role during the climax.

Midnight also takes on a Hyde role to Sci-Twi’s Jekyll, for while Sci-Twi is shy and kind, Midnight is Assertive and power-crazy (not evil, let me remind you!), and both sides of the coin have the same thirst for knowledge, however Midnight would take extreme measures to gain it, as shown when she began opening rifts to Equestria, causing so much damage to the Human World.

Plus you would also notice Midnight’s glowing eyes, which shows that the mind parasite/hyde side is in control, while Sci-Twi’s normal eyes show that she is back in control of her actions and body.

As mentioned before, Sci-Twi was still there, just inside her mind, trying to fight back control of her body and actions as Midnight went out of control and was fighting Daydream Shimmer (Sunset’s super form), and would be thanks to Spike (Sci-Twi’s pet dog) who helped her as he called out to her in worry in what was happening to her, which helped Sci-Twi win back control for enough time for Daydream to save Sci-Twi and defeat the mind parasite.

Thus then, it results Sci-Twi, still in her Midnight form but back in control of herself, encounters Sunset, also in her Daydream form, and while scared at first about what was happening, tearfully and happily accepts Sunset’s hand in friendship.

So that’s basically how I see Sci-Twi’s role in Friendship Games, as a secondary protagonist and duetragonist.


I have to disagree with you. Although principal cinch is the main villain human Twilight Sparkle was the real villain. Let me explain. It is more of a cannon what if.

Princess twilight was a hardcore egghead. Taking the lesson Sunset drilled into princess Celestia. Celestia saw the same signs as Sunset had and forced twilight away. This had the effect of twilight meeting her friends and end up becoming an alicorn.

Sci-twi never met Celestia so she went to crystal prep and was bullied their a lot. However you can tell she resented that choice. The energy at canterlot high was the prefect drive for twilight who had no friends. When that first blackmailing happened something was beginning to snap. The shadowbolts didn't help at. Even still Sunset didn't help either. When cinch uses the third blackmailing to use the magic it was all up to human twilight.

Remember this famous sayings?

Other can tell you what to do but if you act on them the one who told you to do it isn't the one to blame but the true blame lies on you.

Human Twilight chose to use the magic and by that fact alone she is the villain. Hence the nightmares scenes in legend of Everfree.

Twilight chose to become a villain.

5879395 True, ultimately Sci-Twi was not ordered to unleash the magic or forced to do it against her will. She could've (and probably should've) refused, but she did so anyway. Though it was more to satisfy her own curiousity, Cinch's commands and the intimidation from the Shadowbolts merely clouded her judgement and prevented her from considering the consequences. Once she realized what those consequences were, she hesitated, and that gave Sunset Shimmer enough of an opening to free her from Midnight Sparkle.

It was spike who got twilight to stop which gave Sunset the chance to help.

5879422 Still, he was able to trigger Sci-Twi's hesitations, if only for a moment.

What was Cinch's overall plan? She had just seen the magic wasn't really controllable. All I can think is that she was going kinda loopy at that point and didn't really think it through.

Regardless, I take issue with a different part. I don't think Midnight Sparkle is a mind parasite, just as I think Sunset was in control-ish of her actions. While the magic corruption taints ones perceptions, it does not control their body or magic energy. Sunset was mean well before she gained power, while Twilight wasn't, and note carefully the difference. Sunset explicitely controlled others and planned to take over Equestria. Twilight, on the other hand, ignored everyone and opened portals to random places without considering the consequences. Sunset's tragic flaw was pride, but Twilight's was curiosity. Midnight Sparkle didn't actually WANT to hurt anyone, but she cared more for satisfying her curiosity than for others' safety. Despite her insistence, she only 'understood magic' in a cursory sense and sought to learn more. She even said as much: "There's more magic there, and I want to understand it all!"

Twilight only snapped out of it (though not completely) when she realized she had put Spike, her only friend to her way of thinking, in danger.

Then in Legend of Everfree, she keeps 'hearing' midnight. Midnight isn't defeated so much as she just vanishes. That's because she was part of Twilight, manifested as a separate personality as part of a psychological break due to magically-induced trauma. I felt it would have been better for Twilight to recognize and accept that part of her, which Sunset seems to have done for her part but that was off-screen so the lesson was never really taught.

For that matter I thought Sunset's comment in Friendship games that Midnight would "Still be alone" could have been followed up in Legend of Everfree by telling the Midnight-Twilight that she doesn't have to be alone anymore. I did a review where I mentioned as much:

Also, I would like to point out that Midnight broke a cardinal rule of science: try not to destroy the world with your experiments. :P

I agree on that, but there's something very small that I kinda disagree. The Shadowbolts were manipulated by Cinch as well. Granted, some of them were mean to Twilight (Sour, Sunny, Sugarcoat maybe? :unsuresweetie:), but the other two didn't seem to be mean to her.

5879315 yeah, i honestly agree with you there. Sci-Twi isn't an antagonist at all. she's the introvert who never got to experience true friendship in a school that didn't care about it due to having to follow the ideals of a woman who cared only about her own image and used her students to further her own ends.

Heck, if Cinch had been kept away from Sci-Twi during most of the games, Sci-Twi easily would've been able to become friends with the Humane 6 (I am counting Sunset here and can't say Humane 7 as that requires at least 1 twi present in the group) and they might have actually been able to enjoy the games without the worry of World Endangerment and could've even figured out how to get the magic out of Sci-Twi locket and back into the others and the portal without worry.

Sunset Shimmer in Equestria Girls 1 the villain class would be The Bully always trying to prevent other from standing up and confronting them because they don't want to show that they are afraid and consider the portal closed right after sunset went through being stranded in a new place in a new body and no magic must have been a traumitizing event for her. And one thing that most bullies have in common is that something traumatic happened.

Principal Cinch is the Authority Figure.
It basically one who is prefect and demands perfection even if it goes against the other characters' moral and free will and it covers a wide range of grenes.

Sci-Twi is Corrupted basically someone that technically falls. By spell or by choice and sense Human Twilight did chose to open up the device on her own makes her a corrupted villain by choice which means the fault Fall directly onto her own shoulders. Which was hinted at in the fourth Equestria Girls Legend of Everfree with the lines of

"Can't let my friends see the midnight in me." Or "no it's me or her." Or "its better if I stay away" or What if I become Midnight again?"

Sunset Shimmer is only saying it's not her fault to help humans Twilight recover from the event even though they both know Human Twilight is the one who is at fault. Even the girls know too. Come on that no offense comment is as clear as day.

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