Midnight Sparkle 393 members · 130 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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"Seems SAVING the World really is impossible... But... Maybe, with what little power you have... You can SAVE something else..."

5384898 I think Vector to the Heavens from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days fits better in my opinion.

Not exactly for Midnight Sparkle specifically, but mainly, for a battle between Midnight Sparkle and Daydream Shimmer, I've found this very fitting.

5384898 While that is, indeed, a good choice.

This is my choice;

I think this song works very well because it has the build up at the start that can be used for her transformation, then when it kicks in at 0:09, I feel it can represent the dire consequences of the situation where you have to save her from her corruption by defeating her or risk two worlds being shattered at the same time. Then, when it hits at 1:20, I feel it brings the determination to save her and, at the same time, stop her from going too far.

5386674 DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN That is a good one... and if you like that kind of songs, here, check out these ones:

Sadly, I was not able to find a video with the Guilty Gear X (X, no XX .-.) version of Fatal Duel, that song is pretty ROCK!!!


Here's the MOST awesome track of GG

Everyone's posting Guilty Gear. I'm more of a Blazblue fan.

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