Equestrian Airships 144 members · 122 stories
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Group Admin

Important Announcement

Okay so if you ever tried adding stories to this group you probably noticed that there was a restriction in place that prevented you from adding stories to any folder but the submissions one.

This is because any folder system with public access on this site will sooner or later devolve into a mess due to users adding stories without really understanding the sorting system.

Unfortunately I started university shortly after founding this group and didn't really have the time to look after it and forgot about it so right now almost all stories in this group still linger in the submissions folder. For this I am sorry.

Right now I removed restrictions on all folders so if you read this you can move your story from "Submissions" to its proper place in the sorting system.

How sorting works (Please read before moving stories)

Stories by Airship Relevance is the main folder of this group. Every story that has moved from submissions should be exactly one of the three subfolders (depending on how important airships are to the plot.)
This is so all stories in the group can be found looking through that single folder.

Additionally, to that you can also place your story in any of the Stories by Airship Type and Stories by Plot Points folders that fit.
Please be reasonable here, just because your story has a hot air balloon in a single chapter does not mean it should go into the respective folder. These folders exist so people can specifically search stories about for example balloons or airship races so only stories where these are relevant should go there.

Okay so with that being said, here is the other important announcement, I am looking for contributors for this group

A contributor's job would be to keep an eye on the sorting system and check the proper sorting of all stories in this group that they read.

  • If you see a story that is placed in multiple subfolders of the Stories by Airship Relevance folder remove all but one instance of it.
  • If you see a story that is missing from a folder it should be in you add it.
  • If you see a story that is shouldn't be in you remove it from there (please inform the author or whoever put it in there in that case)
  • Additionally you can help working through the backlog of stories in the submission folder and get them properly sorted in case the story's author missed this announcement.
  • Also if you see a story in submissions even though it has already been sorted in remove it from there.

If you want to be a contributor please PM or write in this threat me, so I can give you proper status. The requirement of being a contributor is to read stories in this group at least semi often and to understand the folder system.

Additionally I am looking for 1 or 2 other admins to help me with admin stuff since as I mentioned I'm really not that active in this fandom anymore. If you are interested in an admin position lease PM me with a short application on your motivation and why you think you would be a good admin for this group (Don't worry a few sentences are enough.) Prior admin experience will of course earn you plus points but isn't mandatory.

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