Sombraverse 178 members · 88 stories
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Group Admin

So, it's been quite some time since someone made a thread, eh. Kinda sad to see that a group dedicated to King Sombra, that is also filled with fans of his is not really that active over here, nevertheless, I'm gonna be making another thread, and this time it will be about the video showcased in the title of the thread, eh.

You know, I really want to love this video, like, the concept of this video is super nito, but it's not really that great, eh. Sure, it has King Sombra and pone princesses being super cool, but I really think that SFS Animation needs to hire a good writer, sure the video is super awesome whenever the fighting is going on with the music playing over the SFX, but whenever the characters speak it's kinda cringy for me, eh.

The animation is also adequate, not the best, but it serves it purpose by letting us watch Sombra be awesome when he's allowed to be awesome, eh. I don't hate the video as I love seeing more of King Sombra, but it's just that I think it could've been a wee bit better if they spent more time on it and hired a dedicated, good writer, eh.

4929749 I do love this video and I wish for King Sombra awesomeness. But I do agree with you some on these lines seem a bit off point.

Group Admin

4930447 Although, the question is; do you accept this video as part of your head canon for King Sombra, eh? Cuz, I talked to quite a few people, and they say they're totally cool with this video being part of their head canon, eh.

Comment posted by Lighttone GryphonStar deleted Dec 20th, 2015

4931894 I love the video. But unfortunately it does not fit my head cannon, do to me being a Lunbra fan.

Group Admin

4931987 I too ship Sombra and Luna, but I prefer Twilight and Sombra, just cuz

4932010 unfortunately I can't ship Twilight and Sombra, because my head cannon puts that Twilight get her large amount of magical power and ability to access dark magic, because she is descended from his bloodline. In other words in my head cannon Sombra is Twilight's ancestor.

Group Admin

4932036 oh boi, that's best head canon right there, eh.

4932040 Yeah I can't wait to finally get back around to writing it again. The problem is I got a lot of stories I got plan to get up before I can back to it. I tried to sort of write the base idea at least for Lunbra part in my first trilogy. The Rex Trilogy, but do to it consisting of my first ever fanfic stories, it did not turn out so well.

Problem were colored Dialogue, plus some of my OCs had very little or no description on what they look like.

I am planning to rewrite it in better form and update it with some new ideas, but that will have to wait until I finish my current stories and my Flash Saga; which is currently on Hiatus;.

You can still read through the original version of the Rex Trilogy, just watch out it is filled colored Dialogue. but if you can read through it then it is an alright read. just not the best.

Three stories, a side story(don't that one in got my worst ratings, becuase its ending). And a follow up,(Which surprisingly does not have colored dialogue) the follow up is the only one did really good.

They are all rated M mostly for gore. and two do sort of kind of dips into love making(one to two lines, maybe three).

Group Admin

4932222 Just keep going at it, and I'm sure you'll eventually get around to writing that super nito thing with the head canon, eh.

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