Nightmare's Reign 144 members · 75 stories
Comments ( 12 )
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Are there any theories as to how the crops of Equestria survive without sunlight? In order for Nightmare Moon to rule in the first place, there has to be food to eat right? So what exactly are the ponies of this timeline eating, and how do they produce it?


Ultraviolet light produced magically (would work great with NMM's color scheme).

5096806 I hadn't thought of that.


Since my Luna is an Avatar of Gravity, she blocks the Sun with the Moon and warps the UV and enough IR around the Moon to the Earth to keep the crops growing and the world from freezing. At least that Luna thought of it. I have another alternate world where there is a much crazier Luna who didn't, and most of the world died. She spends some of her time weeping over the frozen bodies (corpses?) of the Element Bearers, whom she keeps in stasis. She's rather gone.

Yalwin Khales
Group Admin

5097041 Never going to stop, are you?


You might consider coming up with answers of your own, instead of whining about the answers come up with by other people. But then, that would require that you do something creative.

Yalwin Khales
Group Admin

5099112 I'm not 'whining' about your reply to OP's question, merely making a remark on your constant self-promotion, which is getting very annoying to see.


Since referencing my own continuity, and often comparing it to vanilla canon or other fanons. is one of the things I do in genera, I guess you're screwed, then.

Yalwin Khales
Group Admin

5099464 Yeah.

Too bad I'm not an admin, would do something about it if I were. :trixieshiftright:


It's good to see that your impulse dealing with statements you don't like is censorship. You play the villain role well. Not sure why you want to, but whatever floats your boat.

If you want to play a brighter role, try writing stories and posts instead. Creativity. You might like it more if you did it more.

Yalwin Khales
Group Admin

5099483 Promote all you want in other groups, that's fine, I'll continue to call you out on it nonetheless. But this is my group, and I will not have unsolicited self-promotion in the forum.

I'm giving you a warning for now, but continue with this, and you'll get a week long ban. Understand?

If you want to play a brighter role, try writing stories and posts instead. Creativity. You might like it more if you did it more.

So does being a writer just suddenly make one a selfish ass for some reason? That they just have to show off their stories as much as possible to everyone, so they can feel some acknowledgement in their lives? Sounds really petty to me.

Good thing I don't plan on being so petty and attention seeking when I start writing, I'm not desperate like that.

Got to love how that's the second time you've said that to me too, gotta keep avoiding the questions and change the subject don't you?

Still mapping out my story on Nightmare's timeline (by the way if anyone can think of a good title let me know) so I'm thinking of ways to explain things like that. I will tell you that in the story, plants thrive on magic radiation instead of sunlight.

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