RainDigo 83 members · 22 stories
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Shadowmane PX-41
Group Admin

Hello, everyone. Welcome to RainDigo. My name is Shadowmane PX-41. I'm the founder of this little shipping group.

I've made a bunch of fanfics with clever headcanons that tie in well with the canon of the show. In fact, I've even dubbed myself the Lord of Headcanons. Some of my most famous headcanons come from my Siren Song Trilogy, and from Shadowed Bolts, which I'm still in the process of writing.

I'm 18 years old, which in England is the legal age to drink and gamble (I'm lucky, huh?). I still live with my parents, but am leaving school to go to college next year. I have a brother and a sister, but they're not part of the fandom, or this group for that matter.

I joined the fandom when I saw Keep Calm and Flutter On one day. From there, I've been a writer for the past two years. I think that this fandom has been the greatest group of people that I have ever associated, mingled, played with, and had fun with for years on end.

I came up with this group when I was playing Assassin's Creed: Syndicate and talking to one of my friends on Playstation Plus. I combined Rainbow and Indigo, and the name just stuck. He also had an idea for IndiBow, but I didn't think it had the same ring to it. So, we decided to call it RainDigo instead.

Well, that's my introduction done. Now let's hear yours...

4946351 I'm Root Beer Lumomancer. I'm a Lumomancer and a Cleric who found MLP through my younger sister. Your profile description is amazing, and I thought I'd join this group. I'm also an artist and a writer, although I'd look at my art rather than my words.

Shadowmane PX-41
Group Admin

4946356 Thank you!

Have a wonderful time here in RainDigo!

4946360 I'll try to :twilightsmile: What kind of stuff can I do?

Shadowmane PX-41
Group Admin

4946365 Well, if you want, you could try promoting this group, posting some stories in the folders, and even generally just talking.

I won't be harsh on the people in this group, unless they heavily/repeatedly break the rules and act in an uncourteous and undignified manner, then, all bets are off.

I'll post image threads in a few days. One will be for SFW pictures, whilst the other one will have NSFW pictures. There, you can slam up all the RainDigo artwork you can.

4946369 Cool, I don't have any raindigo artwork, but I have some rainbow dash artwork I've done (one drawing).

4946369 I'll definitely promote this group.

Shadowmane PX-41
Group Admin

Don't forget to introduce yourselves.

Shadowmane PX-41
Group Admin

4948951 Nice to see you!

Welcome to RainDigo!

Be sure to spread the word about our little group, so that hopefully, we can make more and more friends.

I'm Scott Bloom, gonna be 31 in February.

I'm a console and PC gamer and have been a gamer since I was three years old.

I wasn't always into Friendship is Magic, and never really heard of the My Little Pony franchise until maybe five years ago. My first exposure to FiM was from one of MysticAlpha's Chrono Trigger comics, then later on, a friend of mine showed me footage from the episode "Read It and Weep".

I've been a writer on and off for a good twenty years, since I was in elementary school, but I didn't really get into it heavily until about thirteen years ago. I had written an original universe and several original stories for that universe, but most of it had been lost, so I'm trying to rebuild the stories. My first fanfiction was back in elementary school, co-written by a classmate, and it was a Metroid fic.

I'm also a fan of Mystery Science Theater 3000 and I decided to riff on the episodes as well as Equestria Girls.

Shadowmane PX-41
Group Admin

4948991 Nice to see you!

Metroid was one of my favourite Nintendo franchises back in the day.

Mystery Science Theater 3000? Never heard of it.

4946351 I'm DazzleMLP84
I joined this group because I ship Raindigo as friends and also Rainbow Dash is my Favorite pony. I'm also a person who likes writing fan fictions about the Dazzlings, this also why Dazzle is my nickname on FimFiction so please call me that. Besides MLP my favorite tv shows are Total Drama, Gravity Falls, Star vs the Forces of Evil, Invader Zim, and Steven Universe.

Shadowmane PX-41
Group Admin

4949034 Hello, Dazzle. It's nice to see you as a part of RainDigo.

Hopefully, I've inspired you to write your first RainDigo story with this group.

Hey everypony im a big fan of Sunset Shimmer. I also support Rd and indigo. I'm in the process of writing a short story with these two.

Shadowmane PX-41
Group Admin

4949044 Well, it's nice to see you. Welcome to RainDigo!

As soon as you're done with that short story you're writing, be sure to file it in the appropriate folders.

I'll be nice and allow for multiple genre filing for a story with multiple categories.

I apologize in advance for the wall of text and pictures.

Mystery Science Theater 3000, or MST3K, was an American series about a guy and his two robot buddies making fun of really bad movies sent by the mad scientists (Mads) who sent him up into space. The show had two hosts:

Joel Hodgson as Joel Robinson

And Mike Nelson as... Mike Nelson

The show lasted for over ten years, starting out as a local show in Minnesota before going into syndication, bouncing around different networks until landing on the Sci-Fi channel. The main hosts the series moved on to form their own riffing platforms, Joel Hodgson founded Cinematic Titanic while Mike Nelson founded Rifftrax.

Here's a link to a YouTube playlist with the majority of the episodes.

What I do is I grab stills from the MLP episodes, throw on the iconic silhouette and add some one-liners. Here's one of the episodes I've done.

There was recently a kickstarter project created by show creator Joel Hodgson to produce new MST3K episodes.

Hi, I'm Tennis Match Fan. You can call me TMF or Tennis for short. :pinkiesmile: I usually use she/her pronouns but if you'd like to use they/them or he/him when talking about me that's fine too. :twilightsmile:

My first brush with MLP was in October 2011, when my little sister was gifted with a Twilight figure for Halloween. :pinkiesmile: After watching the show for the next couple months, I discovered and joined the fandom in January 2013. To be honest, I don't ship RainDigo but this does seem to be a fun group.

FrostyZap OTP

Shadowmane PX-41
Group Admin


I apologize in advance for the wall of text and pictures.

No need. It wasn't really a wall of text, as you separated things really cleanly.

Shadowmane PX-41
Group Admin

4949054 It's nice to have you with us, Tennis. I hope that this group inspires you to make a RainDigo story in the near future.


my name is hawthornbunny and I like ponies

and humans

and pony-humans

I joined this group because I sorta like Indigo Zap. I mean, she never actually struck me as being bad or evil. For starters she was never actually mean to Twilight. Sure, she wasn't exactly the most sensitive or understanding person, but she wasn't a jock or anything. Her main thing seems to be that she's really driven. She just wants to win and doesn't really care about anything else as long as it it gets her closer to that objective.

I can't think of anyone else who's like that.

So I think she and Dashie would get on pretty well. They're both as competitive as each other and would certainly push each other to the limit in any kind of competition, which is what they both crave. At CHS, Rainbow only really has Applejack to spar with, and she doesn't seem that much into sports.

Shadowmane PX-41
Group Admin

4949098 It's nice to meet you, HawThorn.

Welcome to RainDigo.

4949047 it won't start out very friendly between them


Hi. I joined because even though I ship RariDash, I'm still cool with this idea. I'm also a heck of a great fan art-searcher.

Shadowmane PX-41
Group Admin

4949252 Then hopefully, you'll do great when it comes to RainDigo pictures for the Picture Threads.

But anyway, welcome to RainDigo!

The name's DanceCentralPony2. If you couldn't tell by my name, I'm a fan of the Kinect Dance Central. I'm 13 (yeah, surprising) and I joined this fandom through, surprisingly, the My Little Pony app. Though the first Equestrian Girls movie got me hooked.
I joined this group to see some romance fly between Rainbow and Indigio. And to have some reading content to pass time because waiting for troops to train is a PAIN. Anyways, hope that's enough info. Hope to see some amazing stories come here!

4946351 Forgot to add reply link to my intro. Sorry about that. :twilightsheepish:

Shadowmane PX-41
Group Admin

4950657 Well you've definitely come to the right place.

RainDigo prides itself on having these two bond and become greater friends, but you can write any story with these two that tickles your fancy. Be it Dark, Sci-Fi, Tragedy, Romance, it's your call.

I've played Dance Central games myself. They're the only things that Kinect is good for...:derpyderp1:

4950668 Yeah, It's pretty much the only thing good for Kinect. Too bad my copy broke, now I'm playing Minecraft on the Xbox 360, another game I enjoy.

Comment posted by Randomized Designs deleted Jan 2nd, 2016

Yellow, I'm Randomized Brony Animator. I'm 16 and I'm a chick.

I actually don't remember when I started liking MLP I think it was on tv one day and it just stuck with me. I'm inconstant with my writing but, I just published a short one-shot not to long ago. I mostly do art. Wither it's pony art, cartoons, digital or traditional, I do it all. (except real-life portraits)

I own six pieces of pony merch, and no one in my family is a brony but, my mom did buy me Queen Chrysalis for Christmas. (they understand)

I adore this shipping and I might just write a story about it

Shadowmane PX-41
Group Admin

4958336 It's nice to meet you.

Once you're done with the story, be sure to add it to the appropriate folders (I'll allow multi-category postings because I'm a nice Admin/Founder).

Chrysalis for Christmas, eh? I got Chrysalis for Christmas too.

I hope this group inspires you to ship these two more and more into the near future!

Hi, I'm Moonlit Scribe, though I really prefer Scribe. I started shipping RainDigo cuz... I needed a way to ship Rainbow with someone (anyone) who was NOT Applejack, Twilight, or Sunset (Really, AppleDash, TwiDash, and SunDash are like... NO). Said person should also be able to compete with Rainbow, so voila, RainDigo!

I apologize if my opinions are considered strong or whatever. I'm really excited to read all of these RainDigo stories!

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