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As we well remember, the Farce Awakens was SWINO (Star Wars In Name Only) was a disappointment; not only did it violate canon, but even if one does not care about canon, it is a terrible movie.

We have a new spinoff called Rogue One not to be confused with Rouge # 1, which is about makeup. Although we know the story about how the Alliance to Restore the Republic got the Intel about the Death Star, we also nnow that the Alliance sent out multiple attempts to gather information. This movie could fit in canon as 1 of those attempts. It seems possible that even without trying, the movie could still fit in canon. I see 3 possibilities:

A. The movie violates canon.
B. The movie fits passively within canon.
C. The movie has references to the Expanded Universe.

We can ruleout C. That leaves A or B. If it is B, we might as well enjoy it because in 2017, we shall have a sequel to the Farce Awakens; in 2018, we shall have a movies about what Chewie, Han, and Lando did before a New Hope, with no regard to canon; and in 2019, we shall have a sequel to the sequel of the Farce Awakens.

If Rogue One is passively canon, we might as well enjoy it because the next 3 movies will be shit, if it is canon and good. That brings up a point:

Someone needs to take 1 for the team:

Someone needs to see the movie and report about whether is is canon and good —— if it is not canon, ¡it is automatically shit! If none else volunteers, I shall do it and report back to you.

5685255 I'll probably go see it, but my guess is its going to be choice A.

IMHO, Episode VII wasn't bad as a movie in its own right, especially to people coming into the fandom for the first time. So I have a decent outlook for Rogue One. I'll post my thought about it here, if I go see it.

There is no hope for Star Wars; it's ruined...

Brony God
Group Admin

5685255 Rogue One WILL be SWINO. I heard that Jyn is Leia which does not make any sense and the laser cannon of the Death Star is upside down in some shots. So I go with Choice A.

Group Admin


In that case I shall not bother watching it. Jyn being Leia is dumb, but up and down do not exist in space. Disney did so many things wrong that we need not makeup additional wrongs.

Brony God
Group Admin

5686203 I predict that Rogue One is going to flop.

Group Admin


You forget about the hipsters:

"¡Prequels bad! ¡New movies good!"

Hipster put style over substance and always want to be part of the new trend. Hipsters are like sheep:

If sheep graze at the top of a cliff and 1 falls off of the cliff, the whole herd will follow the unlucky sheep off of the cliff to their deaths.

Brony God
Group Admin

5686539 I despise hipsters. Actually there are hipsters that are literally walking off cliffs because they are playing Pokémon Go.

I hated the Farce Awakens before it came out. The moment I knew that the Expanded Universe was no longer canon, that did it. I watched the movie, and my suspicions were confirmed.

Brony God
Group Admin

5686919 The same with me. The death of the Expanded Universe was the first big red warning sign that Disney is screwing up Star Wars. Then they canclled the Clone Wars eries without giving that show a proper conclusion. Then they shut down Lucasarts which resulted in all of the game in development to be cancelled and everyone who work for Lucasarts lost their jobs. And then Disney decided to ban all merchandise with images of Princess Leia in her slave outfit from Return Of The Jedi to made. And all this happened before the Farce Awakens was released in the movie theaters.

A lot of my favorite characters were from the EU; Mara Jade, the Solo kids, Grand Admiral Thrawn, Captain Pellaeon, the Fel family, and others.

Brony God
Group Admin

5687243 And now they no longer exist according to Disney except for Grand Admiral Thrawn whom they put in that abomination of a show known as Rebels.

(ulp!) I almost threw up at the mention of that show! ARGH! I HATE YOU, DISNEY!!! :flutterrage:

Wow, this group's actually still going?

Brony God
Group Admin

5688209 I hate Disney too. What they did to the Expanded Universe is Genocide of Literature.

5688241 Of course this group is still going because Rogue One is going to be released in the movie theater soon.

That, and Episode VIII will be coming soon afterwards.

Brony God
Group Admin

5690104 Oh yes Star Wars Episode 8: The First Order Strikes Back.

And followed by Episode IX: Totally Not Return of the Jedi

Group Admin


I am not certain whether you 2 are serious or joking, but given that Episode 7 is a bad remake of Episode 4 but made a profit, Disney could very well continue to make bad remakes, since it earned them profit before. Generally, I am against remaking movies, because ¿what is the point? The only exception which comes to mind is the 1978-Version of Invasion of the BodySnatchers:

StudioMeddling ruined the original 1956-movie. Many of the people who worked on the 1956-Version got back together and made the Classic 1978-Version right. These new versions of Star Wars are no 1978-Version:

Episode 7 was a bad remake of Episode 4. Disney could have at least reached the height of the bar of the as "As Good As The Original"; but sadly however, Disney failed to achieve even that low bar.

Brony God
Group Admin

5690584 :eeyup:

5690613 I am actually being serious.

i'm quite serious, actually.

Group Admin


As am I so we all agree. This brings up an interesting point:

I have friends who believe that I am overly sensitive about the destruction of the Extended Universe. I point out to them that it is a warning sign that Disney and Abrams does not care about canon and that the new movies will surely violate canon of the existing movies. This happened. My friends, claiming to be fans of Star Wars, do not notice the canonviolations of the new movie. I shall bring up 1 violation and how this should change the 1st Order Strikes Back:

Up until now, one could enter or exist HyperSpace near massive bodies, in atmospheres, or inside structures. In the Darce Awakens, one can. This would have radically changed the plots of 5 of the 6 real movies (Naboo should invest in a planetary shield). For 1 thing, why bother with Death Stars when one can exist hyperSpace under a Planetary Shield in the upper atmosphere and Base Delta 0 worlds.

If we accept that technology advanced so that HyperDrives can now exit and enter HyperSpace, from within structures, near massive objects, and within atmosphere, then when the 1st Order assaults the IcePlanet Moth, which is totally not a cheap knockoff of Hoth, then the Imperator-Class StarDestroyers should exist HyperSpace within the TheaterShield over the RebelBase in the atmosphere and directly land troop-transports, instead of having to mount a ground-offensive of walkers starting outside the TheaterShield. At least the Rebels will not have to run the blockade of the Executer-Class StarDreadnought and the Imperator-Class StarDestroyers because the Rebel-Ships can jump to HyperSpace from the caverns beneath the Ice of Moth. If the Battle of Moth does not playout this way, then not only are thr new movies not consistent with the old movies, but that are not even consistent with each other.

Group Admin


Final Fantasy Forever reports that he might go to Rogue One with a friend who, unfathomably, likes the Farce Awakens. It is nice that Final Fantasy Forever is willing to take 1 for the team and see Rogue One with his friend with strange taste (it takes all times and report whether Rogue One is the real deal or Swino. Unfortunately, this is indefinite in the indefinite future.

This weekend, I shall try to catch Rogue One and tell you all whether it is the real deal or Swino. Normally, I could guarantee a report, but this weekend, I need to do critical maintenance on mine house or the roof could literally collapse. If I finish, I shall take 1 for the team and report my findings.

I promise that if I can see the movie, I shall see it in 3D and with THX1138-Sound (unfortunately, we do not have iMax or High FrameRate here) from the FrontRowCenter. If I determine that the movie is Swino, I do not want an Apologist for Rogue One to have reason to exclaim "¡You do not like Rogue One because you did not give it a fair chance!". Out of fairness, I shall give Rogue One every chance I can.

Hopefully, Final Fantasy Forever or I can critique Rogue One this weekend. We shall see what will happen.

Brony God
Group Admin

5692112 Disney only sees Star Wars as a cash cow to be milked to death and that is one of the reasons why they care little for details and continuity. I look forward to see the reviews of Rogue One with extremely low expectations.

Group Admin


I have a report:

I saw Rouge # 1. I learned much about makeup before realizing that I watch the wrong movie. Then I saw Rogue One:

Imperial Director Orson Krennic is in charge of building the Death Star. This might violate Bevel Lemelisk Designing the Death Star. A workaround might exist:

Bevel Lemelisk and the engineers under his command might have designed the Death Star, while Imperial Director Orson Krennic might have been the engineer in charge of construction of the Death Star.

¿What about the VideoGames?:

Some are compatible with the Rogue One handsome are not. Then again, not all games are compatible with each other.

Unlike the Farce Awakens, this movie takes place in a large universe. It is nice to have a movie set in the real vast universe of the 6 real movies, as opposed to the claustrophobic universe of the Farce Awakens.

Notable Things:

Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin is in the movie. This is not a recasting, but Peter Cushing. The SF-Team created an amazing CGI-Puppet based of the footage of Grand Moff Wilhuf Tarkin. He looks alive.

We have another amazing CGI-Puppet of Princess Leia Amidala Skywalker also known as Princess Leia Organa who takes the stolen plans at the end of the movie.

Other characters were believable, unlike the 20-somethings in charge of the 1st Order.


Final Fantasy Forever reports that he might go to Rogue One with a friend who, unfathomably, likes the Farce Awakens. It is nice that Final Fantasy Forever is willing to take 1 for the team and see Rogue One with his friend with strange taste

Did you seriously just lower yourself down to the "how dare someone like something I don't" rankings?

Don't be that guy.

Hate the movie. Hate the company. Hate whatever you want to hate about it. But at the very least, respect the opinions of the people who did enjoy it. It, in itself, is not a bad movie. there's plenty of fun things about it that can make it perfectly enjoyable for people who aren't as hardcore about Star Wars as you guys.

>inb4. I honestly couldn't care less whether or not y'all disliked the movie. that thread I made ages back was made out of astonishment that the group itself exists. Honestly, I still think there's so much more worthwhile things you guys could be doing with your time then brooding over something you quite clearly hate with a burning passion.

Group Admin


Thanks for the helping us keep perspective. Yes it is just an entertainment-franchise. If the franchise jumps the shark and becomes a bad parody of itself, I shall stop watching rather than light vehicles, of innocent bystanders, onfire.* I do not feel that franchise is an irredeemable self-parody yet.

* I shall not name the sport because I know that these fans make up less than .1% of the fanbase of the sport, but exists a sport I cannot get into because my 1st exposure to it as a child was fans rioting and burning things. I feel safe in stating that none here plan to riot over Star Wars despite what Abrams and Disney do to it.

Brony God
Group Admin

5694503 So it's somewhat better than The Farce Awakens.

5694549 Yes it is shocking for you that not everybody in this world approves what Disney has done to Star Wars :ajbemused:

Group Admin


Yes, it is better, both canonically and as a movie. The biggest canonical problem is Imperial Director Orson Krennic is in charge of building the Death Star instead of Bevel Lemelisk. One can mentally workaround this if one thinks of Engineer Bevel Lemelisk being in charge of the designing Engineers, and Engineer Imperial Director Orson Krennic was in charge of the construction of the Death Star; Imperial Director Orson Krennic certainly supervised the Death Star. Building that thing went to his head:

Imperial Director Orson Krennic was in charge of the Death Star during construction. He got in into his head that he is supposed to command the Death Star. Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin —— ¡The CGI-Puppet is amazing! —— put him in his place. Imperial Director Orson Krennic has the audacity to petition the Emperor. He gets as far as an audience with Lord Vader who nearly force-chokes him to death before sparing him because he might be useful, but with a warning to know his place and check his ambition. As someone using slave-labor and a casual killer, it is nice to see Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin and Lord Vader abuse him.

Other than no mention of Engineer Bevel Lemelisk and the difficulty reconciling the movie with the videogame Star Wars: Dark Forces*, it fits in cannon.

* Star Wars: Dark Forces could fit with the movie, if we assume that Star Wars: Dark Forces if misinformation for sending spies on a wild goose chase.

Brony God
Group Admin

5696886 Something tells me that Rogue One would have been really bad if it were not for half of the movie getting a reshoot.

Group Admin


Yeah, it is a good thing that Peter Cushing was available for the reshoots because ¿What would the movie be without Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin? ⸘What do you mean by Peter Cushing has been dead since 1994‽

Brony God
Group Admin

5698771 Tarkin in Rogue One was played by a man who died 22 years ago :rainbowderp:

Group Admin


Hiring Peter Cushing to reprise his role as Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin was cheaper than hiring a new actor because a new actor works for money, but now that Peter Cushing is an undead zombie, he works for brains of interns, which is a substantial savings.

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