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The Corn
Group Admin

We've all been there; you write a story, wait for views, but nothing seems to happen. So you post them on groups in hope of finding more views. Still no luck? I know exactly how you feel. Why not try out these helpful tips and see what difference it makes?!

1) Instead of just posting stories into folders and hoping they'll get noticed, create a thread. Threads generally get more recognition then stories randomly just placed into folders, so give it a try!

2) Make sure the thread has a catchy title. You can post as many threads as you like, but nobody's going to click on it if its not interesting. For example, if you're advertising a brand new story that you've written and want it to get more views, try putting something like

'Don't miss out on this amazing new story!' or

'Ever wondered what would happen if ..........? Well, now you know!' instead of

'Hay, check out my story'.

3) Check your grammar. I hate to be a pain, but if you want to get views on your thread, you need to make sure that your grammar is correct. Otherwise, people shall relate this with your stories, and people don't want to read stories with poor grammar.

4) Make sure that people know what you're going on about. I know that it probably sounds obvious, but you need to make sure that people know what you're talking about. For example, if you were promoting a new story called 'My Top Secret Diary', don't put this as the name of the thread, otherwise people might think that you are actually telling them about your diary, and not a story you have written.

5) Include popular characters. Stories with more fan favourites instead of just OC's get more views. For example, if you're making a thread and have a story you want to show off, make sure you list some of the characters in your thread... And make sure that they're characters that people like too. Generally, alicorn OC's don;t go down very well unless they're evil... Just a warning. Hint: Add Luna. Trust me, it works.

6) Knowledge is power. I'm not saying rattle of facts, but try to make sure that it's clear that you know what you're talking about.

7) Credit people that helped you, otherwise they get angry.

8) Forget step 7. Well, don't forget it entirely, but just make sure that people are okay with you giving credit to them... They may want to remain anonymous. Also, do not mention that you read this thread, otherwise people will think that you can't write a story without support.

Hope this helped, and if you think of any more tips, be sure to post them in the comments because I'm sure that other views will find them useful. Also, don't be afraid to ask if you need anything... But for now, The Corn, signing off.

This was a good refresher. Thank you.:twilightsmile:

5030766 You do realize almost every single group on this site (at least the big ones) wont allow you to post threads about self promotion stories right?

The Corn
Group Admin

5030821 You can always post self-promotion threads on this group... Or on The Shameless-Self Promotion Bureau.

The Corn
Group Admin

5030786 Glad it helped. :twilightsmile:

5032932 I was banned rom the Shameless Self Promotion group... One of the only times I have ever been banned on anything...

The Corn
Group Admin

5033263 Oh. Well... You can still post story promotions on here. Also, you shouldn't get banned from this group unless you do or say anything offensive or copy someone else's work. People will get warned otherwise...

5033326 ... I spoke out against a real life pedophile... And I get banned for doing so... *Goes to room and cry's*

But in all honesty, I think it was for the best. If their gonna ban somebody for saying two small things, then I think its best to clear out of there.

But your right, I still got this group.

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