Protect Flurry! 358 members · 250 stories
Comments ( 12 )
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who thought that Flurry's cry when she destroyed the Crystal Heart was creepy? I'm not saying that I hate her or anything, it's just ...that cry :twilightoops:

5315664 It was a bit....much I'll say that.

5315668 Do you think she could use it as a weapon when she grows up? *insert a Fus-Ro-Dah joke*

Passions Star
Group Contributor

yes, I found it creepy, further more, I do not think Flurry Heart is what she seems. Something strange about her.


Well, I guess it was a little strange.


Something strange about her.

You don't say! Joking aside, I'm sure everyone is aware that there's something unusual about her, and that it will be revealed in the finale. I imagine that Chrysalis knows that thing or knows why Flurry is an Alicorn, and that she'll kidnap her in the finale because of that.

5315702 Well, she's the first natural born alicorn in who knows how long, of course there's got to be something strange about her.

5315664 have you ever heard an infant cry? It's agonizing...

5315664 No, she was just trying to get the part of the Dragonborn in Elder Scrolls VI...

5315776 Oh man, don't I know! But that was a baby Alicorn, so it was amplified who knows how many times.
5315874 I knew someone would make this joke :rainbowlaugh:

5315776 Yes, and it's dreadful! *shudders*

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