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I've seen it around a lot lately, and I'm not really sure what to think of it...

5323366 if she's aged up I'm alright with it

5323366 Okay, I have never seen this ship (Probably because I stay away from NSFW fics) and I have to admit it is kinda disturbing. Plus, how would this even work?:rainbowhuh: Sombra's deader then a dodo right now.

5323366 I think that if she's aged up, I'm... okay with that? Even if, right now, I really like the concept of Sombra x Sunburst... like really.


Yeah, SomBurst is my pony OTP.

5323372 Well, we DID see a fragment of his horn survive

5323380 Yeah, but you would need to revive him somehow and even if you did I doubt he'd come back all nice and heroic in such a way that Flurry would fall head over heels for him.

Summer Dancer
Group Admin

5323366 Never seen that one before :rainbowderp:

5323366 Aged up. Then we can talk.

5323383 The fandom always manages to surprise us with pairings doesn't it?:eeyup:

5323382 Eh, I mean, if there was a device to extract all his evilness out of him...

5323390 Yeah, but that would cross over into some huge morally questionable territory.:unsuresweetie: You'd change who is he completely by doing it that way. I mean, at least Discord, Starlight and Sunset were reformed through someone offering them friendship.

5323366 when she comes of age it can work

5323398 Unless he was corrupted by dark magic


Yeah, no, this kinda just bugs me.

Sombra would have to do one heck of a lot of turning over a new leaf before Celestia, Luna or Cadance would be inclined to let him even hang around. Then there's the age-up issue, though the specific picture above could easily just be platonic. But even at that, Sombra would have to be non-evil - at least in the realm of "neutral, and firmly on a leash" like Discord is.

Aged up, and have a really good reason to want to be in a relationship. Like, soul mate good.

I don't think I'm ok with this. I mean even if you age flurry sombra is still probably a lot older than her. Not to mention I don't think sombra has any traits that would make flurry fall for him.

Sanguine Eyes
Group Admin

5323366 no! That is heresy!
The inquisition is mobilizing

5323446 Yeah, that is true. I remember seeing one fic that did a corrupted by dark magic main-universe Sombra and did his reformation well. (Mind you, it had a Sombra/Nurse Redheart pairing but the point still stands.) Here's the link.

5323366 I'm cool with any ship, but this doesn't seem much like a ship more than a family thing.

If anything, I see Sombra as that cool uncle that's made a few mistakes and been to prison and all that. I'm not so sure I see it as a romantic thing.

For example, Sombra is like the brooding banished-from-the-kingdom guy that teaches Flurry forbidden and dark arts that pique her curiosity, but she is... you know, forbidden to practice at home.

But now I'm just rambling on.

Summer Dancer
Group Admin

5323386 Indeed, indeed

That is just so... disturbing. I mean, it would be different if she was his age, but that can never happen since Sombra is obviously older than Flurry.

5323532 Y'know, now that I think of it I can totally see that. Of course, there could be some who would take the dark interpretation (I might, as it's a cool possible fic idea.) and make him like the Lion King's Scar and have him sing this:

Actually, on another note I can see Flurry singing this with Sunburst as Zazu


Sombra and Flurry Heart..... That makes a lot of sense in a certain way.
Even though Flurry is older on this picture, Sombra can live for an incredibly long time due to him being an Umbrum, so once Flurry Heart is adult, he will still be the same as he is now.
And since he lives very long himself (or maybe forever even?), he would be an ideal partner for an Alicorn. Not to mention his obvious connection to the Crystal Empire, which will sure lead to it that he returns into the Empire one day so that he can meet Flurry.
He's also good now, so that makes it substantially easier for them to get hooked up with each other.
This ship has my approval!


And here's again why I keep telling people they should read the official comics and also stop dismissing them as "not canon" or "B-Canon" based on hearsay (or on shallow judgements that are anything but based on in-deep thoughts, but rather on gut feeling).
Sombra's a good guy now. He's just not here in the moment, but that's probably going to change one day.
Also, I can really see Flurry Heart getting interested in his dark magic now and that this dark fascination creates romantic feelings for him at some point. :heart:

5323618 There's a reason I don't read the comics or consider them canon, largely because they contradict the show at times and then there is the differences in characterization. (Twilight being the most obvious example in a certain badly written arc.)


Yep, that's exactly what I'm talking about. The comics don't have a single contradiction. This has been set into the world by early comic readers right as they came out, when they read them and saw things about the characters they didn't like, so they spread around that the comics aren't canon (or alternate universe canon) so that they could deny that those events ever happened.
That's what I meant with "hearsay". Today, they managed it to establish these false rumors, so the common consensus among most in the fandom is they aren't canon. But it's all nonsense. The comics share one big universe with the show, if you just pay enough attention to them, it's easy to see that.
Of course it's hard to undo the damage those comic haters did (and still do), cause if the view of the fandom on the official comics would largely change, they couldn't effectively deny them as non-canon anymore, as almost everyone would acknowledge them as canon then and they would be in the minority if that happens, so they fight the truth with tooth and nail. :yay:

and then there is the differences in characterization. (Twilight being the most obvious example in a certain badly written arc.)

And that's the most silly argument I always read why they are supposedly not canon. That the personality of characters can have different sides to it (which is the case for most characters) is "Characters 101".
Especially if certain characters just underwent some changes in their lives which changed their personality (or made them changing it), like it's the case for a certain relatively new princess. :ajsmug: Also known as "character development". :rainbowwild:

Sombra and Flurry are completely fair game for ending up with each other one day, now that he has switched sides. :ajsmug:


And that's the most silly argument I always read why they are supposedly not canon. That the personality of characters can have different sides to it (which is the case for most characters) is "Characters 101".

Especially if certain characters just underwent some changes in their lives which changed their personality (or made them changing it), like it's the case for a certain relatively new princess. :ajsmug: Also known as "character development". :rainbowwild:

Problem here with your argument, is that Twilight in the story arc we're talking about came across as caring more about one piece of history then she did her own friends, which COMPLETELY is at odds with the show's Twilight.

it's been awhile since i left for my vacation, i wonder what my fellow battle brothers have been.... up..... to....
......whelp! i know what i have to do.


And I thought you're talking about that Twilight is supposedly OOC because she refused to attack the Cattle Rustlers with her magic because she knew how it would come across when a princess of Equestria attacks actual citizens (criminal or not) and not just some monsters, that's what the comic haters have a field day with too when trying to keep their little world alive.

Anyway, this is just a new side of Twilight. She was always a nerd and interested in science, this is why she's interested in preserving historical sights.
Asking Twilight to allow a historical sight to be wrecked to save her friends would be like asking Pinkie to stop talking at the wrong moments.
It's all perfectly aligned with Twilight's personality we've seen in the show, it's just that we saw this new side of her for the first time in this arc.
A historical sight was more important to Twilight than her friends for a limited amount of time. Nopony is perfect. Deal with it.

5323693 Yeah, that kinda makes me consider the comics non canon as well. This moral code that shows up, it's never even been hinted at before and is just a excuse to keep Twilight from doing something until the very last second when Longhorn destroys a historical landmark. If Twilight was written as she was in the show, she would have helped as soon as her friends were in danger, not when something historical gets to bite the dust.

Sanguine Eyes
Group Admin

5323669 yes... all the heresy

5323733 will we need the exterminatus battle brother?


That's where it shows that comic deniers like you don't understand character development. Or, at least that they don't understand it when they don't want to understand it.
Twilight becoming a princess changed her a lot, no matter if Princess Twilight opposers want to accept that or not. She has become more calm, more collected, tries to be like Celestia and to fit into the role of a princess.
And princesses don't attack citizens with spells. That would be an abuse of power as they are rulers and Twilight is considered a ruler of Equestria since she became a princess. Even not when those citizens are criminals, cause they are still, well, citizens, with basic rights, like, not getting put at risk that their head gets magically chopped off by an alicorn princess who tries to be the justice bringer.
So Twilight couldn't attack them to end their schemes, not even for her friends. Not at the cost of getting accused of power abuse and hunted to the end of Equestria by a mob of furious citizens (like that guy in Manehattan who didn't give a buck about respecting her princess status) after the newspapers were full with articles alá "Princess Twilight magically assaulted citizens of Equestria!" written by reporters who believe to do the right thing by bringing this to the attention of the masses.
But, attacking and demolishing a historical sight, something that is unique and can never be returned once it's destroyed, unlike her friends, who will physically recover after getting some punches? That got her going so much that she blacked out for a moment and forgot all the worries and concerns about her getting accused of power abuse for attacking Equestria's citizens and she just went at them.

Twilight is a very good friend, no doubt. But she also isn't so stupid to risk her own well-being and whole future to save her friends from attackers (unless they actually want to try and kill them, but that wasn't the case with the Cattle Rustlers) when this could mean that a very evil mob demands satisfaction from her for abusing her power in the worst way possible.

This arc is an excellent portrayal of how Twilight has changed since she became a princess and how she tries to fit into this role. I dare say that's the best character development we've ever seen from her up until this point, in show and comics alike.

So, Sombra is still a good guy. Which means Flurry Heart and him are totally a possible outcome for the future.
Nothing's changing that. Deal with it like a man, buddy, or cry over it like a little girl. :ajsmug:

5323624 The show contradicts characters personalities all on it's own, therefore the show isn't canon. ha.

5323618 Wasn't he made out of literal shadows, and the "good version" was from an alternate timeline?

Sanguine Eyes
Group Admin

5323744 hopefully not... but let's keep it in mind

5323993 so which chapter will be needed to purge the heretics?

Sanguine Eyes
Group Admin

5324037 the ultrarines never fail... lets just just send them... if its not broke don't fix it

5324823 very well, i'll send those ultra smurfs to use there mary sue powers to get the job done.

She's just a baby! If she were in her mid-teens and early 20s, I can see that work but right now she's a baby.
Besides, Sombra is gone and there isn't a way to revive him.
Edit: Unless Somepony revives him.

Sanguine Eyes
Group Admin

5324946 ... we could also send the gray knights... I mean the Inquisition needs to be a part of this... you know, because of all the heresy

I'm...not so sure what to make of this ship.

To be honest, I prefer the ship Flurry Heart/Pumpkin Cake. I don't think a lot about Sombra in terms of romance shipping.

5325465 ah that is true battle brother. i shall send them at once.


He's made of shadows, like the rest of his people, and in the alternate universe Twilight and her friends travelled to through the mirror portal, King Sombra was good. But he sacrificed himself later and became evil, to bring back the balance into his universe and prevent it from shattering after the evil princesses Luna and Celestia from his universe where turned good.

5324037 5324823

Now, now, slow..... We all want to protect Flurry Heart from those who mean ill to her here, but she's allowed to fall in love with another pony.
Let's not create a case where she needs protection from her protectors.


Already happened. Read my comments above.

Sanguine Eyes
Group Admin

5325685 perhaps.... but Sombra is like over a thousand years old... and shes still a baby..... we ... well at least I declared heresy because I am highly against Pedophilia and pedo themed ships or stories..... its a playful way of just saying no before someone out there goes and makes some clop fic about Sombra raping and molesting a baby. And dont say it wont happen.... because it happens... and it happens too often.

on a final note... Sombra already has a special somepony >w<

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