Happily Forever After 126 members · 125 stories
Comments ( 14 )
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Group Admin

Without getting into the debate of whether or not Twilight is immortal now, do you simply prefer to have her be ageless or do you prefer her having a regular, mortal lifespan?

Personally, I like her being ageless more. Seeing her mature into the role of some kind of eternal leader/teacher who has to get used to being a constant in an ever changing world is just more interesting to me than her growing old and passing away with her friends.

It's a tough call, but I prefer Twilicorn to be ageless, though my headcanon does involve Ponies both having lifespans measured in centuries, and reincarnation being the norm, so it's quite probable that she would retain many bonds across lifetimes.

5101318 Ageless, I always figured AlicornĀ“s were basically immortal, aside from, say, getting stabbed repeatedly, in the butt or otherwise.

5101318 I prefer agelessness.

I vote for ageless, especially because I strongly suspect her friends are ageless too due to the Tree of Harmony / Rainbow Power.

My problem with the whole 'Twilight is now immortal' plot, is that many authors use that as an excuse to write overly depressing sadfics about her outliving her friends and either going insane, or forcing herself to drag on through the centuries alone. I honestly prefer stories that do one thing: Twilight does not outlive her friends. Whether that means she is or isn't immortal, or whether that means her friends are immortal alongside her.

One story series that I love explores the whole immortality thing in a very unique way, Tales of the Tutelary Spirits
I'm honestly surprised this one isn't already in this group's story folder.




I think it makes her a more interesting character, personally.

5101515 Oh, now that's an awesome take! I love it!

Group Admin


Horses are dumb, and so are immortal horses.

Group Admin

Yeah, the bad attempts at writing depressing immortal Twilight stories was a big reason I created this group. Those got old really quickly.

This might sound a bit weird, but it depends. In canon, I really want her (and Cadance) to be mortal, but that is more based around a headcanon I have than anything. In fanon I really like her being ageless because, while it does add angst to begin with, I think she will adore watching everything grow and change, and become a fully fledged princess.

Ageless Twilight forever. That doesn't mean she shouldn't be sad or mourn when her friends and family pass on, but being depressed and angsty about it, or worse yet, taking it out on Celestia (as far too many do), is just stupid.

Nothing was ever once said Twilight couldn't make new friends, and it was shown that she did have friends other than the rest of the Mane 7 and Spike.

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