Luna & Sombra 197 members · 121 stories
Comments ( 5 )
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Ice Star
Group Admin

I've been pretty happy with keeping this group free of the general NSFW-ness most others permit and allow to run wild. Most shippings do end up with one odd NSFW (of either gore or sex, obviously, both are NSFW) story for whatever reason, and others have dozens, and all that.

I was extremely skeptical of if there was any NSFW content for Sombra/Luna or Sombra/Nightmare Moon, but a quick search revealed about three stories for him and Luna that were comedies of some sort, I dunno. It was a pretty general search.

As this site bloats, content multiplies, and each update reveals a wealth of shitty features and unfixed problems among the small handful of things that were actually fixed, it might help someone to have something organized in this increasingly messy site where they can count on that thing being there. Apparently, that content is going to end up being Lunbra NSFW, I guess. Hoepfully the hypothetical folder will actual stories... which is why, if any folder was created, the NSFW folder would be a case-by-case thing, and even without the 'stories go in one folder' rule, the stories would be contained in the NSFW folder only.

So, group-goers, the questions I'd like you to answer are:

1) Are there any NSFW stories featuring, in some way, Nightmare Moon & Sombra or Luna & Sombra with any of the potential roles that the regular folders permit (bitter foes waging a personal battle, past lovers, current lovers, somehow mature friendshipping I dunno)? If so, could you name them down below? (Linking is not allowed by site rules, but just saying 'Oh well this story, 'Generic Filler Title' by SomeDumbFuck would fit in the group' is allowed.) Answering this would give me an idea of what standards need to be set for the folder and what myself or an admin would be reviewing. Anything with a mature tag counts, whether it's for sex, gore, you have no idea how tags work, or whatever. I don't care if you wrote it or not, anything goes, yo.

2) Should the NSFW folder even exist in the first place? Why or why shouldn't it be in this group? The demand for the result is actually going to effect the outcome here, so please speak up.

A good reaction to most of the shit on the site.

Another thing would be that this group will stay SFW. There will be no NSFW posts or discussion, just a single, very-regulated folder. I won't be switching the rating of the group up, and neither myself or the other admins should have to see that being broken and disregarded. The only ban that ever had to happen in here was because someone posted their dumb rapefic in here the moment they joined the group. So yes, doing stupid shit like that will get you banned.

Have a day!

Personally I'm on board with an NSFW folder. However, to be honest, if your intention is to keep the rating of the group SFW, it feels like adding a NSFW folder is just muddying the waters. There's nothing wrong with saying "this group is not for M-rated stuff".

Ice Star
Group Admin

Most SFW shipgroups I've seen do have one, and they don't usually have to worry about ratings, so I figured it's best to see what group members want in this case, since the group hasn't had any NSFW before. The only other Lunbra group is entirely SFW, so there's no real alternative for people who do want that kind of content. Thank you for the feedback!

I wouldn't mind either way. As a general rule my Mature Filter is on. That isn't to say I don't sometimes turn it off, but that's a very, very rare occurrence. The most I would get from it is probably notifications, and I would say that's not a bad thing?

I guess what I'm getting at is I'm for it. It might draw in new members, as you said, and as long as everyone cal follow the rules and leave any nsfwness to that particular folder, I don't see an issue with it.

Ice Star
Group Admin

Basically what I was thinking too! Thanks for the feedback!

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