Luna & Sombra 197 members · 121 stories
Comments ( 4 )
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Hey everyone! I know I've never really posted in the forums before, but I just came back to writing after a years' worth of dealing with IRL things, and I'm back to work on my LunaxSombra fic, Midnight Radiance.

I'm not really sure how to say this, but I was hoping someone would be willing to potentially Beta-read chapters for me (and potentially also help keep me motivated to work on it?)

I do have a few things I want to say regarding picking a Beta.

  1. Having read the first story Lingering Shadows and all current chapters of Midnight Radiance isn't particularly necessary but it would be very much appreciated.
  2. I'd like my Beta to focus mostly on the proofreading but I would love if you're willing to be a story consistency and sensitivity reader as well! (Proofreading mostly though, because I feel like I'm pretty terrible at catching spelling and grammatical errors.)
  3. Encouragement is always appreciated; just please remember I work three part-time jobs and have other, non-MLP fics that I work on as well.
  4. My goal is to try to release at least one chapter a month until the story is finished, if that helps.

Please let me know if any of you are willing and interested in becoming my Beta!
And I apologize for the awkwardness of this message, I have honestly never asked or gone looking for Beta readers before. ^^;

Ice Star
Group Admin

I certainly wouldn't mind! I've done editing work before, and it should not be much of a problem.

Lemme PM you my Discord~

; ; Thank you so much, Ice! You're awesome, in the event no one's ever told you that!

Ice Star
Group Admin

Thank you~

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