The Sunset Shimmer Appreciation Group 528 members · 617 stories
Comments ( 15 )
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Group Admin

If your one of the tyrannical dictators of the original Sunset Shimmer group, such as an admin there or whatever, you're banned. Permanently. That's all I got, make sure to enjoy the new Sunset Shimmer group! Because the old one sucked coarse Kermit cockadoodledoo.

Group Admin

They ban people every day for no reason whatsoever. Especially when some people reply with 'I like waffles' when they tell you that they deleted your forum post because it was pointless. Essentially, they suck dong.

Shadowmane PX-41
Group Admin

5723440 Which is why this group exists. We're like a less hostile, more freely-expressive Sunset Shimmer group. Whatever you want to say about her, whatever you want to discuss, feel free to do it. Don't let the admins spoil your fun like they did ours.

5723440 Yeah, I find out I got banned a couple weeks back when I came on one day. No word or warning, just banned. Still don't know why.

Group Admin

So basically we're gonna get back at them. You know, if they ever decide to join.


Seems all a bit petty to me. Honestly, you're showing yourself just to be as tyrannical as the mods of the other group, if not moreso. They banned you, so ban them back. Keep the cycle going. Shakes head Honestly, if you ask me I'd have banned you folks for just being a little too trigger happy, right now I'd probably side with Cryosite and Jondor and the like seeing this. If you get banned, more often that not people probably have a reason for doing so than 'just because.'

I’ve no intention to do that kind of thing. I loved being a part of that group. I’m just saying that I came online one day and got banned. All I remember doing was making discussions for ideas revolving around Sunset and then the next day I’m banned. No idea why.

I never started any fights or anything. I have no grudges to bear. At the time of that comment I just said that out of nowhere I found out I got banned.

I believe you on that, the other two... Not so sure about really. (Not even sure if Shadowmane's an admin anymore.) From the way they're talking, they showing themselves to be no better than Cryosite or Jondor.

Fair enough. Don’t know who they are. The ones you’re referring too I mean.

Shadowmane and TheArquius.

I know who they are. I meant I don’t know who Cryosite or Jondor.

Admins of this group amongst others in Cryo's case, the one that you, Shadow and Arquius got banned from.

Jondor never struck me as a tyrant for the record. Cryo, incredibly rude from time to time, but not a tyrant. I have a feeling that when y'all got banned, it was for good reason.

Alright. I don’t know about the others because I don’t know them or what they did. But, again, all I did was make discussions about what kind of stories Sunset could crossover in and similar threads to that. That’s it. I never threatened or bullied anyone.

A little explaination is all I asked for from the admins of that group but I didn’t get jack.

But, again, at the time I was shocked and, admittedly, a little hurt by that, but once I realised I wasn’t getting one, I got over it.

I’ll still be a Sunset fan though, regardless of whether I’m apart of that or any group. Heck, I’ve made a Sunset group of my own.

Group Admin

Hey buttfucks

This drama is old

Everyone is welcome here

Fuck off lmao

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