The Sunset Shimmer Appreciation Group 528 members · 617 stories
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Humble greetings to you all! I am Michael_Ravencroft, the newest member of the group! 


For my contribution to the Sunset Shimmer Appreciation  group, Ravencroft Productions has a few good stories full of action, drama, and the occasional ecchi – and in a couple of stories cases really ecchi – moments! 

We’ll start off light and go with the T rated stories. Take a ride into the world of the Tokusatsu, where heroes wear colorful suits, can grow to the size of skyscrapers, and riddled with enough explosions to make Michael Bay dance a giddy jig. 

Follow Sunset Shimmer as she fights to keep her new home safe from evil! 

Some time has passed since the end of the Friendship Games, and Twilight Sparkle is still adjusting, but it's nothing that Sunset can't help her with. However, something seems off when Twilight starts to have dreams. Dreams of a library with infinite books, and of a masked warrior who fought against monsters. It is soon revealed that these were not dreams but premonitions, the power of the Earth has give birth to the creations known as Gaia Memories, and in order stop those who would use their power to hurt others, Sunset and Twilight will have to work together to stop it. With knowledge in hand, Twilight will equip Sunset with the tools needed to fight this menace, Sunset Shimmer will become Kamen Rider Unicorn!

"Time to restore harmony!"


Taking place at the start of the Initiation chapter, we see how Sunset’s little vacation back to Equestria doesn’t go as smoothly as she hoped. But what do you expect when you’re a superhero? 

Features Kamen Rider Decade!

Sunset Shimmer has become burnt out after constant battles with Dopants and managing any magical mishaps that spring up. So after much deliberation, Sunset has decided to return to her home for a week long vacation. However, evil doesn't take a vacation, and it springs up in Equestria. The organization known as Shocker, has set its sights on Equestria and threatens all that is good in the magical land. Fortunately, help appears in the form of the "Destroyer of Worlds", Kamen Rider Decade. But what is Shocker's objective? Why have they targeted Equestria? Sunset Shimmer shall be tested like never before, against foes she has never encountered, see how her metal will be tested in Kamen Rider Unicorn's first movie debut!

Taking place after the Nobody's Perfect chapter arc, the city falls under the influence of a strange “game virus” that infects the youth of the city!

Features Kamen Rider Ex-Aid!

Summer Vacation is still going strong for Team Unicorn, but every once and a while, even heroes need to take a break. And what better way than to play the hottest video game of the year? However, this game becomes less fun when Canterlot City's youth contract a unknown disease that is slowly killing them. But when Sunset goes to confront this new threat, an enemy from the past returns to seek revenge on her, and on all the good in this and every world. But hope arrives in the form of three renowned doctors and a game character - and one guy with a MAJOR god complex - who can help and stop this disease before it can progress. Oh, and they also happen to be Kamen Riders!



The exciting conclusion to the Kamen Rider Unicorn series!  Sunset has somehow gone back to be the most feared and hated person in CHS, what could be the cause of this?!

Graduation is almost here, and Sunset will soon begin a new chapter of her life. With the prevention of the Gaia Impact, life in Canterlot City has returned to relative normalcy...That is until Sunset woke up and found that everyone she cared about now treated her as if she was the Old Sunset Shimmer, the girl who was once feared and hated. Her friends see her as the Queen of Mean once again, and no one believes that she was ever good or nice. Not even her own girlfriend, Twilight Sparkle. With little to go on, and few to no allies, Sunset will have to solve the mystery of how and why her friends and loved ones believe she hasn't changed. But the more Sunset looks into this mystery, the more Sunset realizes how bad her situation truly is.

The exciting conclusion to Sunset's Kamen Rider journey begins now!

If ground level superhero fights aren’t your thing, and you’re more a kaiju person, then look no further!

Set in an AU where our favorite girl is granted the power to transform into a giant of light to defend the Earth from kaiju, all while trying to uncover her own mysterious past!

Earth, the year is 2065. After a wave monsters from space invaded in what has been dubbed the "First Incursion", the world created a organization to stop these vile creatures called S. M. I. L. E. (Space Monster Interception League of Earth). To train the next generation of defenders, SMILE Academy was created, and it is here that they will be imparted with the knowledge and skill to fend off any hostile threat. However, an evil has set its sights on Earth, and wishes to initiate a Second Incursion. But all hope is not lost, for one student, Sunset Shimmer, has the power to repel this extraterrestrial threat. Using her otherworldly device, the StaRaizer, Sunset will set out on her journey as Ultrawoman Aster! Now, if only she could remember how and why she has this power... A story of discovery, of battle, friendship, and possibly love? It's time for the universe's newest Ultra Warrior to take the stage!

"Release the light within me!"


Now for those of you who want something a little more on the…mature side, well then, have I got something for you. Two somethings, actually. 

A crossover with the not as widely known comic, Witchblade, and features our Sunny girl donning the most powerful and versatile symbiotic armor ever conceived. Not to mention the most revealing, even by video game and anime standards. *wink, wink*

Isolation...Lonliness...Anger...Betryal...Hatred... When one thinks of Canterlot High School, these were not the words one would associate with it. That is until a few months ago, when a mysterious account calling themselves "Anon-A-Miss", popped up and began spilling the secrets of all the students in the school, as well as some teachers. What was worse, was that Sunset Shimmer was blamed for it all. As if that wasn't bad enough, mysterious deaths have been popping up around the city, the news having labled them as the Mystery Murders, on account of the mysterious, and more than often times, grusome ways the victims have died. What does this have to do with Sunset? Until now, nothing. Not until the night when she obtained a powerful Artifact that granted her extradorinary powers and abilities. With the acquisition of this weapon, Sunset will have to not only figure out the mystery of Anon-A-Miss, but also put a stop to the Mystery Murders, all while trying to keep the weapon under control. However, as Sunset delves deeper into this mystery, she may find out that the two aren't exactly disconnected... Death, destruction, mystery, love, and a scantly clad female heroine. What more could you ask for?

If you liked the first, you’ll like the second more! It’s WAR between the forces of good and evil, and as the keeper of the Balance, Sunset will have to face down both sides

 Life was better now, Anon-A-Miss was gone, and the Mystery Murders Cases were finally closed with the destruction of the Wendigos. However, peace rarely lasts when it comes to Sunset Shimmer and her friends. A gang war sprouts up in Canterlot City, one that threatens to burn the city to the ground, all at the hands of a man named Sombra King, who wields the primoridal power of The Darkness. Sensing an imbalance, another force awakens, a force of light called The Angelus. The Angelus seeks to bring order to Canterlot City, and end the plague that is the Darkness once and for all. But, during the course of these battles, Sunset sees that the Angelus might be just as bad as the Darkness. Sunset and the Witchblade will have to summon all their power if they wish to end this war between good and evil, but can it be done without sacrifices? The War of the Trinity has begun!

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