Gender Swap 892 members · 806 stories
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Hello, all. I have a question for all of you.

I’m currently doing some brainstorming and planning for a potential short story or series of short stories all focused on the transformation theme of gender change. I wanted to explore a shared setting in which several characters undergo an unexpected gender transformation and deal with the consequences over an extended time period, although they alone are aware of the changes (reality is rewritten so that others believe they had always been their new gender). I thought it would be interesting to see how each character reacts in very different ways to the same type of transformation, as well as how they deal with the changes over time.

To that end, I wanted to see if I could amass some details on a number of different perspectives to this concept. I can think of numerous ways people would react to and deal with the change, but I also wanted to see what you all thought.

Thus, I ask you all:

1. How would each of you react to and deal with an unexpected and total change in gender, particularly when the rest of the world believes you’ve always been this way?

2. How would you feel about your newly altered biological, cultural, and social state?

3. How would you react during and immediately after the change?

4. How would you imagine yourself dealing with the change a week later?

5. A year later?

6. Five years?

If possible, I’d like to see changes of both female to male as well as male to female. I think the more diverse the responses, the better my research will be.

(Rest assured, the potential story/stories are site-related, but I felt it would be best for this poll to have some individualized responses)

Group Admin

This is from male to female.

1. Surprise and shock for the most part. The curiosity wouldn't really be there immediately more panic and worry about what I was going to do and how I was going to hide the situation or revert myself back. However upon finding out everyone saw me this way and thought i'd been this way my whole life I would calm down a bit though still be really curious as to why this happened. I would try to find a solution and the curiosity/worry would be proportional to whether I enjoyed the change or not.

2. I would probably be upset at having my life essentially altered against my will as a lot of the things I could do in society would now be gone or diminished because of the gender change. There would be social norms that I couldn't do now as this gender that I could easily do before and that would be hard to deal with. It would be fun to explore the other sides social norms and things I couldn't do before though.

3. Shock panic surprise and confusion if I had no idea it was coming.

4. Assuming I had no idea how I was going to turn back to normal I would try and look for the positives and make the best of it I think I'd look for a method to get back to normal and If I couldn't find one I would be somewhat devastated.

5. At this point, I'd either have accepted it or would be trying to find a way to reverse it.

6. Probably accepting at this point regardless of whether I enjoyed the change or not.


There's a webcomic I used to read about this exact situation. It's called Misfile, if you feel like looking up that take on it.

1/2/3: Initially, shock, settling into depression as nobody sees the me I know anymore. It's like when parents love you for who they want you to be--you can live your life behind a mask, or you can earn their everlasting disappointment or even contempt for not doing so. It's like when you have friends who don't want to see any other side of you than the one who's fun to drink and gossip with. That's just compounded by the body image I've cultivated over my whole life suddenly having nothing to do with the actual state of my body--I imagine it would leave me feeling "off" all the time. I don't even want to guess what suddenly being awash in testosterone will do to my brain (and libido, which I find annoying enough as is).

By contrast, having a menstrual cycle is only miserable for a quarter of your time.

I'd probably turn to the internet and become... about as reclusive as I already am, actually. Being physically around other people is uncomfortable enough when they do see me for who I am.

4/5/6: Long term... Probably therapy and medicine. The alternative is to become a severely depressed shut-in.

I say all of this as someone who already struggles emotionally, though. Maybe other people would deal with it better.

5921997 Why not, their is nothing stopping me for answering.

(BTW:This would be MTF...okay)

1. How would each of you react to and deal with an unexpected and total change in gender, particularly when the rest of the world believes you’ve always been this way?

I would probably freak out, like a lot. I would need to find a mirror immediately just so I can see all the changes that had happened to my body(and I would need to examine everything, everything). But if everybody accepts that I've always been this way, I would accept it an try to calm done.

2. How would you feel about your newly altered biological, cultural, and social state?

I would probably feel uncomfortable at first as I would be not use to my body at first, but I think I would get use to it in time. I don't think much else in my life would change if everyone accepted I've always been that way.

3.How would you react during and immediately after the change?

I would be panic if I was awake, if I was sleeping...I wouldn't notice at all. Like I said I would panic at first then eventually calm down.

4.How would you imagine yourself dealing with the change a week later?

I would first be spending the week experiencing and messing with my body to discover anything about it. I would still feel kind awkward in my body. But I would begin to adjust.

5.A year later?

I think at this point I think I would be adjusted my body an I would already moved past it and continue to live my life how I would.

6.Five years?

I couldn't say, since I don't even know what my next 5 years of my life are going to be like.

If you want me to explain or go into deeper details about this message me about it and I will answer(I don't feel like sharing this on public thread like this.

5922150 Please link it


1. How would each of you react to and deal with an unexpected and total change in gender, particularly when the rest of the world believes you’ve always been this way?

I would try to stay come, and try to find what has changed, body, life, and relationships with friends and family

2. How would you feel about your newly altered biological, cultural, and social state?

It depends on what tip if girl I become.
the same, but female: probably indifferent
a beautiful woman: Happier
What else ?
P.S. Do I get new GIRL cloths and ... ?

3. How would you react during and immediately after the change?

If it hearts: crying, hate and weeping
if it's.. you know: Happy, VERY happy

confused, curious, sore, and maybe "happy":raritywink:

4. How would you imagine yourself dealing with the change a week later?

Maybe a bit sad, more mostly curious, when I have time I would try every think that society lets girls do but not boys.

5. A year later?

I would probably have gotten used to the change, maybe

6. Five years?

I would have probably forgoing about it.
There's nothing that is left to remind me that I used to be a boy !?


Thank you all so much for participating in the thread! Your responses were invaluable. I greatly appreciate and was interested in how widely varied and unexpected the responses proved to be. Some intrigued me, others made me worried, and others still shed light on aspects I definitely had not considered. This was all truly great research material, and I will do my best to incorporate what I’ve learned into my developing narrative(s).

I must admit that I’m tempted to propose some sort of collaborative story project, contest, or group function based on these concepts, as your answers seemed to beg for stories of their own. However, as much fun as it would be to see your responses fleshed out into full stories, I couldn’t imagine how to make that site-related (if anyone has an idea of how to do so, please feel free to let me know!). I love the community and people I’ve found on this site, and I’d love to someday, somehow connect with you all through mediums that encompass original fiction as well.

Thank you all so much again! I look forward to further discussing transformation concepts in this forum with all of you.

5923858 Maybe make a stories of one-shots
each chapter is one of are stories.

You know what I mean ?


I would more prefer one solid contained story that is interconnected to each following the adventure and idea's of what we discussed here.

No question is this OC related or not, because then I would want discuss more in private about that so I can go more into detail with mine.


Hello again, all. The Canty Canadian pointed out something I had not considered, that being the use of Google Documents. Would any of you be interested in using Google Docs to participate in a collaborative story project, namely one focused on exploring the ideas of this thread?

Keep in mind that this hypothetical collaborative project would not be pony-related, but it would still revolve around transformation themes and ideas. As much as I enjoy and will most likely continue to explore transformation through pony fiction, I’d love to explore it outside of pony fiction as well. If I can do so with some or all of you from the community, then great!

If any of you are interested, please feel free to join in the discussion on the Google Document I made for this potential collaborative project. I’d love to hear your thoughts about how to move forward with the idea as a group.

You can find the document here.

5924352 I am interested, but I do want to do this through messages on my part if you don't mind.


I have far too many projects I'm not actually working on already. Sorry.

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