The Sci-Fi EVERYTHING Team 56 members · 60 stories
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Group Admin

You know what every group needs? A thread to introduce oneself and meet new people to interact with. Good news! That is the purpose for this thread!

I shall go first:

I'm DwarvishPony, a.k.a. Tim. Call me whichever, I don't care.

I enjoy pretty much any story with a good plot. I don't really have a preference on genre. I'll read anything from romance to tragedy to slice of life. I enjoy discussing potential ideas for stories, working out details for characters, and helping out other writers in any way I can. I do prereading if people ask, so feel free to send me a PM!

Lovely to meet everyone. I hope to see some new stories soon!

Hi! I am Typervader, creator of Eclipse and Fans of Anything and Everything.

I tend to be VERY active and strive on being professional and finish and put as much work into something as I can. As for Genres, I can not, and will NEVER read Clop but romance I can deal with. Everything else is fair game. I am great at coming up with ideas, and I try to work as often on something as I can, though I have a lot going on as well. I am still a new writer however.

Shoot me a PM and we can talk! Ideas, writing, or if you want to use my OC, let me know! Heck, we can always just chat!

Hello everyone, it is I, Sir DarkCyan! Please, please, contain your cheers for after I'm done.

You may ask yourself, who is DarkCyan? What stories has he published? Does he really need Sir in front of his name? Why do I care?

Well the obvious answers are - I am me, and me am I. Nothing, though I've assisted in editing and have collaborated on a few stories with others. No, but it makes me feel more important. I presume it's because you're bored, in which case let me try to help you with your plight.

On a slightly more serious note though, hi guys. I'm pretty excited to see what stories come out of this group. If you ever want an editor, or someone to chat ideas or whatever with, feel free to pm me and I'll try to respond in a timely manner.

Howdy, everyone!

My screen name is Lord of Nothing, but you guys and girls can just call me Travis if you prefer. I have been on this site for, like, three years now, and while I do not think I have really wasted my time, I certainly have not done too much in the way of anything meaningful. Preferred genres of mine are anything that does not involve excessive gore - after that, I'm bueno with everything.

I have written/am still writing exactly one very popular story - A Queen & You - a second-person POV about being a nobody in Colorado who now lives with Queen Chrysalis. Long story short, it takes me forever to update and that makes me feel bad. I try to be more frequent with other stories, and that usually seems to work, but whatevers for right now.

I am always trying to write new things, but work and school were getting in the way of me really putting a lot of time towards that. However, now that I'm at least out of school for a bit, I plan on putting my nose to the keyboard and attempting to grind some stories out. If you ever want to chat or discuss ideas for stories or anything really, shoot me a PM, because I would love to be a part of whatever this group and you members manage to cook up.

Group Admin

5295702 Don't worry, this group's less than a week old, and we already have 14 members. It'll grow with time. It shouldn't bee too hard to find some co-authors for a collab around here. :raritywink:

Group Admin

Sorry for being late, everybody. I'm TheMajorTechie, the founder of this group. I typically spend about 2/3 of my day on technology, either using it or repairing it. I have high hopes that one day, I may become the next tech sensation, starting from the educational market, and scaling up to the big-time corporate markets and maybe even advanced AI. But for now, I'm just a brony who's massively interested in all sorts of science-y things.

I also have a Youtube channel, where for now, I've just been posting Minecraft videos, but I plan on putting some different videos up sometime soon.

All in all, I'm basically just a quirk of society who seems to know more than most of the people around me.

For the link to my YT and several other random things, here's my website: [OR CLICK HERE!]

Greetings everyone, I am Kailoulou, but I think I'll allow you all to just call me Kai.

I guess I'm what you call an "amateur author" for I've only written two stories really. Both of which could've been better now that I look upon it. Yes, I've been here for nearly two years and I've only managed to write two okay stories. I know more people have managed to create a lot more stories in the time of two years.

If you would like to know a little about the person behind this page, I am currently still in high-school and now on summer break (as of 6/15/16) and I am striving to become a bio-medical engineer.

The reason I've only written two stories is because there is this one massive story that I've actually planning for three years now. A lot has changed from when I initially began brainstorming it. But the series is one I believe is one that will have never been seen here on Fimfition. Like my short bio says: "To go beyond what we thought was imaginable, that is the ultimate ambition." I want to write about what we could never imagine, I essentially (I know this sounds crazy but If I execute my story just right) want to change the meaning of a MLP Fanficition. Sorry if I sound crazy for saying that but I think it's possible.

Well thanks, for reading this, if you did.

That sounds pretty interesting. Do you have any more details you'd be willing to share about your ultimate fic, or is it still under wraps right now?

Group Admin

5298134 Only time may tell what shall commence in this little group of ours... :pinkiecrazy:


Well I guess I can give you a short synopsis of the first story I have planned, but I'm not going to give any spoilers. The name of the story is "The Griffin Revelations: Episode One". Yes it is a episodic fic and for a good reason too. One of those reasons actually being the mature and teen tag. But here is what is possibly going to be on the front cover of the story:

"As a global war sweeps the home-world of the Griffins, many groups of Griffins looked towards the stars in search for a new home and a new future for the race. One of these groups, the GSCP (Griffin Seriusukyan Colonization Program), found a hospitable planet where the Griffins can flourish and start anew. This planet holds the name of EQUIS-77B and it has living climates much similar to the tropical Griffin homeworld with it only being slightly more temperate. The GSCP only sent 2,000 Griffins to this new world. One of these Griffins is named Herishie, a former soldier within the Seriusukyan Military. With high hopes and dreams the Griffins make a landing on the world and begin their colonization work only to discover why they are truly here."

What this story essentially tries to depict is the idea of how the Griffins had actually managed to get to Equestria. What essentially happens afterwards after making planet fall, is that the leader of the colony, Treyuishya (Tray-you-shia), tells that the Griffins must abandon the "Ways of Old and forge a new path that of which deviates from those who fought over petty causes on our home world". Herishie, the main protagonist of the story itself, disagrees with this belief, while the rest of the colony agrees with Treyuishya. Eventually Herishie is forced out the colony and only leaves with his necessary provisions and a rover. A small exploration rover capable of bearing the elements. He then flees the colony and is left to explore Equis-77b (Equestria) all by himself. The story primarily focuses upon environmental studying and other things of that nature.

The story actually draws inspiration from various elements of Civilization Beyond Earth: Rising Tide itself and Mass Effect. With the rover having a similar design to the Mako and the Explorer unit's little rover. But most of the outside inspiration is actually applied into the next episode of the series.

Sorry if my ideas were inconsistent and not able to be understood.

Group Admin

5298385 Oh, that's perfectly fine. In fact, that's actually something that I've never even heard of around here! Great job on originality!

I think that all sounds pretty neat! Any timeline for when it'll be published?

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.


I'm not sure when it is actually going to be published

Group Admin

5299380 Nope, definitely no sarcasm here! Its just that sometimes, I may go a little overboard with italicizing things. Its a relatively common problem with many of my stories. If I sounded sarcastic, sorry. I really didn't mean it. Forgive me? :fluttershysad:

Group Admin

Also, let me hold a short vote: who agrees/disagrees that we should have some sort of monthly writing promo to kick start ideas in this group?

Just leave a comment on what you think.

No harm done, o great and powerful admin! And I personally think that the prompt idea is a good one.

Group Admin

5301333 So it's a yes on polls and promos?


From me at least, yeah, totally.

Group Admin

I like the sound of a monthly writing prompt or something. I like getting to flex different writing muscles now and again.

Group Admin

5305231 OK then. So right now, we have a Vite from a user and two admins, (counting myself). I'll just begin posting writing prompts and see how the others take it.

I'm SevenOfEleven.
You might remember me from such stories as "The Horror of Sweetie Bot" and "Bride of Bucky 2."

Wait, those haven't been written yet.
Stupid time machine!

I write mostly horror and fantasy but I want to branch out into sci fi a bit more.
I did write one Sci fi story but that was closer to the Ray Bradbury side of the sci fi continuum than Heinlein, Asimov or Clarke.
And it didn't have any ponies in it.

Group Admin

5312060 Oh, that's fine. If you want, you can head over to the new writing prompt for ideas!

Group Admin


Looking forward to seeing some cool stories from you!

(Also, is that name a vague Star Trek reference?

Hi all, so sorry for my lateness but i am Zangetsu675. feel free to call me zang. i am the author of The stars are not our friends. i am moving very slowly on the story due to real life so dont expect to see me around too much. i may however pop in every now and again asking for how to make things a little better or to ask for a pre read. im also a major gamer and a pathfinder player and DM so if you want a friend in one of those things find me on steam at the same user name. please just let me know you found it here as i delete anything that i even suspect to be a bot. anyway i hope you all will see the next chapter out of me soon enough. pm me if you want me for anything as that gets to my email and i will see that within 24hrs.

Group Admin

Great to see all of ya here!

Hi, I'm Silver. I like MLP, fallout, pokemon, and anime.

I'm working on a Fallout Equestria fic I hope will be ready for upload soon.

Group Admin

5930555 Alrighty then. Don't mind me while I go on being the admin of multiple dead groups, this one included.

5931504 That must suck for you. Are you doing alright?

5312060 Did you content-aware that avatar

Group Admin

5932943 Yeah, I'm doin' fine. I generally stay away from forming new groups these days, though. :derpytongue2:

5933011 Sometimes, I wonder if this fandom's alive, or if we're all just pretending it is.

Group Admin

5933288 Why not both?

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