The Sci-Fi EVERYTHING Team 56 members · 60 stories
Comments ( 17 )
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Hi I'm new here I just joined, I was referred here by another member by the name zangetsu675 he advised me that my story that I have been mulling over in my head would fit in this group here only problem is I am very inexperienced at writing stuff for fim fic if I could have a person help me or even help me get the story out better It would be a huge help! thanks

Group Admin

Sure, why not? Being an admin of a dormant group is boring anyways. I'll help. :twilightsmile:

5459125 I might be able to have a bit of time to help in the evening, but I can't say how consist I would be with help. Depends on how long it takes and what it is but I can help some. Probably.

5459133 ok then how would you wish to communicate I have Skype we can use

5459131 you can both help its just all a matter of time whoever has enough to help out

5459215 Skype or PMs here would be alright

my skype is TheDman131 im the one with the xbox avatar

Group Admin

5459440 I don't use Skype. Sorry. :facehoof:

5459482 I can compromise what do you use?

5459440 Mine is ShineyBlaze

Group Admin

5459486 I use Google hangouts just 'cause I've used it since I first made my email address.

5459508 Earth, why?

I want to join too .

5461154 what do you prefer to use as far as communication software

5493192 I usually use Gmail.

  • Viewing 1 - 50 of 17