Twilight's Reviews 120 members · 191 stories
Comments ( 3 )
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Is there anyone around here who could take a look at my stories and review them?

I put them in the Under Review folder, and they’ve been under them for quite a while. As a matter of fact, it’s been the same with a lot of stories around here.

These are my stories:

EFrom Repair to Despair
What happens when you get the Equestria Girls and the Three Stooges together? Well, let's find out, shall we?
A Man Undercover · 25k words  ·  70  22 · 3.3k views
EA King’s Grand Entrance
We all know what’s been going on with the Main 6 and Tempest while they were away from Equestria. But, the biggest questions would be: What happened while they were gone? What could the Storm King have done while he took up residence in Equestria?
A Man Undercover · 4.6k words  ·  76  28 · 2.7k views
Group Admin

6755679 We've been kinda dead for while tbh. I almost forgot about this due to real life stuff. I can attempt to review it but I cant promise it'll be awsome.


It’s nice to know that the group isn’t completely abandoned.

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