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Normally, I would give an example, but something tells me no one cares about my opinion. So, please, tell me. I'm curious...

...I care about your opinion. At least in this instance.

If I were in Equestria, I would be a unicorn that would take the Alicorn Amulet and march on Canterlot with my newfound unlimited power, destroying the Royal Sisters and crowning myself Equestria's newest Emperor! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!

In seriousness, it depends on when in the show's timeline I am. If I'm in the show's present day (i.e. after The Ending Of The End/The Last Problem), then I guess I would just live a normal life with whatever my special talent would be.

If I were in Equestria at the time of one of the TV seasons, though, I would try to set myself up as the Royal Oracle. Since I'd know a lot about the events of the season premieres/finales that would for Equestria be sometime in the future, I could warn Princesses Celestia and Luna about things like Chrysalis' attack on Canterlot, Sombra's return, Discord's betrayal of Equestria to Tirek, etc. before they happen, thereby ensuring that Equestria is in a little less peril every season. The butterfly effect might mess that whole plan up, though.

Uff... That's good stuff. Let me search my original answer of a thread like this.

I would be an Earth-pony
that studies all of the different tip of magic
becoming the Wizard-Sorcerer

before asending to an Alicorn

but to be real, I would probe be a pony that does random jobs for all of the other ones.

I would be a unicorn who makes enchanted board games and magically animated toys. I would use lovely woods and metals and gems to make my creations beautiful as well as fun. I would use magic to accomplish the same things with toys and board games that video games do on earth, only potentially better. I would sell these to make other ponies happy!

> be Tirek
> take all magic
> ?
> profit

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