Flutterrape 279 members · 69 stories
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Group Admin

Flutterrape has lived on for a very long time in the form of greentext and Pastebin.

If you'd like to check out even more, Feel free to hit up the FlutterrapeGeneral Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/u/Flutterrapegeneral

If you'd like to check out historical FR writers like Driverbang, Raritan, Cleverdick, or Theseus, go here: http://pastebin.com/eG8iY7Wy

If you'd like a link to 4chan authors from Flutterrape who moved to Fimfiction, check out this link: http://pastebin.com/JMVJfaFC

If I've missed anything, or anything in the Flutterrape Details need to be fixed, please comment in this thread. :yay:

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