Tempest Shadow 1,054 members · 658 stories
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You know, the other day I was thinking about a certain fan-favorite tragic-backstory villain, and a thought occurred to me: Tempest Shadow is basically MLP's version of Darth Vader.

I mean, think about it:

1. They both suffered debilitating physical damage that ended up being one of the many causes for their turn to evil (Tempest Shadow: Horn. Darth Vader: Pretty much everything.)

2. They both wear black. (Tempest Shadow: Storm Army armor. Darth Vader: Environmental suit.)

3. They both go to extreme lengths to capture the people they want. (Tempest Shadow: Twilight Sparkle. Darth Vader: Luke Skywalker.)

4. They both absolutely curb-stomp whoever stands in their way. (Tempest Shadow: Equestria and that Fish guy thing. Darth Vader: Pretty much everyone...even his own kids!)

5. They both work for people who try to get rid of them as soon as they feel they have outlived their usefulness, and also shoot lightning at some point. (Tempest Shadow: The Storm King. Darth Vader: Emperor Palpatine.)

6. And finally, the both end up being redeemed at the end. Of course, Vader kicks the bucket, but still, it's similar.

So what do you think? Let me know in the comments below.

I already made these connections since I first saw the movie.

Yeah, I think I made the comparison as soon as she first appeared on-screen. I half expected the Imperial March to start playing.


I don't know why it didn't occur to me earlier. Maybe it did, and I just forgot until now.

I for one agree with you. But you forgot one more thing that Tempest Shadow and Darth Vader have in common. And that is this.

They were once known by another name before changing it and turning evil. (Tempest Shadow: Fizzlepop Berrytwist. Darth Vader: Anakin Skywalker.)

BTW Since you're a Tempest Shadow fan, and a Star Wars fan, I would like to share with you some MLP/Star Wars crossover stories I wrote. If you're interested. Note three of them are part of a series I'm working on.

EThere Is Still Good In Her
Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi talk about the tragic story of Tempest Shadow together.
Raptormon132 · 1k words  ·  26  10 · 2.9k views
EI Will Not Fail
Tempest Shadow gets a visit from none other that the dark lord himself, Darth Vader.
Raptormon132 · 1.5k words  ·  175  6 · 11k views
TVader's New Empire
The story of how Darth Vader joined with the Storm King.
Raptormon132 · 6.9k words  ·  120  6 · 7.7k views
EEscape From Klugetown
Darth Vader and Tempest Shadow hunt for the Princess Twilight Sparkle and The rest of the Main Six in Klugetown.
Raptormon132 · 5.1k words  ·  124  4 · 8.2k views

Yeah, I've seen those around before. Thanks for the recommendations! I'll check 'em out sometime. Be sure to check out my stories when you can!

Although, I must confess, I like Star Wars but I don't consider myself a fan of it. I'm actually more of a Trekkie. :)

You're welcome. Hope you enjoy them.

Also, I am more a Star Wars fan. But I recently began liking Star Trek, mainly because of John de Lancie.

Q is one of the best written characters ever.


6. And finally, the both end up being redeemed at the end. Of course, Vader kicks the bucket, but still, it's similar.


They were once known by another name before changing it and turning evil. (Tempest Shadow: Fizzlepop Berrytwist. Darth Vader: Anakin Skywalker.)

Indeed, but also this:

When Vader grabbed Palpatine he ceased to be Darth Vader, and Anakin Skywalker returned.

When Tempest jumped in front of that obsidian orb she ceased to be Tempest Shadow, and Fizzlepop Berrytwist returned.

Oh, yeah! Forgot about that!

You know what they also have in common.

They are both edgelords.

I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.

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