Tempest Shadow 1,054 members · 658 stories
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After reading the latest comic that came out, starring Tempest Shadow, this came to me.

Tempest Shadow can be the Princess of Fight!! And then there'll be such a thing as "Fighting is Magic!"

Yeah, the alicorn princess bit is kinda out for her, but hey, she'd still make a badass princess, wouldn't she?

She could be the princess of war. I do hope they go the 'make her a royal guard' route though cAuse that seems to be where she belongs. She's a solider after all

I think I imaged something like princess of fighting once with a fancharacter that I haven't drawn yet.
Sounds okay to me, as long as she doesn't start to be a second Celestia minus the friendship thing.

What would be hilarious would be, if after her ascension, see still had a broken horn. I imagine everyone cringing and being like "how do we tell her?" Then Tempest looks in the mirror, sees her horn, and just smirks like "pht, yeah. Figures."

I can see her being a member of the Apocalypse Ponies.

Can't they just make her a fancy helm that has a gem that can focus her magic? I've seen people make fanart of that and it would make sense. Gems can be easy funnels for magic and tempest would look bad ass with a crystal horn

Honestly, I prefer her as is. She can still use her magic towards explosive and electrical ends, and she has more than enough physical ability to make up for lack of versatility in the magical arts. Plus, the shattered horn adds a certain intimidation, enemies are more likely to underestimate her, and it just looks freaking cool.

I agree. Plus, if it was such an easy fix, she would never have gone through the lengths that she did to try and get it back. It doesn't make sense to have the solution be something as simple as strapping a gem to her horn.

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