Tempest Shadow 1,054 members · 658 stories
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She got those eyes...Cheer her up!

This should help.

(Link to the original art.)

Second Wind has been trying to do that since chapter 1, but she's a tough one to pull out of depression.

A hug always helps.

Tempest you are the greatest pony ever.

Really now, if Tempest still has any interest in taking up a career in wizardry (the movie heavily implied that she was mostly interested in being normal for the sake of being normal, but the "Tempest's Tale" comic had her getting ready to go to Celestia's school before the Ursa Minor incident), then I'm sure Twilight would be happy to put a few extra bits towards prosthetics research now that she's ruling Equestria.

For that matter: Remember how when she was first introduced, Tempest complained of Equestrian power being wasted on fancy parties when it could be put to "greater uses"? That has most commonly been interpreted to refer to building up a military capable of actually fending off threats such as the Storm King, but "greater uses" could just as easily apply to medicine. Redirecting some of their resources from parties to medical R&D might have resulted in there being some meaningful remedy available to Tempest's younger self, thus saving both her and countless other creatures a lot of grief.

I didn't know that--I presume all of that comes from the comics? Or maybe it was mentioned in the film, and I just don't remember. Though yes, I agree that Tempest's existence would push Twilight to fund more prosthetics. In fact, it's odd that we didn't see any horn prosthetics (and even wing prosthetics, ignoring alternate RD) in the show. One would think that they may be a thing, given that wings and horns can get damaged rather easily.

All the movie had for Tempest's backstory was her losing her horn and then her friends allegedly abandoning her over it - no mention of her wanting to actually do anything magic-related with her life. Which strongly implies (though nothing is explicitly stated) that her obsession with getting fixed was purely about her feeling like she's defective.

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