Tempest Shadow 1,054 members · 658 stories
Comments ( 14 )
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You saw Tempest with this stallion...

What will you do?

I always wanted to see flying teeth... again.

Ugh... no disrespect, but that is NOT a cute shipping.

Since this is my OTP...I know what to do ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

Are you sure???

Hey, if this is your OTP, that's fine. You've got your tastes, I've got mine.

what does dat mean?

Comment posted by EverfreePony deleted Mar 18th, 2022

I see her kicking his teeth.

*looks at Tempest's cheeks*

Considering she's blushing and doesn't look like she's in distress and she not kicking his ass I'm minding my own business. Maybe see if Grubber knows where a all night bakery is.

Given my experiences, that just means violence is eminent. Tough mare's gotta stay tough.

Speaking of Grubber....
I don't think he will accept Neighsay as Tempest's interest.

I think as long as Grubber was reassured he was still tempest number 1 and no one was placing him nhe would be okay. But I do think Grubber would be insecure with anyone who was trying to have a relationship with tempest.

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