Tempest Shadow 1,053 members · 658 stories
Comments ( 8 )
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You saw Tempest fell in a cliff, and before she falls to her fate, someone got her up. Who was that someone? Explain your answer.

(Hint: You can think of anypony at all as long that pony you thought relly suits or cares about Tempest. One pony might be someone's thought after looking at a familiar detail in the picture.)

Wasn't this posted already before?

Heh. I had a problem with the picture. It appeared in my browser...none.

Speaking of the thread...any answers?

I think it would be Grubber he's always been there for tempest little dude would probably give his life without a second thought for her.

Of course he would always be Tempest's number 1 assistant and hedgehog pal. 🥺🥺🥺

To be honest, I have been thinking of that one pony to save that Tempest because of the details, and that pony was in the original artwork. I just hid the body and left the chain.

You know what...I will reveal the whole picture.

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