Tempest Shadow 1,054 members · 658 stories
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You saw Tempest getting booped by somepony. Who was that pony?

random thingamajig (idk if you should read it 🤫😉)
Lines by TheMajorTechie and me.

Tempest: Hey! You there! With the stupid little goatee!

Neighsay: *turned around to her and eyes widened* Fizzy?

Tempest: Stop doing stupid things like horse racism or I won't be your friend anymore!

Neighsay: I-I thought you left--

Tempest: No, you idiot! You were the one that left me after I broke my horn! Now, are you going to stop being stupid or do I need to drop this flower pot on your head?

Neighsay: *shuts up*

Tempest: *moves aside flower pot* That's better.

Neighsay: *exhales*

Tempest: You know what? Your goatee isn't stupid. *touches goatee*

Neighsay: *eyes widened and looked at her*

Tempest: Yes, it's very stupid.

Neighsay: Too stupid for you to play with it? *boops nose*


Congratulations, you found one pony who would boop her muzzle.

I'd notify his next of kin. I don't think even a reformed Tempest would tolerate that.

What do you mean?

Don't you remember what she did to the character who squeezed her cheeks?

Oh yeah! 😅

Somepony with a death?

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