My Little Pony: The Movie 263 members · 126 stories
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I just want to say. I love pirates. I love the lore of Edward Thatch, Benjamin Hornigold, Jack Rackham, Anne Bonnet, Ned low, and my favorite pirate of all time. Charles Vane. Pirates embody to me the free spirit and to go against the flow. In any case Celeano was my favorite new chracter introduces in the movie a ruthless badass pirate griffin who even when beaten down comes back to kick ass.

I loved her so much that I wrote something for her in a story of mine. In my story I decided to make me wonder how she as a pirate became nothing more then the Fedex for the Storm King. So in my own theory with nothing to base it on. I thought she woukd become a pirate because of her father. I thought that maybe they had a roost where the Storm King took over and that made her father who was already a pirate full of anger. He goes out and fight against the storm king. I thought that during his battles she as a child feeling helpless with her mom waited for him to return. But he never does.

So when she became old enough she found a crew to follow her fathers foot steps to fight against the storm king. I thought she would fight for years looking for her dad hoping he's still alive. Only to be defeated in one of her raids and learn the truth that he died. Broken in spirit she would succumb to the Storm Kings will and become nothing more a delivery ship. That's what I came up with just for my love of Captain Celeano.

Who's Corvo? You mean Celeano?

Yeah that's who I was talking about. Woops lol. I'm tired.

Heh, ya we all do typos when we're tired.:twilightblush:

Here's something you probably didn't know about.
Zoe Saldana, the actress who played Captain Celeano had played the role of a pirate before this. The first pirate she played was Anamaria in Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl.

that's cool I wish she had more screen time in the movie.

That's cool too know. Didn't she play the girl in avatar too

I don't think so

I mean the James Cameron Avatar with the blue aliens

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