The Barcast 1,118 members · 2,311 stories
Comments ( 18 )
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Group Admin

Hey Hey everyone! We have the amazing Ninjadeadbeard joining us this weekend! Stop on by and ask some questions!

If you missed the last time's episode, don't worry! We're on Youtube! Don't forget to subscribe for more Barcast silliness!

Also don't forget to check out our new hub site with links to everything we're currently working on or more information on the podcast!

Make sure to tune in at the usual time this weekend (4 pm PT) (5 pm MT) (6 pm CT) (7 pm ET) over on our twitch page!

1. What's your favorite non-MLP franchise?

2. Have you ever done anything for a non-MLP franchise?

3. Are you a dead ninja? A ninja with a dead beard? Have you fought any pirates?

1) What has been the most important lesson you've ever learned, or which one has had the greatest impact on you as a person?

2) What got you started writing fanfiction, and have you written any outside of MLP?

3) If one is a ninja, but also dead, are they a good ninja or a failed ninja? (You have a funny name, is what I'm saying)

1. What inspired you to become a reviewer?

2. You have a very interesting series in Anarchy, how would you explain this to a new fan wanting to dive in?

3. Do you like pineapple's?

4. Why am I asking a question to a ninja? he's always hiding.

Keep being awesome <3

1. When.
2. When will you fight me.
3. On the playground after dark.
4. Bring your buddies.
5. Loser has to wear a diaper for a week.
6. Yeah, well I don't think your mom's so aight either. In fact, I bet she has a job and is a well-respected member of the community. smh
7. I'm so shook, I don't even want to ask How youre day. I hope youre day's not How at all.

  1. Whats your favorite video game?
  2. what is some of your favorite video game moments?
  3. whats your favorite boss fight?
  4. any favorite boss fight moments?
  5. have you accepted skeletor the master of the universe into your heart?
  6. you are in Itty bitty Equine city what business do you start ?
  7. Do you even praise bro?

\ [+] /

1-) Can you show us your ninja skills?
2-) How do you make worst pony become best pony?
3-) Is one the reasons why you are dead is because you were a barber for ninjas and one time you cut the beard of a ninja in a very bad way that he swore revenge upon you, killing you with shurikens afterwards?
4-) What super power would you like to have?
5-) Did you, during your life, sit down on your chair and said to yourself: "Why do i like this colorful equines?"
6-) A very concerned man enters a hospital. He goes to the employee, requesting to see a doctor. The employee points to his left. Fortunately, the concerned person finds the doctor and immediately request an information from him. The doctor tells the man about the information. He gasps in shock upon hearing the information. The man goes to a room in the hospital, looking for someone. He enters a room with a woman laying in a bed, crying and holding her left hand in her stomach. The man looks sad and almost decides to hug the woman. It's his wife... Oh no, the information that the doctor gave him was that his wife just had a miscarriage...
What you would call this tragedy?(Bonus point if you answer correctly and make Priest mad at me one more time :>)

I definitely want this one, if the interviewers are watching.

Lmao, the comment is that way so I can reserve the spot and write my questions in whenever I find the time.

If you could ship Flash Sentry with anyone other than Tempest Shadow, who would it be, and how much salt would the pairing generate?

You have an extended universe. Was this a deliberate choice from the outset, or did you just stumble across it? 

Is there any particular aspect of your 'verse that particularly sets it aside from the fandom at large? Anything about it you're proud of? Anything you wish was in canon?

Speaking of verse...

Upon times immense and immemorial, when vikings invaded foreign lands
Their bright hearts brought a sort of poem, those wonderful brigands
But don't let this fleeting modern form now catch you fool'd, oh no
Though it appears but amateurish pairs, another's what they'd know
The rhyming couplets don't really matter, they're just rough estimation
Of the sort of silly things they'd do, to supply alliteration
And metre also met it's end, words mangled for the verse
To build and fit a better pair, and bugger the line endings
But that, aside this form's pure purpose, enigma's torture, poor lad
Is a role I realise with great enjoyment, despite the ruination
Of his battered and bruised poor ego, which brings me to the final lines
Pony Pony Pony
Please Pontificate Perhaps 'pon Pratchett's projects providing Peter Postlethwaite perfectly playable parts

Do you like chips?

What pieces of literature (books, poems, movies, etc) outside the MLP fandom really inspire you?

What authors outside the fandom do you look to for inspiration?

They sometimes say "Write what you know." First of all, who are 'they'? Then, in what ways does your writing reflect this truism? It what ways does it not?

Great to see you on here. :pinkiehappy:
1) What are your thoughts on Trixie?
2) When will Trixie on your PFP be happy? You know if you scrunch up your face for too long it will permanently freeze into that shape. :rainbowlaugh:
3) How long did it take you write your most popular one-shots (Waffles, Twilight You're Immortal, etc.), from conception to final publication?
4) Would you call yourself a slow writer, fast writer, or a procrastinating writer?

1.) Whats it like to write? Any tips, tricks or things you wish you knew when you started?

2.) If you were given 33 drinks of your choice every week, would you give Knighty
a place to stay at/near your home?

3.) Would you hug thing-pone? Kiss them good night? Tell them every little thing is going to be alright?
Would you stick your peener in it? (Or snootle boop and let them be a roommate?)

4.) Will pink, fluffy unicorns be the best cuddle-bugs?

5.) Chest floof, hoofsie fluffs, or ear tufts?

  1. How do you feel about the G5 announcements?
  2. How does this image make you feel?

  3. Crotchboobs?
  4. Is Sparity canon in your heart?
  5. Pick three members of the Barcast. Who would you fuck, marry, kill?
  6. Pick your favourite show character, imagine them in their normal, anthro and human forms. Which would you fuck, marry, kill?
  7. Is there a favourite piece of (sfw) fanart you'd like to share?
  8. Is there an episode or movie you would rewrite, and how?
  9. I don't really know who you are, but if the Cast brought you on, you can't be that bad, and I hope you have a good remainder of your day, wherever you are.

Group Admin

What would you whisper into a vagina?
What would you whisper back?
^ I will judge you on this ^

1) What's the worst thing you have ever had in your mouth?
2) Do you feel hopeful for the future?
3) What's the funniest shaped cloud you have ever seen?
4) Do you prefer being alone or being around other people?
5) Why won't you let me go home?
6) As we approach Spring, what is your favourite time of year?
7) What is your favourite album ever?
8) Are you happy you were born when you were, or do you wish you had been born in some other time?

One - What is your favorite meal, snack, or foodstuff that is really unhealthy but so friggin' delicious?

Two - What is the biggest or weirdest fear that you have?

Three - Why is Bagged Milk the Best Milk?

Four - What is your one annoying habit?

Five - What's the theme song for your sex life?

Six - Watch Anime by chance? If so, what are your favorites? -- Bonus points if you're a fan of Durarara!!

Seven - Just how big is your porn stash?

How does this make you feel?:

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