Hidden Gems 50 members · 9 stories
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David Silver
Group Admin
History remembers the Golem king as a tyrant. Celestia remembers him as something else.
Sirion123 · 2.5k words · 252 views

A sad tale the promises to end in calamity through the nature of the character's involved. The short desc whispers of final confrontations, a risky place to start with an OC. Let's dive in! Oops, author note to start. Don't do that! This one seems to be a note about the story's production. It gains nothing by being in the front.

Unfortunately, this was a mess. Spelling errors, tense shifts, and badly formatted speech and action tags abounded. Grammar: ★

Use of show canon: We have a young Twilight, but she doesn't have much chance to show who she is. She could have been basically any filly and nothing would change. We have Celestia, who doesn't quite feel like herself. ★

Character Consistency: Spoiler alert? Definitely time for spoiler alert. So a super smart student of Celestia's discovers there's a plot against Celestia. Alright. He tries to convince them to stop being jerks, cool. They grab him and begin extreme torture on him, for... reasons? This is where any shred of feeling like this was Equestria started to slip. They had no reasons, they just did. Eventually he breaks out and proceeds to go on a murderous rampage, because that's what ponies do. ★

Plot Flow: The flow of the plot is straightforward enough, but I keep hitting moments of 'But... why?' Why did Celestia do what she did instead of what she does with other threats? This OC needs deep therapy, clearly, even understandably. He didn't get it. ★★

Entertainment: I can't say... I got anything out of this story. I want to be supportive, so here are my suggestions. When making an OC, never make them 'the best'. Even if, in your mind, they're damn awesome, don't describe them that way. It's an instant turn off. He's not 'the smartest'. He's 'very smart'. He could even be 'one of the smartest', but never 'smartest'. ★

Overall: ★ I think this story needs to be gently set down and moved past. Dear author, you can and will grow past this. Please don't take this too poorly. Keep on writing and honing those skills.

PS: Why not Tartarus?

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