Legends of Magic: Pillars Of Equestra 201 members · 123 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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If you had to give each of the pillars nicknames, whether to help remember them better or just for fun, what names would you give them? Me personally, I would go with these names.

Starswirl - Pony Gandalf

Meadowbrook - Peacock mask

Somnambula - Egyptian pony who's name doesn't sound at all like a pony's name

Flash Magnus - Flying Spartan

Mistmane - No wing Celestia

Rockhoof - uhh....... Shovel Knight.

Those are my nicknames for them. What about yours?

I like their nicknames. :rainbowlaugh:

I wouldn't exactly say Starswirl is like Gandalf cause let's be frank, he doesn't have Gandalf's patience.

True. But I think calling him "Pony Wizard" wouldn't have been creative enough. And "Pony Merlin" didn't really sound right either to me.

Starswirl: The Wizard of Equestria

Meadowbrook: Early Zecora

Somnambula: Pharaoh's wife

Flash Magnus: Cool Flash

Mistmane: Not Kirin

Rockhoof: Pony Thor Odinson

The Schaller...starswirl
The witch doctor...Meadowbrook
The blindfolded priestess...Somnambula
The dragon gladiator...Flash Magnus
The shoveled Viking...Rockhoof
The Gardner...Mistmane

How's that

Starswirl- Beardie
Meadowbrook- Cajun Mask Pony
Rookholf- Shovel Horse
Flash Magnus- Legion Pony
Somnumbula- Isis (the Egyptian goddess) Pony
Mistmane- Pseudo-Kirin

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