Pandemic 284 members · 30 stories
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Group Admin

Hello, everyone. This group was created for the story universe centered around the initial story "Pandemic." This group is for both the discussion (including criticism) of existing stories, discussion about the universe in general, and a place for myself to place future stories, as well as other authors who wish to do side-stories along this theme.

The overall rules of the forum are really simple:

1) Abide by all the normal Fimfiction rules.

2) This is a SFW forum. Please avoid explicit talk about sex in the forum threads, and don't link to NSFW content (which I believe is a site rule anyway). The stories added can be NSFW (I checked with a mod on this), just that the discussions in the forum need to be SFW.

3) The original story touched on what people consider sensitive topics. Be respectful of other people when debating a point with someone. Debate the topic and not the person.

4) I'm not a fan of being anal about necro'ing old threads, so I probably won't police it too much, but please use some common sense in that regard.

So now about the rules concerning stories. This universe is still evolving, so canon can and will change as time goes by.

The basic rule is: stories that take place in a time period after what I've already written about are automatically not canon as you'd have to somehow read my mind to know how I'll be structuring things. They COULD become canon later, of course.

Another basic rule about canon: NO ALICORNS. I can safely say there is not a single alicorn among the transformed, and there won't be for a while. The enigma of Flurry Heart aside, alicornhood has to be earned, not bestowed.

Canon also means following how the transformation virus worked and its consequences. I will post a seperate thread about the details on that in another few days so there's a handy reference and you don't have to wade though this post's tl;dr content.

Now, that's not to say you can't write a non-canon story. I'd personally love to see people take the concept in different directions. Really, just write whatever you want if you're so inclined. It just has to have something to do with the original universe to be accepted here.

So next steps for me are to work on that reference thread and get a submissions folder opened up. I need to talk to the other admins first to see how we want to run things. I've never helped run a group before, so please bear with us.

i wish you luck.
i know the work that will go in to starting a new thread and the lay out involved.

Can't wait to see what others produce, and can't wait to see what is coming next from you. Know there is going to be a hiatus before we start seeing content.

I know I won't be doing anything until my current project is done. But have an idea for a story in this universe that I do want to get around to writing eventually. Will likely take place just elsewhere at the same time period as the story. No big world spanning adventure-just short character drama.

I spent a good chunk of time playing around with the FIMfiction groups rules, so if there’s anything you can’t seem to figure out how to do (or if you can do it), feel free to drop me a PM!
I wish you the best of luck! I look forward to reading more, and maybe even writing some too if the mood strikes me.

Sir Chaos Omega
Group Admin

Oh I would like to say that as the creator of this universe ASGeek2012 is going to be the one who will ultimately deciding what is and is not canon, both FlutterGuy98 and myself have come to an agreement that we will not be adding any stories to the Canon folder.

I am currently in the midst of preparing a side story for Pandemic.
This will be the first story, actually, that I will write for FIMFiction.
For shameless reference as to my portfolio, my username on is Xavier Rall.
While I'm not holding out hope that it will come to be regarded as canon, it will posit a very important and rather fun question regarding the world of Pandemic that I think people will have a lot of fun with.
No hints or spoilers! Sorry.

Sir Chaos Omega
Group Admin

Can't wait to check it out remember to add it to the Submissions folder when you publish it so that ASGeek can decide whether or not it is canon.

I've completed the side story, but I still have to wait for it to be approved. How long does it usually take?

Group Admin

I don't get notified when new stories are added to the folder, and I don't check it every day. I'll try to get to looking at it this week.


"The original story touched on what people consider sensitive topics."

It did?

Admittedly: It's been a while since I've read the original story. But I can't remember it saying much in the way of "sensitive topics".

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