Equestria at War 1,820 members · 806 stories
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Feather Book
Group Admin

It’s that time again. Welcome to the third Equestria at war Write Off. This time we’re doing something a little different. We’re going to have a theme for you to write your stories to. The theme is: Resistance and Rebellion.

Not only is the theme inspired by the recently released La Resistance DLC for Hearts of Iron IV, resistance and rebellion is an important part of the Equestria at War world. There are many examples across Equestria at War that can inspire you. The Olenian Partisans fighting against Changeling oppression, the griffons of Aquileia taking to the streets in demand of liberty, equality, and fraternity, and the Equestrian Liberation Front building an army in secret under the streets of Manehatten just to name a few. You can use any one of these examples or come up with an idea of your own.

The stories will be graded on these categories:

  • Spelling and Grammar.
  • Characters.
  • Originality.
  • Story and pacing.
  • How well it fits the theme.

The rules are as follows:

  • Minimum Word Count of 1,000 words.
  • Maximum Word Count of 10,000 words.
  • The story can be M rated but must not contain pornography or extreme content.
  • The story should fit into the Equestria at War universe. (Don’t worry too much, we’re very lenient with this).
  • All submissions should be submitted to the folder before the deadline.

The deadline is 23:59:59 (PDT) on Sunday, 5th April.
Click here for a countdown.

The prizes are:
1st Place – A free copy of La Resistance for Hearts of Iron IV. Plus, the 2nd and 3rd place rewards.
2nd Place – A portrait of a character or OC of your choice by Equestria at War artist Printik. This can be added to Equestria at War if it fits. Plus, the 3rd place reward.
3rd Place – A special role in our Discord server.

Your judges will be members of the Equestria at War team and community.

Good luck everyone. I look forward to seeing your entries.

Lil Penpusher
Group Admin

As per usual: May the best Clopfic win! :moustache:

ah man, I've had three EAW ideas for stories (including a resistance one), but haven't pulled trigger just yet. Now I'm more motivated to do so.

I have the perfect story for this. I just need to type it up.

Oh man I think I have a great idea ^^

It's been a while since I wrote something pony related. Guess it's time to pick up the pen again!

Well I’m glad that I was already planning a story about a spy, probably don’t want to win first though already got the DLC

Honestly I can't wait to finish up my idea! These sort of contests are a great way to get a community to get involved and I am happy to be partaking in this years contest!
Thanks to the EAW mod team for giving us the fans/public a chance to partake in this great challenge!

New to the group. Is that the usual here? :rainbowlaugh:

Lil Penpusher
Group Admin

We do these Contests once a year... so I guess it is!

Don't worry, I was only kidding for the most part

So this is probably a big, dumb question for a big dumb idiot like me...
When y'all say the story should fit into the universe, that does mean that as long as it generally follows an available path of history in the game it's alright?

Feather Book
Group Admin

We're very loose with that rule. Basically it means don't have humans and it should in theory fit in to the world. So Equestria is mostly the same but with 1930's tech, the changelings will attack around 1011. Grover is the emperor of Griffonia, etc. Try not to worry about it too much and you'll do fine. :twilightsmile:

If you're ever in doubt, just remember that the world of EaW is your coconut crab; feel free to crack right into it, dig in, and get down with the sickness you've no-doubt contracted by now. Besides, if you're writing something, you'll have it out long before me.

how do we submit our stories to the folder?


this is a question i also need to know the answer to

also, what is defined as extreme content ?

>Go to your story's page
>On the top right corner, you'll see a down facing arrow, click it and the first option is "add to groups"
>When you click, you'll see a popup window. Search for this group, Equestria at War, and click on that. Then add it to the 2020 contest under the appropriate folder, pre-war, wartime, or post war

Hmm... I might survive this contest after all.

Is it alright to have the changelings starting the war later (1018 or so)?

Feather Book
Group Admin

7185336 7185741
Mild gore is okay.
Extreme content includes: excessive gore for the sake of gore, or anything a reasonable person would consider to be extreme M-Rated content.

I should probably let you know that the link to the folder doesnt work

Feather Book
Group Admin

It thought I had fixed it just the other day!

Thank you.

Oh God Dammit, it's due today... I'm nowhere close to being done :twilightoops:

Feather Book
Group Admin

Oh no! Do what you can. I’d love you read your entry.

Cmon you got a few hours, go go go!

I bit off way more than I could chew with this story, ended up being a lot longer than thought :twilightsheepish:
I'll try what I can

i've got 4 hours, i think so...

i'm going as fast as I can :(

well, i did it, suffering through staying up way late and a bad stomachache :twilightoops:

Feather Book
Group Admin

I hope you can rest now and that your stomach feels better soon. :twilightsmile:

T minus 13 mins damn I shouldn’t be awake

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