Equestria at War 1,815 members · 806 stories
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Lil Penpusher
Group Admin

Hello there, fellow warcriminals, fundamentalists and esoterics!

In case you don't know me, I'm Lil Penpusher (or just Nico as you might know me from the Discord). I've been with the community since forever, and am the owner of this lovely corner we've forged over the years. I've always had a pet peeve for writing, and it just so happened that MLP filled that niche perfectly for me, being open for interpretation and alternative universes, as well as anything from comedy to romance to the grimdark.

Moving on, those of you who have been here for a while will probably know that this group has never been a major aspect of the EaW Community overall. The Discord is obviously by far the most important, and then the subreddit comes in second, with even the wiki being more important than this. We had tried to create a more close-knit relationship between the overall community and the fimfiction side via the yearly write-off contests, but those are once a year and during those downtimes it's kind of a ghost town here.

To remedy this, me and the other admins (Featherus and Blizzard) have come up with something to help revitalise the group, to show appreciation to all the wonderful and talented writers in our community who put hour after hour into specific works of art, to get people talking in here once again and create regular activity that people can look forward, and to represent ourselves in the general community.

Therefore, I am proud to introduce the newest, hottest thing: The EaW Story Showcase! (call me if you have a better name, it's a working title)

The way we have arranged things, the showcase will work as follows:

Every two weeks, that is 14 days, we will pick one story submitted on here, in the group, to showcase. We base this on a varying set of expectations, which are, in no particular order:

- Popularity (Total likes, like/dislike ratio, views)
- Word count (bonus points if the story is incomplete and still being expanded upon!)
- Release date (recent stories to be exact. Having a noteworthy subject or plot that sticks out from the crowd at a glance will help here!)

It is worth noting that no single showcase will incorporate all of these three categories, but rather only one of them. This means that one showcase may feature a very well-liked story, and the next one 14 days later will receive one which has a comparatively even split of likes to dislikes but is a very long and still ongoing story. The next one after that will then probably be a very recent addition which may have neither likes or words but stuck out to us from its peculiar or interesting (or simply enjoyable) setting and subject. This way, we hope to give a chance at a feature to all writers here, and not just those who are already swimming in followers, likes and views as is.

Please be aware that this showcase is not meant to be a 'contest' as our regular writing contest is. If you specifically want to write an interesting story in hopes of us showing it off, then I won't stop you, of course, but we admins are not treating this as a contest and there are no prizes to be won, nor are we trying our best to be 'objective' when reviewing potential candidates. In fact, it's likely that our picks may be heavily biased depending on our preferences, and we think that's fine.

Writing is all about being and remaining you, and doing what you love. We want to show that passion with as many people as we can, and bring people from outside our corner here together to see all that you have, and will, create.

The showcase will begin Sunday, the 28th of August. It will be posted and pinned here for the two weeks, and will be unpinned when the next showcase arrives at that time. A post will also be made on our Subreddit every time so that reddit users can easily follow along, also (thank you to Anja and Apani for permission!).

With all of this out of the way, I can simply say that I'm eager to be getting this underway, and hope to see this group get its wings as it becomes a more active and integrated part of our larger community! See you then!

Group Contributor

Very cool!

Can't wait for all of my EaW fics to eventually get featured here


can't wait to not write anything due to my inability to write anything good

A source of feedback and publicity for all? A wonderful idea!

Well, this sounds like a great way to boost up some of the poor, neglected one-shots outside of the community write-offs. Good!

So far, everyone who's commented pretty much make up all the stories in the group.

not really, there's like 490 stories or something

I’ll try to do some

Oh cool! Here's hoping The Death of Harmony gets showcased, and even if not here's hoping I get to read some cool stuff! Might motivate me to finish the next chapter lol.

Somehow i completely missed this... but since I'm here, might I ask what happened with the results from writing contest 5? It's been a few months now

Lil Penpusher
Group Admin

I'm not a judge, so I legitimately could not tell you even if I wanted to. However from what I know it's that IRL things have caused a holdup for one or two of the judges.

Everyone knows it's overdue, and they want to deliver soon(TM), and that's basically all I know. I'll send Featherus a DM on Discord to remind him, once again, though I doubt it's been forgotten.

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