Equestria at War 1,815 members · 806 stories
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Ngl I didn't know who or where to ask these questions, so I figured this might be the best option.

Anyways here are my questions:

1. What would you say is a accurate map of the world of Equestria? (Not the cartoony ones. But ones that look like the maps that we have used in the past and now)

2. How would I build a country?

3. Is there height maps of the Equestrian terrain?

I'm asking because I plan to make a continent for my story but I need an accurate map or close to give reference and use. If you could help me I would greatly appreciate it. :pinkiehappy:

This is the most accurate map (thus far)
Otherwise, might want to rely on the Equestria at War map

Yeah, Joe Toon is right, and given that you're trying to make a continent, I'd recommend the EaW world map. It's more spread out than the canon map and gives you more play room if you wanted to wholesale make your own continent.

Ok, thank you, I will keep this in mind. :)

Yeah speaking of that I might to implement some elements of EaW into my story. I might not use all the countries since I haven't played the mod yet. (Been wanting to) Well see how it goes.

Oh drat, I forgot that update.

Yeah, you could do soft EaW if you wanted, use the technology and the worldspace and the like, just without the conflicts of the mod. (Also same lol. Need to sit down and play it at least once)

Yeah I have been wanting to play it but, can't since my computer died. Hopefully one day.

For the technology I want the time frame of my story to be around the beginning of the industrial revolution for reference.

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