The Official Generation Five Site 701 members · 1,998 stories
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Admiral Producer
Group Admin

Hello, everypony. My name is Hawk Nightwing, but many of you know me as Admiral Producer on this site. Both names have always represented me, and what I believe in. For as long as I can remember, The Official Generation Five Site has been more than just a group on Fimfiction. It’s been a place of positivity and love, a place of insightful commentary and theories, and above all else, the one place to discuss all things related to G5. This group has always represented something special to me, in which whenever there’s toxicity circulating online in regards to this generation, I could always hop on here and see the dedicated following that I’ve never seen on YouTube, people who will always stick with this generation through thick and thin, and the community that truly represents what MLP is.

As many of you may know by now, our old admins Crystalbreeze and Edboii have been the sole owners of this group for quite some time, yet their unfortunate absences has resulted in the rise of flame wars and thread derailment, lawlessness that takes away from the fun of discussing pony media. Without them, this group has fallen into a state of unpredictable anarchy that I have had the sad experience of bearing witness to. People being attacked for defending aspects of G5 when they did nothing wrong. Trolls that infiltrate discussions with off-topic vitriol with no one around to police their behavior. For a while, there has been no proper regulation and no way of properly dealing with these sort of people who let their emotions cloud their judgement. We have been stuck for so long dealing with this sort of behavior that has ruined what this group was created to be, what it stands for. There has never been a way to enforce proper guidelines that would have been mandatory in every other group. We’ve watched as threads went on forever past their prime as the main topic gets lost in the shuffle of harsh words and blind hatred, two things that should never have been allowed to foster to begin with. The inaction of our previous admins has resulted in this type of behavior ruining these discussions for every member here.

Until now that is. For there is always light at the end of the tunnel at the end of the day. Wherever there is darkness, there is always light. Wherever there is hardship, there is always courage. Wherever there is paranoia and distrust, there is always friendship and love. And wherever there is chaos, there will always be harmony. As a passionate fan and unapologetic member of this great fandom, I am proud to announce that my friend The BlueEM2 and I have been appointed as the new admins of this group.

As the shadows of the clouds part part to reveal the beautiful light of the full moon, Blue and I shall be like the stars, guiding new members to the safe and positive community they’ve always wanted to be among. I know the future may be uncertain, and post-Make Your Mark, there is more doubt among fans than ever as to where G5 really goes from here. But we want anyone out there to know that in spite of all the online turmoil, they will always have us to turn to, that whenever they feel lonely, the stars will guide them towards our group and show them who we really are. G5 has always been more to us than what the mainstream fandom tends to tell you. It’s not a simple, sloppy, uninspired cashgrab that nobody likes. It’s a beautiful and heartfelt story with relatable themes and identifiable characters, a worthy successor to the generation that came before it. As fans of this generation, we want our leadership to reflect the will of the majority, and inspire healthy and honest conversations around this new era of MLP.

We want this group to be the #1 place that people turn to for anything G5, and that includes making some changes. As an author first and foremost, I want to encourage story promotion and help with writing G5 stories. Some of my best work on this site such as Worthless could not have been possible without the support and the feedback of my readers. I want this group to also become a hub for people to discuss their G5 fics and getting the community’s support in doing so. As a creator, I want to encourage people to show their work, whether it be videos or anything of the sort, with the people at large in order to get feedback and engagement, which in turn helps us grow in our fields. And as an admin, I want to encourage on-topic, healthy, and civil discussions about any G5 topic, whether it be episodes, overall story, lore, predictions, and theories. These things are what make us who we are as fans, and we deserve to talk about what we want without being bullied or harassed for it. I want to cultivate a community of people that supports one another no matter what life may throw at us. I am dedicated to building back the fandom of old once again, one step at a time. That means no derailment of any kind from trolls shall be tolerated. We shall be implementing a stricter regulation system that cracks down on any sort of behavior designed to derail, blackmail, or personally attack users on this group. That being said, we also want to give people the chance to improve themselves as this is a franchise about redemption. So, we will be implementing a more reformatory justice system that gives chances to those who are interested in changing for the better.

We want everyone to treat each other the way they want to be treated, and make sure everyone no matter who they are, have a voice in discussions. We want people to be involved in the decisions of our group, and to have input on our systems. And really, we just want people to treat us not as supreme overlords, but friends. Just because we have an elevated position doesn’t make us any different from the normal members, and at the end of the day, we’re still going to be the passionate and unapologetic defenders of G5 that you all know and love. I am incredibly excited to start this new journey with Blue, and I want to thank you all for getting us both to this point. None of us would really be here without you, and you are as an active participant in our lives as anyone else is. You’ve taught us all so much about friendship, and for that, I will always be grateful. Thank you, friends. Thank you, everypony.

Best of luck to y'all!:pinkiehappy:

>tfw preparing for new management

I shrugged and joined the group after I heard the announcement. Didn't feel like there was any harm in it. >^_^<

Admiral Producer
Group Admin

Well then, It looks like I have the honor of personally welcoming you to the group myself. Welcome! May your journey with us take you to places beyond your wildest imaginations.

Well deserved. While we’ve had a couple arguments in the past, you’ve always seemed like one of the more level-headed members on Fimfiction, as well as a huge positive force on behalf of G5 fans on the site, so I think that you and BlueEM2 will be great leaders for the group. Best of luck! :yay:

Admiral Producer
Group Admin

Thank you so much. Really, I’d like to sincerely apologize for our arguments before in the past and say that while we may have strong feelings on certain things, that should never be a reason to divide us. Thanks again for your support and I hope that Blue and I can be the leaders that you and so many others deserve.

I’d like to apologize too for any previous...accusations I’ve made. I will happily admit that over time I realized that I was very wrong about you. I’ve seen you defend others, hold your ground on ideas you believe in, as well as lift others up, all of which are good qualities as a leader.

Stay the course, Admiral. *salutes*

Admiral Producer
Group Admin

You too, GTthe4th. I believe that in the end, true friendship shall carry us both towards a brighter future. Never give up on what you believe in. *salutes*

I've admittedly been very quiet in this group due to how I saw it rapidly descending into a lot of flame wars and needless arguing. Been keeping myself distant for the sake of my sanity. But, if what you say is true, then I look forward to seeing how this group is run and how it'll behave going forward.

Admiral Producer
Group Admin

Under Blue and I’s leadership, your right to free speech will always be protected, so if you have a problem with anyone here, you can report it to us at any time. So post away! :yay:

7901897 I welcome our new overlord! :yay:

Admiral Producer
Group Admin

Thanks! :rainbowlaugh: Your new “overlord” appreciates that very much.

I, for one, welcome our new Batpony and Train overlords. :D

Thank you. Here's hoping for the best. :twilightsmile:

SweetAI Belle
Group Contributor

Congratulations, and the best of luck to both of you!

If you haven't already, it's probably be a good idea to talk to the site admins (such as Eldorado or Wanderer D), and ask them to make one of the two of you the group founder instead of Crystalbreeze, since if they come back and delete their account at some point, the group'll vanish...

--Sweetie Belle

Admiral Producer
Group Admin

Thanks. I actually asked Eldorado to do that, but he went ahead made us admins instead. We’re practically the new owners already in all but name, but…I don’t know. I don’t want to ask too much of him at the moment right now as restoring all my previously deleted stories and bumping us up to admins was a pretty tall order to ask already. At some point, I probably will have to do that though, you’re right. Is that within the site moderators’ power to do, or do they need the original owner’s authorization first?

SweetAI Belle
Group Contributor

It's one of these things where if the original owner was still somewhat active, they'd probably want authorization, but if they haven't been around in a while, it's normally not needed. Last login being January makes me think you probably wouldn't need it. Most of the times when I became a group founder was times when the original owner hadn't been around for quite a while. (Or in the case of the Writer's Group, the original founder contacted the site admins and had it shifted to me, because they were deleting their account.)

--Sweetie Belle

Admiral Producer
Group Admin

Ah, I see. Well, I’ll talk to Blue about that and then probably ask Eldorado to transfer again over the weekend. The last thing I’d want is for this group to suddenly be deleted out of the blue, so I do agree it’s a necessity. I’ll see what I can do. Thanks for bringing this up to me.

SweetAI Belle
Group Contributor

No problem. The founder of the Shameless Self Promotion Bureau actually deleted their account while still listed as the founder one day, and I was pretty lucky to manage to talk to knighty on Discord and get him to shift the group to me after the fact, so I always get worried about things like that happening. (I was already running it at that point, too...)

--Sweetie Belle

Admiral Producer
Group Admin

Yikes. So it can happen at any moment…Yeah, this is definitely an urgent matter. I’ll hit up Blue tomorrow morning. Thanks again.

SweetAI Belle
Group Contributor

No problem, and yeah, unlikely, but always possible, and most people don't really realise that deleting their account does that.

(I think what actually happens is that the founder name spot is pointing to a user that doesn't exist, and any groups without a user listed as founder aren't shown. Could be wrong, though.)

--Sweetie Belle

I consider this group to be the Fimfiction equivalent of Terra Nova. And I’m here to stay.

Admiral Producer
Group Admin

Welcome! It’s great to have you over here, EverythingGuy!

It’s a pleasure to be here. I’ve left G4 behind to have a fresh start. G5 is way less cringey.

And I know this group is in safe hands with you in charge :)

The Blue EM2
Group Admin

Welcome onboard for the ride. We have tea and cake.

One question... poodles 🐩 or cats 🐈 ?

Cats without question =3

I mean it's right in your profile pic, is it not? :ajsmug:


I kid, congratulations. 🙂

The Blue EM2
Group Admin

for a second I thougt you said

Meme Maker


I don’t quite understand what that means.

you said Terra Nova
I thought it was Terabithia
as in Brige to Terabithia

So you guys acted like the new group category that's actually pretty cool

It's either that all we need to is organize everything around the stories since you put categories in there this time

Oh good that’s this group was a cluster fu:yay: and no body done anything to do with those trolls

Poodles are equally good in my opinion.

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