The Official Generation Five Site 697 members · 1,996 stories
Comments ( 15 )
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The Blue EM2
Group Admin

Greetings all. I am the Blue EM2, and it is with great pride that I take on the role of co-administrator of The Official Generation 5 Site. The last two or so years of Generation 5 have seen a marvellous rebirth of the pony community, and the liveliness of the group has confimed in my eyes that this fandom has a lot of life left in it.

I won't deny it hasn't always been sunshine and cupcakes. Apart from thread derailments, there have been moments of discord and strife amongst us. But disagreement is natural, and as long as we keep it civil all is good.

I'll keep this short. We are ultimately only as strong as the sum of our parts. Myself and Admiral Producer will not serve as tinpot dictators intent on regulating speech, but instead as guides and helpers, keen to lead this group, and our fandom, to new heights of glory.

There are always rough spots and tough times. But through it all we shall play our part, hooves to hearts.

That is all.

Admiral Producer
Group Admin

Well said, my friend. Short, succinct, and beautifully worded. I do believe that this is the beginning of an even more awesome era. Hooves to hearts!

Good luck to both you and Admiral, Blue! Like Admiral, I’ve often seen you being a good, positive force on behlaf of G5 fans on this site, and it’s good to finally see some recognition going around.

I hope G5 doesn’t disappear like a fart in the wind. I also hope it will eventually be on dvd/blu-ray so I can take it with me and watch it forevermore. But seeing as they didn’t put that last 2 seasons of FiM on physical copy… I’m not hopeful. :fluttershysad:

Admiral Producer
Group Admin

Trust me, it won’t disappear just like that. For as long as there are those who will remind others of its existence, G5 will never go away. After all, the reason why FIM lasted for so long was partly because of word of mouth from fans. Add to that, G5 has a permanent place on YouTube with Tell Your Tale, which has continuously accumulated millions of views. So I wouldn’t be too worried about that. Physical media isn’t everything.

7901924 I welcome our new overlord's second in command! :yay:

The Blue EM2
Group Admin

No problem boss.

The Blue EM2
Group Admin


This fandom will only die if we let it. If we spread the good word and continue to spread the lessons Generation 5 taught us, all shall be well. Twilight passed Sunny and co a big torch, but it's one they carry with pride.

I actually don’t watch TYT. I much prefer MYM.


like a fart in the wind.


I welcome our new overlord's second in command!

Congratulations. You've always struck me as a very wise and patient person who enjoys their time here. I know you'll do well. :twilightsmile:

The Blue EM2
Group Admin

Thank you. And likewise to you.


thread derailments

Thats being too nice methinks in some user's cases. Deliberately starting 💩solely because they could more likely.

The Blue EM2
Group Admin

Tell me about it.

For me, G5 has been much easier to watch than G4. It’s just more comfortable.

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