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Admiral Producer
Group Admin

Hey, everypony. You guys probably didn’t expect me to make this thread, but I feel the need to do so after what happened last night. This won’t be anything too long, I promise, as I currently have important stuff going on at the moment and can only pop in here and there. I just want to give you all a very important reminder that it is of the utmost priority to keep the discussion forums fair and civil. The other night, we had a user that made a thread explaining why he stopped watching the rest of Tell Your Tale and G5. Now already this is a hot topic, but he has the right to his opinion at the end of the day. What isn’t okay is accusing the writers of not caring and both shows of being “morally bankrupt” due to a small thing you disagree on. This isn’t tolerable as it is this kind of wording that only invites people to be angry with you instead of understanding you. It also is in violation of Rule #6 of the group rules under the “goading people into fighting you” and “inflammatory language” clauses. As I stated in the group rules, there are plenty of ways to express your frustration regarding an aspect of this generation without resorting to outright verbal insults.

I know we all have feelings on Chapter 6 and/or the rest of G5 for better or for worse, and we should be allowed to discuss these matters freely. But I have to draw the line at ranting threads for good reason. That kind of discussion doesn’t lead to anything productive and instead puts other people on their guard against you. All understanding goes out the window at that point as the way you carry yourself contributes directly to how others will perceive you. It can be hard to keep your emotions in check when they run high, I know, but wouldn’t you rather converse with someone who expresses their conflicting beliefs in a constructive and fair manner than someone who lets their anger rule them? A good example of this is when I put out a thread earlier this year expressing my worries that Misty was getting too much spotlight (ironically so considering her personality, I might add) in Tell Your Tale. I addressed both sides of the issue while also keeping my demeanor calm while doing so. And fellow users responded in kind. There have also been plenty of other examples of people expressing their criticisms in a perfectly reasonable manner. That is the kind of discussion we should be encouraging. We should be expressing our beliefs in a civil and fair manner, so that people of both sides can feel comfortable responding to you without fear of harassment.

So please remember this going forward. I want people to feel comfortable discussing this generation no matter where on the opinion spectrum they stand, but rage-filled threads where the only purpose is to tear down and not contribute will not be tolerated. That’s all. I hope you’re all having a wonderful holiday season, no matter what you celebrate, and I’ll be seeing you guys soon. Thanks!

There's also the fact that G4 has shown no mercy to some villains as well, but you know what? I won't go further on my words because the last thing we need is a fight about dumb things, so I'll shut up right now.

Ditto Bronycommander's sentiment. I'm all for having less anger in the forums.

Stay safe and sane out there, Admiral!

I saw someone's blog talking about g5 and it really was hard for me
But its everyone's choice to like what they like

To me, if you don't like something, then just don't watch or talk about it, because nobody is forcing you to do so. There are plenty of things that I don't like or happen to be fond of, but you don't hear dumping on them. I can understand about some of the episodes feeling sort of random, but that's case for a lot of shows. Also, most shows don't have a distinctive format, so it's not as if this is something new.

The Blue EM2
Group Admin

Wise words, Admiral. This ship is in safe hands.

Group Admin

Yeah, I agree.

I agree with everything you said, Admiral. If we want to keep the peace, we have to keep these discussions as peaceful as possible.

I agree with this 100%. There are two people who I but heads quite often with who are not in the group that are exactly like as you described. Now admittedly I was apart of the problem too but I only got hostile when they got hostile. They didn’t like how I said it was not the writer’s fault and they won’t admit that it wasn’t bad but in fact that they just didn’t like it and there was no agenda against them. They always blame the how the writter’s ruin everything and just wouldn’t admit that maybe just maybe there was an advertising issue and that they just didn’t like it. It was going on for days, all over a character design change for the Pokémon Go app and a video game called Kill the Justice League.

Here’s the moral I think is best to take away from this: If you don’t like something and don’t want to watch it, that’s fine. But just because YOU don’t want to doesn’t mean NOBODY should watch or like it.

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