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So I’m currently almost finished with the first part of a two-part analysis video on Why G5 Does Not Have Wasted Potential (essentially me debunking this commonplace argument in great detail), and a thought experiment suddenly came to my mind. I’ve gone on record saying that Tell Your Tale Season 2 is so many leagues better than the first season to the point where saying that it’s even part of the same show that once gave us [the episode that shall not be named in this group] feels wrong. It’s got a serialized and continuous narrative, an emotional core for Sunny’s arc, lore, episodes that matter to the story, well-realized character development, redeeming characters that were once treated like shit (i.e: Sparky, Izzy, and Posey), so on and so forth. And while I think the latter half of Season 1 kinda hits those highs with the Misty-focused episodes, plus we did get some early season bangers to be fair, it still suffered from narrative problems that’s entirely the result of attaching itself as supplementary content to Make Your Mark. And so I thought…what if we removed the first season entirely from the equation? What if G5 was instead structured like this?

1. My Little Pony: A New Generation

2. My Little Pony: Make Your Mark

3. My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale Season 1 (literally just Season 2, but in this universe, the first season doesn’t exist)

How do you think G5 would fare if we just had this spectacular second season as our starting point for the show, therefore structuring it more like a story split into different chapters? If Tell Your Tale never had the baggage of attaching itself to its longer counterpart and instead began as a true sequel to that show like Season 2 was marketed as…what would happen? Would public perception of the series overall fare any better if THIS was their first impression of our 2D ponies? Personally, I think TYT would be looked upon a whole lot more favorably as certain elements of the first season left some people feeling empty and like the series was not worth their time, a sentiment that unfortunately carries over even though the show redeemed itself from some of its early growing pains (pun not intended). But what do you all think? Feel free to let me know. The success of this thought experiment may or may not influence me turning this thought experiment into its own dedicated video at some point, we’ll have to see. But type away! I’d love to see what you all think of this idea.

Group Admin

That's actually a really good way to structure G5!

Now that's a genius structure :D

That would certainly make things a bit easier to follow. Not that TYT season 1 is all garbage, it’s just that season 2 feels much more genuinely serious.

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