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After watching the recent Tell Your Tale episode I am started to get this feeling

It’s that since all of these season 2 episodes were already made in 2023 I have this gut feeling that the reason why they have made those episodes like with them teasing Skyros and Sunny’s Mom is that they didn’t know Make Your Mark was gonna end in 2023 and thought they were making these episodes to tease what was going to come in the Make Your Mark series if it was still going for 2024

I’m sure that made that episode teasing Skyros and Sunny and what happen to her mom plus a few other instances because they thought we Make Your Mark was gonna tackle these in its own episodes and leave it for that not knowing that Hasbro had well other plans for Make Your Mark

Tell Your Tale remember teased Misty’s redemption in Make Your Mark chapter 4 and Opaline’s defeat in Chapter 6 so it’s possibly this is the case

Group Admin

I never really thought about that before.

Group Admin

I had the same thought when we never witnessed Comet return after Season 1 of TYT. I think they were already working on Secrets of Starlight when the decision was made to axe MYM and they were gonna follow that up in future seasons.

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I personally disagree. Make Your Mark had a set end point since it was first launched (22 episodes and 4 specials). It was always going to end after that, and I think the Tell Your Tale staff knew this, as Season 2 so far has (mostly) more of a focus on story, lore, and some plot progression. It is the flagship show for the foreseeable future, and the season appears to have been developed with the knowledge that it was going to be the “one and only ponable content.” All major plot beats like the tapestry, the Nova Charm being shattered, so on and so forth, have happened in TYT itself, so that raises doubts in my mind that they were teasing anything to come in MYM. The way I see it, these plot beats will eventually have payoff. It’s just that the way TYT is structured as a series now is that it tries to balance plot and the “anything can happen” filler aspects, albeit to a lesser extent. So you gotta trudge through some of the less-plot relevant stuff in order to eventually get the payoff to these arcs way later on. At least that’s what it looks like.

7970205 Secrets of Starlight, so I heard, was going to be originally a stand alone special in a "Chapter 7" of MYM. That would explain why they introduced a new main character (Comet) and a new main villain (Allura). And they tacked it onto the end of Chapter 6 when MYM got cancelled.

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Can you show me where you heard this or link the article? Because from what I remember seeing on the original Atomic Cartoons pipeline screenshot in 2022, I find it hard to believe that MYM was ever prematurely “cancelled” like most people are saying it was as it was seemingly never meant to go beyond six chapters.

That might make a lot of sense!

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