The (Not So) Cynical Creators Guild 230 members · 997 stories
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The Cynical Brony
Group Admin

Much like the original, this is the place to put political posts so it doesn't clog up the rest of the group.

I think we should make multiple political threads so that the threads won't be painfully long.

Besides, the biggest causes of trouble won't partake this time over.

The Cynical Brony
Group Admin

I think just one will be fine, but we can sort it out.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

The old thread was "Post News, Political, And Religious Stuff Here". Is this still for news and religious stuff, too?

--Sweetie Belle

Group Contributor

6558083 Yes, it was. :heart:

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I can't follow any of the links, but I'm looking at a cached copy of the old group's forum page. :unsuresweetie:

--Sweetie Belle

The Cynical Brony
Group Admin

I don't think we need a forum. This place is a forum.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Well, yes. I'm just looking at what the old one looked like, and I'm trying to make sure of what used to be pinned and should be added.

--Sweetie Belle


Didn't we have a Collab Pinned Thread Promote self here thread

The Cynical Brony
Group Admin

Oh, I thought you meant the forum site Lyra made for the group that was separate. My bad.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Nope, just this.

--Sweetie Belle

Officer Hotpants
Group Admin

Poor Reaper. They put so much into that thread. In fact I'm fairly certain that their posts comprised about 30% of it, if not a little more.

Hello new thread. I will drown you with the same content I drowned the previous one.


Yeah, it's kind of painful. Thankfully, I've also post it on Unsafe Space and American Bronies but I don't plan on reposting everything back, that is just way too much.

How Can Trump DECREASE the US Trade DEFICIT?


When they get biased...

Chine Uncensored: Chinese Military Training for US Airstrikes

Is global warming still considered political, or what?

Matt Christiansen: On Matt Kavanaugh's Confirmation | Debunking the Greatest Lie Against Him

VisualPolitik EN: Why is the DOLLAR the world's RESERVE CURRENCY?

>Remembers that time when Venezuelan money was capable of competing against the Dollar

One day, we'll come back.

China Uncensored: Clinton Emails HACKED by China?!

The best part of the video, it recognizes the title being click bait.

The worst part of the video, they didn't made it a headline how Christians are being forced to become communist.

America Uncovered: People [Close] to TRUMP Are Going to PRISON

VisualPolitik EN: Does EUROPE need to have its OWN ARMY?

China Uncensored: Is Trump Winning the Trade War with China?

China Uncensored: POLE DANCERS at a Chinese Kindergarten?!

VisualPolitik EN: URUGUAY: a left-wing ROCKSTAR for LATIN America?

America Uncovered: 7 Things America's SPACE FORCE Will Need to Do

Officer Hotpants
Group Admin

Where was this woman when I was in high school? Do you have any idea how much harder I'd have worked in my classes if I knew this was waiting for honors students at the end of the year?

Are these two anyone in particular?

China Uncensored: China's SUPER AGGRESSIVE Spy Campaign

REPORT: Rapper Mac Miller reported DEAD at age 26.

Matt Christiansen: Feinstein v Kavanaugh on Gun Control | Debunking the Nonsense

VisualPolitik EN: North Korea, BUSINESS TIME?

Officer Hotpants
Group Admin

Go for it. Current thread is lagging compared to the old.

China Uncensored: Is China's Belt and Road DESTROYING Cambodia?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


--Sweetie Belle

And now another stoopid 9/11 pic, this time on derpibooru. I'm the other side of the planet, fortunate not to know any of the victims but I seem to have more empathy than a lot of America, WHY?

Huh, doesn't matter now, it's been deleted .... GOOD!

Topical question: Do you think a lot of modern cartoons are putting too much focus on diversity, or do you think it's just fanboys overreacting?

Probably both to be honest.

VisualPolitik EN: Dominican Republic, the BEST and the WORST of Latin America

America Uncovered: Serena WIlliams: Victim of Sexism or Sore Loser?

Colonel Jenna Cipher
Group Contributor

Save the internet.

Save the memes.

Christ alive... I guess no one with multi-million dollar bank accounts pays attention to Venezuela.

Notice how all these are celebrities probably never have the time to pay attention what’s going on or worry about being broke.

Also, I can confirm what Jim said about Canada is bullshit tourist propaganda. Multiple sources and comments say otherwise about his claims.


The thing with Canada is that what they have isn't socialism, it could be called Social Democracy at best (Capitalism with some socialist policies) but it isn't socialism, not even counting that the health system isn't perfect by any means and, as a Venezuelan, I assure you that the Venezuelans got angry when he said that.

Since I've seen a lot of people talking about the EU's Article 11 and 13 and comparing it with what the US's FCC did with the "Net Neutrality", I'll recommend you to look at this video that talks more about it. This isn't the same issue.

VisualPolitik EN: Net Neutrality, The END of the INTERNET?

Group Admin

Article 13 is what happens when you make a bloc like the EU and decide it is a good idea to put unelected bureaucrats that answer to no one in power.

Officer Hotpants
Group Admin


Same reason that fat people make more fat jokes.

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