The (Not So) Cynical Creators Guild 230 members · 997 stories
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America Uncovered: Trump's Not Going Anywhere | The Future of the Republican Party

Well, would you look at that. BTW, the five senators who voted as "constitutional" for Trump to be convicted or impeached despite no longer being in office are Mitt Romney (Utah), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Tom (Pennsylvania, re-elected thanks to Trump) and I forgot who the other two are.

Let's see if Trump's endorsement is going to work.

Also, they are covering the Gamestop issue on saturday.

If congress fails to convict Trump of sedition against the United States, they are effectively legalizing it. Laws must be enforced, or they are meaningless.

Any Republican that fails to convict Trump is announcing that they are, by definition, disloyal to the Constitution, and the oath they took. They are literal traitors.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Thing is that Diet Coke has Nutrasweet in it, and I really can't stand anything with aspertame. I tend to avoid a lot of artificial sweeteners if I can, really, though I'm all right with stevia.

I also just tend to think that the non diet versions of things will generally be better for you, and you're probably better off just getting normal versions of other things that aren't as bad for you if something needs a diet version. (Maybe drink a cup for tea instead?) Though this is for me. Other people can eat and drink whatever they want, and it's not that I never drink soda (though I'd rather have ginger ale, preferably with large quantities of real ginger.)... :unsuresweetie:

--Sweetie Belle

I've been reading a lot of books lately, & one of particular interest is The Language Police, written by Diane Ravitch, a research professor of education. It is about how authoritarian voices on both sides have created bizarre censorship standards of education.

The book opens with a chapter informing how this all began. It started at around 1997, when Bill Clinton proposed national tests for elementary school students. This didn’t come to pass in the time or the way that he initially suggested, but it made many people in charge of education throughout the country interested in reforming American education. During this time of reanalysis of education standards, Congress appointed many experts to supervise the NAEP, & these organization was called the NAGB. The author was appointed to this position herself, with hopes to, in theory, provide proper supervision in American education.

In practice, she found that it was the reverse; contractors were supervising the standards of the NAGB, scrutinizing what the NAGB was approving as approvable cirriculi on the national scale.

What the NAGB was doing back when people thought Bill Clinton’s VNT would come to pass was trying to find interesting educational books in order to make test questions that children could easily answer without said education being too dumbed down. They went through & approved of many short stories for children. Two years later, a contractor’s bias & sensitivity panel wrote to the NAGB participants recommending to remove the following stories for the following reasons:

The History and Uses of Peanuts.

The contractor’s panel requested to remove two short informational passages about peanuts, because “some people may be severely allergic to them” (Ravitch, pg 8) & because the term “African slave” was considered objectionable, because “the correct usage now is enslaved African”. (Ravitch, pg 9)

Women and Patchwork Quilting

The contractor’s panel requested the removal of a passage about 19th century frontier women teaching their daughters how to sew, viewing the very act of women sewing as “stereotypes of females as ‘soft’ and ‘submissive’”. (Ravitch, pg 9)

The Blind Mountain Climber

The contractor’s panel requested to drop a story about a blind young man who went to the very time of Mt. McKinley, because of “revional bias.” (Ravitch, pg 10) By this definition, regional bias means “no reading passage on a test may have a specific geographical setting; every event must occur in generic locale.” (Ravitch, pg 10) They also believed that some kind of ableism was at work here, rejecting the use of a blind man in the story because “it suggested that people who are blind are somehow ‘worse off’ and have a more difficult time facing dangers than those who are not blind.” (Ravitch, pg 10)

A Fable of Aesop

The contractor’s panel of reviewers recommended the removal of Aesop’s fable, The Fox & the Crow, because they thought it was sexist, since “the crow – a female – is vain and foolish, while the fox – a male – is intelligent and clever.” (Ravitch, pg 11)

A Native American Animal Fable Edited for American Students by William J. Bennett

William J. Bennett served as Secretary of Education under George H.W. Bush, & infamous for saying that the crime rate would go down if you were to abort every black baby, but also said that it would be an immoral thing to do; thing is, how many grade-schoolers know who he is? Apparently on value of these details, the contractors “suggested that Bennet’s name alone would be sufficient to distress man teachers and parents.” (Ravitch, pg 12)

A Biography of Gutzon Borglum

The contractor’s panel requested to drop his biography because “Mt. Rushmore is offensive to Native Americans.” (Ravitch, pg 12) They asserted that the monument was “an abomination to the Black Hills because many Lakota people consider the black hills to be a sacred place to pray.” (Ravitch, pg 12)

A Story about Growing up in Ancient Egypt

The contractor’s bias & sensitivity panel disliked this story because it mentioned the caste system of Ancient Egypt, claiming that the “references to wealth and class istinctions had an ‘elitist’ tone.” (Ravitch, pg 13)

An Informational Story about a Rotting Stump

There was a story about the symbiotic ecosystems that dwelt within a rotting stump that provided shelter to all manner of birds & insects, & hilariously, the panel disliked this one as well, because “it contained a negative, demeaning stereotype of apartments and people who live in them.” (Ravitch, pg 13) The bias committee was certain that “poor children who had grown up in a housing project would see themselves as insects living in a rotting tree stump if they red this passage.” (Ravitch, 14)

The Silly Old Lady

The bias panel rejected a story about an old lady who kept putting gadets on her bicycle because “women, and especially women at a certain age, must be depicted only in a positive light.” (Ravitch, 14)

There were many more…

Now this was just a contractor's sensitivity board, & this was back in the 1990s. The NAGB fortunately soundly rejected the requests. However, not all people are fortunate enough to be in such a position, & we’re going to continue into the book & see how much worse things got over time, as these kinds of standards became more crucial to state governments over the course of the 21st century’s first decade…

Officer Hotpants
Group Admin

Diet products really aren't necessary. Just drink less. I get that cutting something you like out entirely is a miserable experience but cutting back from four cokes a day to two should not be hard. If it's just general thirst that's the issue (like with me; I feel parched if I go more than an hour without something to drink) then just drink water in the interim. Hell, over the last year I've gone from drinking tons of tea and plenty of soda to mostly just drinking water with the occasional juice week. Not intentionally, mind you. I just kind of drifted in that direction without realizing it.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Exactly, though I'd probably tend to make it, say, a few sodas on the weekend. (And I do drink energy drinks, coffee, or other horrible stuff if I have to be awake for work and my body doesn't want to cooperate. I try to keep that down, though.)

One thing I do sometimes is save old glass juice containers, and take my electric water kettle, fill it with water tot he line, stick in some tea bags, boil it, then after letting it sit a bit, pour the tea into the containers, put it in the fridge and let it cool down (maybe in the freezer for a bit, but you have to be careful to remember you did that). Next day, you've got some good ice tea there, and there's no sugar unless you added it.

--Sweetie Belle

Officer Hotpants
Group Admin

I keep a pair of two gallon pitchers filled with tea for the house. Though lately I've been slacking since, for various reasons, nobody's been drinking it for the last few months. It probably helps that we have the best spring water out here. I redevelop an appreciation for it every time I have to leave and go somewhere with chalky or sulfurous or chemically treated or super mineral-heavy water.

Hey, does anyone know how the President would have reacted to the Wall Street vs Reddit and Gamestop fiasco if it had happened in 2016-2020 instead of right now?

Group Contributor

I got around to playing FF7 Remake in the last month and there's one scene I saw that really speaks to me about the issues we've been facing today.


Funny you say this when the Constitution says nothing on impeaching civilians who aren't holding public office. In other words, by impeaching/convicting Trump, now that he isn't a president, the Democrats are going against the Constitution itself.

No they aren't. Multiple Constitutional experts have all weighed in, and Trump cannot escape justice just because his cronies tried to run the clock out. It is absolutely Constitutional to continue an impeachment process even if the individual is no longer in office. The crime the impeachment was for does not vanish just because the man loses his position any more than you could get out of a murder rap by getting your boss to fire you from your dishwashing job. The Republican sycophants wanted such to be true... but it isn't.

Officer Hotpants
Group Admin

I didn't know Blade was in FF7.


Multiple Constitutional experts have all weighed in, and Trump cannot escape justice just because his cronies tried to run the clock out. It is absolutely Constitutional to continue an impeachment process even if the individual is no longer in office.

Oh, yeah? Did those "constitutional experts" mentioned that all the cases where the senate tried to impeach a figure that wasn't holding a public office weren't trialed because they weren't in public office? Did they explained how the Constitution allows to trial a private citizen when it says nothing of it?

Did they took into account the Supreme Court rejected any type of lawsuit against him now that he isn't holding public office?

The Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear a pair of emoluments lawsuits against former President Trump, ruling that the cases are moot now that he has left office.

Just because a legal expert says that it's possible doesn't mean he is correct. To just listen to someone because he says what you want to hear is just confirmation bias.

America Uncovered: GameStop: How Reddit Screwed Wall Street Hedge Funds

China Uncensored: China's New Anal Covid Test

Matt Christiansen: Robinhood CEO Tries to Explain His Way Out of the Gamestonk Ban | Also Denies All Explanations

America Uncovered: Biden Signs More Executive Actions Than Any New President

Oh, jolly, Biden doesn't look like it's going to fix the US democracy. If a President only fixates on removing executive orders form the previous one (also bypassing Congress) then he really isn't helping the nation, only pushing for a partisan ideology.

Viva Frei:

Trump's LACKLUSTRE Impeachment Response - Lawyer Explains

So lawyers from the left to the right agrees on this being abusive, interesting.

China Uncensored: Should the US Take Down China's Communist Leader Xi Jinping?

Gotta agree with Chris, going after Xi is a really bad idea.

Matt Christiansen: The White House Endorses Big Tech Censorship | At Least It’s a Private Jackboot

America Uncovered: Coup! Biden Faces Foreign Policy Challenge in Myanmar Coup

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

--Sweetie Belle

America Uncovered: Why China Is Stealing America's DNA | Solarwinds Hacking Explained

Officer Hotpants
Group Admin

That was genius.

America Uncovered: How HEdge Funds Manipulate The Market

To those who live in the US: How was this ending up being Bush's fault and not the Hedge Funds? Bails aside of course.

America Uncovered: Trump's Second Impeachment Trial Begins

Matt Christiansen: The Capitol Officer Murder Case Is Falling Apart | The Fire Extinguisher Story Didn’t Happen

America Uncovered: Democrats Push for 15$ Minimum Wage

Cowardly, fascist Republicans have, as expected, refused to convict Trump. No big surprise there, though I personally expected some of them might realize they are just as expendable to him as his own vice president was.

Trump must be stopped from ever holding any office ever again.

I've known my whole life that one day America would fall. I've understood that when it happens, it would happen from within, through betrayal and corruption by fascist, narrow, supremacist forces. Hell, the Founding Fathers themselves predicted just that.

I don't want that to happen in my time, though. Trumpism must be ended. It is the poison that will kill America, if it hasn't already.

I find all of this very depressing.

“There is no question that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day; the people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president.” - Senate Congressman Mitch McConnell (Republican), on February 13, 2021, immediately after voting not to convict Donald Trump for creating the very same insurrection that he is directly referring to.

The problem literally is Republicans.


The Republicans decided to not convict Trump because he didn't incited an insurrection, the Democrats never managed to prove it beyond reasonable doubt. Heck, the Democrats REFUSED to call witnesses (you know, that thing the Democrats complained to the GOP during the FIRST impeachment trial) and decided to make a conviction against a non-sitting president (which is unconstitutional)

The Republicans aren't Fascist, to call them Fascist is ignorant of what Fascism truly is like.

Also, if Mitch accused Trump of inciting an insurrection BUT decided to vote against said conviction, is because he knows that Trump is very popular on the GOP and he prefer to remain alive than risking his reelection.

America Uncovered: America GOT RE-ENGAGED!... to the UN Human Rights Council

I repeat:

“There is no question that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day; the people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president.” - Senate Leader, Congressman Mitch McConnell (Republican), on February 13, 2021, immediately after voting not to convict Donald Trump for creating the very same insurrection that he is directly referring to.

The problem literally is Republicans. They know Trump is guilty as hell, but they won't punish him. The Democrats and six Republicans knew they couldn't win an Impeachment conviction. That wasn't the reason they pursued the process. They did it for history. So it would be recorded that someone tried to do their Constitutional duty, even if it was hopeless against traitors. They didn't call witnesses, because the Republicans threatened to bury them in hundreds of useless witnesses of their own, and drag the entire congress down.

Trump wanted to be, like Putin, a president for life, a king, a dictator. And he almost won through a violent coup. America's democracy almost toppled. And the Republicans are okay with that. All they value is power. Not the Constitution, not law, not what is right. Just power. Trump wants to be a dictator, with absolute power over life and death.

A dictator is fascism.

Nobody wants you here. Nobody likes you. Nobody wants to hear your propaganda. Everyone is sick of radical right-wing bullshit and conspiracy mongering. We almost lost our country to Republican fascism and white supremacy. We almost had a violent overthrow of our government.

Just stop it.


That wasn't the reason they pursued the process. They did it for history. So it would be recorded that someone tried to do their Constitutional duty, even if it was hopeless against traitors.

"Do their constitutional duty" is a very loaded word when they never managed to prove that Trump broke the Constitution (quoting Mitch really proves nothing, only a Fallacy Ad Verecumdiam) and if those GOP members didn't feel like Trump broke the Constitution, then they didn't vote to convict him (RINOs aside) and, again, trying to say who is on the right side of history when you are in the present is just as loaded, Obama liked to talk a lot about being "on the right side of history" but now that he is history his presidency is very murky to say the least.

They didn't call witnesses, because the Republicans threatened to bury them in hundreds of useless witnesses of their own, and drag the entire congress down.

So the reason to remove any kind of judicial value to the senate trial, making it political as a whole, was because the GOP was going to call for witnesses, which would have helped to give the process a lot more legal validity? Sounds reasonable.

Trump wanted to be, like Putin, a president for life, a king, a dictator.

Yeah, because dictators call for peaceful protest against Capitol Hill and reject the violence in said protest. Also, if Trump wanted to be a King, he wouldn't have tried to work with Congress (both Democrats and Republicans).

A dictator is fascism.

Latin American here, we've seen all kinds of dictatorships: Fascism, Militarism, Communist, Socialist, Liberals, Conservatives, etc. Dictators aren't just Fascist, Trump never followed Fascist tactics (something that Far Left site VOX agrees with) but, sure, you clearly don't know how Fascism works, after all, you have never experienced it.

Nobody wants you here. Nobody likes you. Nobody wants to hear your propaganda.

THat is a big Fallacy of Generalization. I know I'm not very popular but that doesn't mean people doesn't agree with me or that "nobody wants you here", that kind of mindset is usually typical of intolerant figures who only want to push their own narrative while destroying anything that differs from them (Authoritarianism).

Everyone is sick of radical right-wing bullshit and conspiracy mongering.

Excuse me, but reading your post on this group, the one that has always been fearmongering about "white supremacy" and "radicalism" from the GOP has been you. All I do is share information that you accuse of being political propaganda (without proving it) and then attack the information that disagrees from your own.

You are pretty much like Chavistas down here.

Following the VOX article you site, it is easy to examine the Trumpist agenda. VOX's definition of fascism hinges on four points.

1. Membership in the nation was determined on a religious, ethnic, or racial basis.

Trump is a white supremacist, and has been since the 80's - I was there. His base today is Christian Nationalists who despise immigrants, and any other religion.

2. fascists shared a deep suspicion of capitalism, because it disrupted and divided national communities and destroyed national traditions.

While Trump himself is the ultimate capitalist, he created an image to his base that he would take care of the 'little people', and that he himself was one. This false image made him a person his base deeply believes will 'bring down' all the wealthy people for their benefit, and for the promotion of American tradition. In reality, he has done the opposite, but he cultivates this false image carefully.

3. fascists were deeply anti-liberal and anti-democratic. Liberalism was rejected for its promotion of individualism and individual rights, its emphasis on reason and rationality, its acceptance of pluralism, and its cosmopolitanism.

Trump's 'Alternative facts', science denial, loathing of the very word 'liberal', 'owning the libs', the open desire in his followers to get rid of democracy entirely because the 'wrong people' (people of color) would vote. Utter hatred for all forms of diversity. Distrust and distancing from all other nations 'America First'.

4. Fascists embraced violence as a means and an end. Fascism was revolutionary: It aimed not to reform but to destroy the modern world — and for this, a constant and probably violent struggle would be necessary. Violence was not merely the method through which revolution would be accomplished; it was valuable in and of itself, providing supporters with powerful “bonding” experiences and “cleansing” the nation of its weaknesses and decadence.

Literally everything done recently, and over the past several years, and more importantly, what the people doing all of that violence gave as the reason they were doing it: to cause a civil war to 'cleanse' America, to 'bring together' white people against their enemies - anyone not white and Christian - to force the valid election to be changed to their liking, to keep Trump in power, to 'own' the libs, to terrify those they felt weren't white enough or straight enough or Christian enough, to force a revolution against the direction America was changing. People being run over, people being shot, people being hung from trees, people being stabbed. People being beaten by mobs. Finally, the attempted coup at the capital.

By the very metrics that VOX argues that Trump is not fascist, but is instead a Populist, Trump absolutely fits all four definitions of fascism they provide. Their argument is spurious at best; it would be more correct to say that Trump is both a fascist and a right-wing populist at the same time. He uses all tactics for his one goal: to become an absolute dictator, a president for life, a despot. And his base want him to be just that, because they demand that he hang, imprison, or kill all of the liberal, rationalist, non-white, non Christian, non straight, and immigrant people they loathe and want to see destroyed. They want bloodshed and punishment, and they want an autocrat to make that happen. That is what they want from Trump.

VOX did a poor job, they did not think things through, they did not look at what is actually going on. I've never heard of VOX before today, I will not be returning.

I stand on everything I have stated.

Trump - and Trumpists - are the greatest threat to the continuation of the American experiment that it has ever faced, including the Civil War, and they must be stopped, their lies must be ended, and their propaganda is poison to democracy. Anyone who spreads their lies is a literal enemy of the American state.

China Uncensored: China's Big European Failure

Oh, look, something Trump managed to do: giving China a harder time into Europe.

Matt Christiansen: ‘Rona Stimulus Fraud Uncovered in the Billions | Just in Time for Another Round of Taxpayer Waste


Trump is a white supremacist, and has been since the 80's - I was there. His base today is Christian Nationalists who despise immigrants, and any other religion.

Trump isn't a White Nationalist, he has disavowed White Nationalist, like in Charlettsville and helped latinos, Asians and blacks. Case in point, Trump managed to earn more votes from Latinos and Blacks when compared to 2020, something that wouldn't have happened if Trump was a white supremacist.

Also, Christians aren't racist.

And, quoting VOX on the first point, both in Fascism and Populism:

First fascists were nationalists: They believed the nation, rather than individuals (like liberals) or classes (like Marxists), was the key actor in political life; that it existed above or separate from the citizens composing it; and that it had a special mission or “soul” that needed to be nurtured and protected from internal and external enemies.

First, while contemporary populists often extol things like “national sovereignty” (see Brexit) and the importance of national values and communities, they rarely present the nation as an “organic entity” existing above or beyond the people. And “the people” tend to be defined on the basis of shared customs, traditions, and behaviors, rather than on purely racial or ethnic grounds. Populists are thus more often xenophobic than racist.

So, no, no Fascism there.

While Trump himself is the ultimate capitalist, he created an image to his base that he would take care of the 'little people', and that he himself was one. This false image made him a person his base deeply believes will 'bring down' all the wealthy people for their benefit, and for the promotion of American tradition.

He never did, that was Bernie Sanders (so, according to your rationale, Bernie Sanders has similariteis to Fascism?) and, again, using Vox

Second, fascists shared a deep suspicion of capitalism, because it disrupted and divided national communities and destroyed national traditions. They therefore advocated a level of state intervention in the economy surpassed only by the contemporary Soviet Union.

Second, while populists are often critical of free market, globalized capitalism, their disapproval is more muted and selective than that of true fascists, and they advocate nowhere near the type of state intervention in the economy that Mussolini or Hitler, for example, did. Trump’s intervention to save a few hundred jobs in an air conditioning factory in Indiana may run afoul of free market principles, but it hardly amounts to the type of wholesale rethinking of the relationship between states and capitalism offered by interwar fascists and National Socialists.

Again, Populism, not Fascism.

Trump's 'Alternative facts', science denial, loathing of the very word 'liberal', 'owning the libs', the open desire in his followers to get rid of democracy entirely because the 'wrong people' (people of color) would vote. Utter hatred for all forms of diversity. Distrust and distancing from all other nations 'America First'.

Trump never denied the Science (in fact, he followed Antoni Fauci's advises) and I'll remind you that Science isn't monolithic, heck, some scientist care more about politics (like "Green Energy") than actual science. Not only that, but if Trump wanted to get rid of democracy he would've never supported elections in the first place (like Hitler or Mussolini) but, rather, he decided to mobilize his base as much as possible to win through the elections. Also, Trump didn't have hatred of "forms of diversity", heck, he allowed Trans to be in the military IF they were already transitioned, what he banned was the Trans from using the military to pay for their transitioninig processes.

FInally, Trump didn't distanced the US from its allies, he got very well with Israel (unless you think Israel isn't the US' ally), Australia, Brazil (both before and after Bolsonaro), Argentina (under Macri), Paraguay, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, etc. He also got along, or helped, the Arab Emirates, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, etc.

Europe isn't the only ally to the US.

And, again, quoting Vox:

Third, populists claim to speak in the name of the “the people,” and often demonize those disagreeing with them. They are thus inherently anti-pluralist, dismissive of the rights of minorities and the legitimacy of alternative viewpoints. Populism is therefore illiberal, but not necessarily anti-democratic. Indeed, populists claim to want to improve democracy, at least as they define it — to rid it of corruption and inefficiency and make it more responsive to “the people.” For this reason, unlike fascists, they offer no alternative to democracy, other than moving it from its liberal version to an illiberal or majoritarian one.

Literally everything done recently, and over the past several years, and more importantly, what the people doing all of that violence gave as the reason they were doing it: to cause a civil war to 'cleanse' America, to 'bring together' white people against their enemies (...) People being run over, people being shot, people being hung from trees, people being stabbed. People being beaten by mobs. Finally, the attempted coup at the capital.

The people being beaten by mobs were right wing and the mobs were ANTIFA, the people who were attacked during the George Floyd protest were attacked by local or state cops (and mostly in Democrat states), Trump had literally nothing to do with it, you are literally accusing Trump of EVERYTHING the Far Left, like ANTIFA, did during 2020 and, regarding the storming of Capitol Hill (because you cannot prove that it was a coup attempt) Trump told them to go home" when it started to get violent.

Trump - and Trumpists - are the greatest threat to the continuation of the American experiment that it has ever faced, including the Civil War, and they must be stopped, their lies must be ended, and their propaganda is poison to democracy. Anyone who spreads their lies is a literal enemy of the American state.

You are literally repeating a Fascist narrative: there is an enemy that must be stopped and ended because it destroy your definition of "democracy" and anyone who disagrees with you is an enemy, including those 75 million (if not more) that voted for Trump and I'm certain there's a good share of Biden voters who don't agree with your narrative.

You truly are full of the cool-aide, aren't you?

We're done.


You truly are full of the cool-aide, aren't you?

"Cachicamo llamando a morrocoy conchudo"

Maybe I'm an armadillo, but at least I'm not keeping my head inside my shell, hiding in my delusions and knowing nothing, Mister Tortoise.


You really missed the point. The saying is about how a person is accusing another one of the very same thing you are doing, in other words, it's a creole way of calling you hypocrite. Granted, this take

Maybe I'm an armadillo, but at least I'm not keeping my head inside my shell, hiding in my delusions and knowing nothing

It's quite a projection from your own views. In psychology, people tend to accuse others of what they, themselves, are either doing or capable of doing.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Have I ever mentioned how glad I am that all of this gets confined to just this thread in this group? :unsuresweetie:

--Sweetie Belle

America Uncovered: Cuomo's New York Nursing Home Covid Cover Up

Matt Christiansen: Pay the Murderers Not to Murder | The Genius Plan to End Baltimore's Violent Crime

America Uncovered: Biden Defends China's Genocide -- Wait, Is That True?!

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Did you know this was the first official coin in circulation in the United States, only minted one year, and designed by Benjamin Franklin?

I kinda like how it says "Mind Your Business" instead of "In God We Trust"...

--Sweetie Belle

Our motto was basically 'we are one' for most of our history. 'In God we Trust' is actually cold war propaganda meant to drive a wedge between people and promote war.

Officer Hotpants
Group Admin

And why didn't we keep this, exactly? A coin that tells people to fuck off is everything I've ever wanted in a coin (besides gold & silver).


"Mind your Business" means more like "Be diligent in your work" in this case. I suppose that's at least more on topic than what we have now, still.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

We do still have "E Pluribus Unum" in places, like this bat quarter, since Latin is fancier.

I'm good with it with either interpretation!

Looking at this, it kinda sounds like they picked the wrong person to make them. Guess that's what you get when you award the contract to the guy that bribes you...

--Sweetie Belle

America Uncovered: How Facebook Censors “Political” Content | Facebook Bans Australian News

Every election fraud lawsuit has been dismissed by the supreme court. But maybe Trump can still prove it was rigged!

America Uncovered: Supreme Court REJECTS Trump's 2020 Election Lawsuits

For those who plans to comment and NEVER watch the video: The Supreme Court never gave a reason as to why not to review (not even sentence) the Pennsylvania (or any of Trump's) lawsuits, which means it wasn't ruled on the merits (heck, not even standing) so fraud was never "proven false" and, considering Slate was saying that Amy and Kavanaugh were going to side with Trump, I think it's fair to call that site "Fake News".

Thomas is correct.

So when is Trump going to prove the election was rigged then?

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