The (Not So) Cynical Creators Guild 231 members · 1,000 stories
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China Uncensored: Surviving a Uyghur Concentration Camp in China | Abduweli Ayup

Matt Christiansen: The Boulder Shooting | Before the Facts Are Out, the Lies Are Already Sprinting

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Well, things are happening in Georgia...

Georgia Representative Park Cannon was arrested for knocking on Governor Brian Kemp's door while he was signing a bill, and charged with a felony.

That bill was a voter suppression act.

So, "The new law imposes new voter identification requirements for absentee ballots, empowers state officials to take over local elections boards, limits the use of ballot drop boxes and makes it a crime to approach voters in line to give them food and water.". Remember how Georgia shut down so many polling places that there were miles long lines with people standing in line all day to vote? Now you won't be able to give them food and water while that's happening!

Oh, it also has measures that "will allow any Georgian to lodge an unlimited number of challenges to voter registrations and eligibility". Imagine that. Anyone can go and challenge your right to vote repeatedly. Every member of the local KKK could go and challenge the right of all the black people in their neighborhood to vote, and do it over and over again...

--Sweetie Belle

An observation and an obvious question that stems from it which thus far has remained unanswered:

After every mass shooting, Republicans keep saying it’s not the time to talk about gun control.
If not then, when? When will it be time to talk about gun control?

Frankly, it looks to me like stall tactics, trying to wait for the public to be distracted by the next thing and then gun control talks are buried and forgotten.
A person is about as likely to be mugged in London as New York, but with guns in New York but not London, the odds of dying during a mugging are a great many times higher in New York than London (54x, if the data’s accurate). You can’t pretend this is a coincidence.

When will it be time to talk about gun control? I demand a clear answer. And if they refuse to respond clearly, then it is certain the Republicans intend to shelve the issue no matter what, no matter how many die, no matter where, no matter when, no matter who.
Try to tell me I’m wrong.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Never, obviously. They want you to forget about it.

The trouble is that mass shootings are happening so often these days that you won't forget about it, and you'll still be in the "not the time" period from the last shooting when the next one happens.

--Sweetie Belle


When will it be time to talk about gun control?

They want you to forget about it.

Gun Control is an old reactionary position (Marx himself straight up said that anyone who wanted to promote it should be resisted at all costs as has many revolutionary and reformist socialists) thats gotten rehabilitated by modern liberalism. Its also an attempt to never address the fact that the current economic paradigmof our modern parties and the austerity they both promote is in fact the fucking reason this is a thing.

Nearly every other nation with a comparably high amount of private gun ownership does not have this issue. We only have the issue because of our gutted walfare and social services creates an perfect hotbed.

I mean... it says something that when America had a semi-developed walfare syatem and a Keynesian Capitalism in the 50-70s we didn't have a mass shooting epidemic despite it technically being legal to own full automatic weapons in several states. Its only become an issue as we ripped it apart in the 90s and 00s with it barely existing in the 10s.


That bill was a voter suppression act.

Voter suppression is literally American Democracy. Hell, even the supposed cure HR1 is just a reaffirmation of the two party system even if its heavily kneecapping the one thats artificially kept up.

I don't know if you know this but most of the population that can vote don't. Hell, even last election neither party broke 25% of the population.

America has always been minority ruled and thats because the actual cure for the danm system which is anything other then First Past the Post, would effectively lead to the Dem and GOP giving up power and being forced to work with party they don't like... and thats not each other. They actually like each other seeing how neither will ever run the risk of undoing the system they both benefit from.


Nearly every other nation with a comparably high amount of private gun ownership

Who else comes close? We have not even a twentieth of the world’s population, but own nearly half of the privately-owned firearms. There’s no second place with that much a lead. Welfare has nothing to do with it; it’s another distraction away from the root of the problem: there are too many guns in the US. Your argument is invalid, and you successfully proved my point.


We have not even a twentieth of the world’s population, but own nearly half of the privately-owned firearms.

Thats because gun buying it brought on be the fear of gun taking and gun control. Its a stupid cycle... and rather pointless as anyone with sufficient understanding of how to make tools can and indead hace created guns equal to the AR-15.

there are too many guns in the US. Your argument is invalid, and you successfully proved my point

Thats not an argument nor did I prove your flawed and reactionary point. Your point is based on a cyclical logic of to many guns causing the violence which is a flawed understanding of underlying factors which is brought on by the Neoliberal hell ae live in.

A hell which Democrats kept alive hence the reaction of the DSA, Jusrice Dems, MPP, who actually demand walfare, free healthcare and economic reform which deal with underlying issues that makes both gun violence so common... and would stop the feedback loop of this.

Thats because gun buying it brought on be the fear of gun taking and gun control.

God Dem establishment voters run on self-functioning logic.

And yes Gun Control is reactionary. Its origins and in fact the group most effected negatively by Gun Control are African Americans... in fact the reaction to the Black Panthers arming up to check unjustified cop killings is why the first Gun Control law was enacted. Thats just in America beyond this nation gun control tends to be a right-wing position owing to the fact that the most likely people to want it are the existing power structures that gate the concept of revolution. With opposition to gun control being the left-wing position.

"Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempts to disarm the people must be stopped, by force if necessary" ~ Karl Marx


Oh by the way. Thanks for the down votes. Can't fucking take a left-wing criticism to a reactionary policy.

No wonder liberalism is decaying into fascism.

America Uncovered: North Korea Missiles: How Will Biden React?

Forgien policy wise not much. Biden was always a warmonger (we literally have recordings of him wiping the senate dems into war, and he served as VP to a guy who expanded Bush wars with his own) obsessed with saber rattling anyone he can make.

Really, the issue will be how far he pushes with war threats as that will just break him.


I don't have much hopes for him on that front, he came to the presidency thinking that dictators like Kim, Xi and Iran can be talked with and pressured with his allies ignoring that Trump was the way he was to either push them back or keeping them in check.

America Uncovered: Is the Government Giving Luxury Hotel Rooms to Illegal Immigrants?

Matt Christiansen: The Texas 'Death Warrant' That Wasn't | No Masks, No Lockdowns, No Surge

America Uncovered: Us Military Goes WOKE Against Extremism?

China Uncensored: China Prepares for War with US Over Taiwan

Again someone mad that I spoke whats literally been the left-wing criticism of the President.


Look at the bright side, if that person is willing to dedicate itself to dislike anything we post, it means we are important to said person.

America Uncovered: Nike SUES Lil Nas X for SATAN SHOES | Biden Cancels Student Loan Debt

China Uncensored: China Iran Deal Makes the U.S. Weak

China Uncensored: China Triggers Outrage Over Xinjian Cotton Boycott

Viva Frei: Judge Declares Michigan Absentee Ballot Guidance ILLEGAL

America Uncovered: Biden Proposes $2 Trillion "Infrastructure" Plan

I can't wait to see someone down voting this. Especially given Biden plan... is even to the right of Manchin.. who wanted what 5 trillion?

Oh and the plan for ten years. Obama dreams he could be this much of a fool.


Gotta admit, it feels cool to know I have such a dedicated fan to downvote me.

Viva Frei: HL-143: Matt Gaetz Scandal EXPLAINED

America Uncovered: “Vaccine Passports”: Reasonable Safety Measure or Techno Dystopia?

China Uncensored: Spy Plane Crash: How U.S. & China Almost Went to War

America Uncovered: Georgia Gets Canceled Over Voting Law | Trump Cancels the Cancelers

America Uncovered: Jordan Peterson Is RED SKULL in new Captain America | Georgia Voting Law

China Uncensored: American Greed Helps China's Military Rise

China Uncensored: Chinese Police Rip People from Motorcycles and Steal Scooters

... who is downvoting something about China? The only people I've seen get mad about that are tankies... and fascists.


Probably someone who hates me so much that is willing to downvote anything I put. There are sad people like that on the internet.

America Uncovered: Is Biden Trying to Ban Guns?

I would say hyperbole... but his ATF pick is connected to Waco, tried to pushed a conspiracy theory, and is a gun grabber.

Yeah he will try... not going to end up endearing him to parts of his voting base though and especially minority groups whp are turning aganist gun control because of you know... the negative relationship with police

China Uncensored Will China's Digital Yuan Kill the US Dollar?

Matt Christiansen: The Videos From Last Week That Youtube Banned | No - I Didn't Die -

America Uncovered: How Bad Is the New Border Crisis?

So Democrats are bringing up packing the court. A literal nuclear option that has a very slim chance of passing the senate, on account at least 8 dem senators including the newly elected Jon ossoff are against mixed with the filibuster being a thing, and is really being done as a carrot for 2022.

Now on the insanely small chance it does pass... well goodbye to America. There is a reason its a nuclear option. Its so partisan that the Republicans literally have no choice but to use their own. Seccession, which no will not end up like the Civil War in the 1860s.

That cuvil war was largely ignored by the world at the time because America was not worth the attention nor were theur any economic or political ramifications on the outcome globally. This is 2021 the worlds largest military alliance abd the seat of global trade/economy is the USA. Any civil now should realistically trigger World War 3 as every nation on earth moves to join the conflict.

Regardless of the outcome the USA hegemony is gone, its reduced to barely being a great power at its most luckiest (in otherwords not happening) and will be forced to deal with the decades of rebuilding and social reintegration that will never succeed. Without the Hegemon the world (assuming it isn't im a free for all) will start flaring up as decade old rivalries and political repressions boil over until a new hegemon arises.

The Iranian deal is truly and utterly dead. Our reaffirming of commitment to Israel a day before they lauched an attack on Iran mixed with our continued stalemate has done enoigh. They move to 60% uranium enrichment. This is literally Biden's fault as all he had to do was agree to lift the sanctions Trump placed on them instead of this.

Anyway, if your in Afghanistan right now... I think we know were you will be redeployed soon.

... oh and by the way Ukraine about to attack Russia ober Crimea. NATO might back them. Enjoy ww3.

America Uncovered: Biden Orders Commission on Supreme Court | Court Packing and Term Limits

China Uncensored: China's "Combat Training" Against Taiwan

China Uncensored: YouTube Helps Cover Up China's Atrocities

America Uncovered: Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Paused Over Blood Clots | Daunte Wright Shooting

Matt Christiansen: The Adam Toledo Police Shooting | Much More Complicated Than the 'Unarmed' Reactions Claim

China Uncensored: Uyghur Official Sentenced to Death for Unpatriotic Textbook

VisualPolitik EN: PUTIN, MERKEL, BIDEN and the pipeline of DISCORDY

Viva Frei: Google's Massive Strategic Error Against Rumble?

Hey so Russia expelled American diplomats and increased their troops in Crimea. Anyway, we're esculating with Russia much like if anyone paying attention in 2016 Hillary said she would.

... Why the hell are we saber rattling with a god danm nuclear power?! What? Does our old leaders want to test to see if they can actually do the whole "Beating the Soviets in a War" nonsense they fantasized about as kids?!


Egh, it's not like Russia is a nation respectable of HHRR. The real issue is that the US is saber rattling with Russia AND CHINA at the same time, Germany never won against two enemies and the US cannot win against two superpowers alone (let's be honest, Germany would rather help Russia, if that allows them to have gas, than helping the US) and I doubt many would help the US fighting against China and Russia.

Oh look, so blacks have Voter IDs.

Before anyone say "Fox News = Fake News" I'll tell you "Fallacy Ad-Hominem".

Guilty as charged. No idea why the guy didn’t opt for a plea bargain with how they had all-but the confession.

America Uncovered: Why Is Russia Putting Troops on Ukraine's Border

Remember when Trump was criticized for being weak on Russia?

Matt Christiansen: My Chauvin Verdict Reaction & the Video I Made Right Before the Verdict's Announcement

America Uncovered: Will Biden End the War in Asghanistan?

China Uncensored: China's Global Fishing Wrecks Economies and the Ocean

America Uncovered: Biden Meets Japanese Primer Minister | United Against China?

China Uncensored: Tesla's China Honeymoon is Over | Australia Abandons Belt and Road

Matt Christiansen: The New Mexico Police Officer Gunned Down by a Drug Runner | A Much Deeper Story

China Uncensored: "It Will Be Bloody"--Philippines' South China Sea Warning

America Uncovered: Derek Chauvin Verdict | Did Maxine Waters Encourage Riots?

China Uncensored: National Security Education Day "Celebrated" in Hong Kong

America Uncovered: Biden Endorses D.C. Statehood | Will We Have 51 States?

As usual, the Democrats don't care about representation, they only care about power, otherwise, they would have supported the Republican bill to allow DC residents to vote in Maryland.

Oh great. Now we're firing at Iran ships. You know the deal is still going nowhere and elections for Iran president is getting closer and closer. With each momth nothing happens due to a stalemate or actions like this the future of the deal looks less and less possible.

But between this and the esculation with Russia its great knowing neocons get what they want... that parts sarcasm.

Matt Christiansen: The Excess Deaths of 2020 | 'If It Saves Just One Life'... Cost a Lot of Lives

America Uncovered: Can We Stop Gun Violence Without Gun Control?

China Uncensored: China is Terrified of Olympic Boycott

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