The (Not So) Cynical Creators Guild 231 members · 1,000 stories
Comments ( 4 )
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Hi. It's been a while, hasn't it? If I recall the last time I was on was some time during the mid of 2020. Its been a helluva few years huh?

I mostly decided to hop back on this site on a whim. see what the old crew was up too, and maybe explain what I've been up to.

Currently I am still employed at the hospital kitchen I've been working at since 2019 and recently got a raise, putting me at around $19 an hour. Its not exactly super fulfilling work but it keeps me fed and housed well enough so I'm willing to endure it.

I Have picked up a couple new hobbies in these last few years! DnD and as well as gunpla. Very fun. I highly recommend DnD if you somehow havent tried it before and gunpla is so good I'm shocked a former bionicle kid like me didnt get into it sooner.

As far as games im playing I've mostly given up on Team Fortress 2. The Bot crisis that has been going on since the source code leak shows no signs of stopping and the only "Significant" change made has been updating the game to 64 bits. What I have been playing mostly are coop games, Namely Helldivers 2 and Deep Rock Galactic on steam so thats good.

in more serious news, I kicked the person who had been grooming me since I was a teenager out of my life. I cut him off in late 2020 and havent heard from him in years now. I'd rather not divulge too much information here regarding it since I would mostly like to move on with my life but I am happier with him gone.

Am I gonna be back to using this site regularly? I don't know, I'm not sure theres anyone on here that I was that close with that hasnt followed me onto other social media. If you'd like to chat, Feel free to reply to this forum post. I may head to bed soon but I will respond to every message in the morning and additionally feel free to add me on steam (Steam name is Wyvernized) and follow me on twitter @Wyvernized where I am most active.

Thank you all for reading /)

Glad to see you still around

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Yep, it's been a bit!

Honestly, this group isn't that active any more. Most of the activity moved to the Insane Creators Guild over time.

Nice to see you around! Dnd can definitely be fun.

--Sweetie Belle

Group Contributor

Good to hear from you again. Glad you are doing well.

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